Name Vatsala
Meaning Affectionate, Gentle
Gender Girl
Religion Hindu
Numerology 4
Length 3.5
Zodiac Sign Taurus

Vatsala Meaning

Vatsala The name is considered very beautiful. Not only this, its meaning is also very good. Let us tell you that the meaning of the name Vatsala is Affectionate, Gentle. Having Affectionate, Gentle is considered very good and this is also reflected in the people named Vatsala. Let us tell you that by naming your baby Vatsala, you can increase the positive possibilities in her life. Because of the meaning of the name, people named Vatsala are very much liked in society. It is believed that if your name is Vatsala and its meaning is Affectionate, Gentle, then it also has a deep impact on the personality of the person. Further, the zodiac sign and lucky number of the name Vatsala or the Affectionate, Gentle of the name Vatsala are explained in detail.

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Vatsala's Lucky Number

The lucky number of girls named Vatsala is 6 and the ruling planet is Venus. The lucky number of girls with the name Vatsala is 6, they are attractive. Even if they have to work hard at the beginning of any work, they get success in it. Girls named Vatsala do not lack patience, they are also fond of traveling. Girls named Vatsala with the lucky number 6 may get a chance to travel abroad. People named Vatsala get immense love from their parents.

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Vatsala Personality

Taurus is the zodiac sign of a woman/girl named Vatsala. Taurus women with the name Vatsala are passionate about friends, jobs, work, and everything around them. They are quite honest by nature. Girls named Vatsala do not like any kind of change in their life. Girls with the name Vatsala of the Aries zodiac sign do not like change, hence they often become stubborn. Despite being stubborn, girls named Vatsala are very cheerful, tolerant, and trustworthy. Women named Vatsala can be trusted blindly.

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Vatsala's zodiac Taurus Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Vidu Lord Vishnu, Intelligent Hindu
Vidul The Moon Hindu
Vidula The Moon Hindu
Vidun Beautiful Hindu
Vidur Wise, A friend of Lord Krishna Hindu
Vidura (Son of Vyasa and a palace maidservant; Brother to Dhritarstra and Pandu; counsel to the King of Hatinapur. Vidura was said to be an expansion of Yamaraja, the lord of justice.) Hindu
Vidurya The cats-eye gem Hindu
Vidushi Learned Hindu
Vidvan Scholar Hindu
Vidvatam Lord Shiva, He who has got the unsurpassable and all-inclusive knowledge of everything Hindu
Vidvathi Scholar Hindu
Vidwath Highly qualified, Most brilliant Hindu
Vidya Knowledge, Learning Hindu
Vidyacharan Learned Hindu
Vidyadevi Goddess of knowledge Hindu
Vidyadhar Full of knowledge Hindu
Vidyadhari Highly qualified, Most brilliant Hindu
Vidyalakshmi Vidya - knowledge, Lakshmi - Goddess Lakshmi Hindu
Vidyan Hindu
Vidyanand One who is Happy with knowledge Hindu
Vidyaprakash Knowledge of light, The person who give the knowledge to the world Hindu
Vidyaranya Forest of knowledge Hindu
Vidyasagar Ocean of learning Hindu
Vidyasri Wisdom, Knowledge, Learning, Goddess Durga Hindu
Vidyavaridhi God of wisdom Hindu
Vidyesh Vidya--education esh-ishwar--god --god of education Hindu
Vidyul Lightning Hindu
Vidyut A flash of lightening, Brilliant Hindu
Vidyuth A flash of lightening, Brilliant Hindu
Vidyutprabha Lightening flash Hindu
Vienna Hindu
Vigash Rich gem Hindu
Vighnavinashanaya Destroyer of all obstacle s and impediments Hindu
Vighnahara Remover of obstacles Hindu
Vighnajit Lord Ganesh, Conqueror of obstacles Hindu
Vighnaraj An epithet of Lord Ganesh Hindu
Vighnaraja Lord of all hindrance Hindu
Vighnarajendra Lord of all obstacles Hindu
Vighnavinashanaya Destroyer of all obstacle s and impediments Hindu
Vighnesh Lord Ganesh, Name of those who have attained a particular degree of emancipation Hindu
Vighneshwar Lord of supreme knowledge Hindu
Vignaharta Demolisher of obstacles Hindu
Vignesh Lord Ganesh, Name of those who have attained a particular degree of emancipation Hindu
Vigneshwara Lord of all obstacles Hindu
Vigneshwaran Lord Ganesh, Name of those who have attained a particular degree of emancipation Hindu
Vigneswaran Lord Ganesh, Name of those who have attained a particular degree of emancipation Hindu
Vignya Obstacle Hindu
Vigrah Lord Shiva, Extension, Expansion, Independent, Shape, Form, The body, Image, Idol, Name of Shiva, War, Dissolve, Encounter Hindu
Viha Heaven, Peace, Morning, Dawn Hindu
Vihaa Heaven, Peace, Morning, Dawn Hindu