Dr. Indal Chauhan


About Me About Dr. Indal Chauhan

She has been practicing medicine for over 2 years. Dr. Indal Chauhan is known for excellence in Stroke, Sleep Disorders . She is also well-versed in Seizures , Movement Disorders. Dr. Indal Chauhan has experience in offering Memory Loss, Neuromuscular Disorders, too.Besides being affiliated with many hospitals, she has been professionally active in other important ways. She earned her MBBS from . Thereafter, Dr. Indal Chauhan earned MD from and DNB from Government Dharmapuri Medical College, Dharmapuri.

education Education

  • MBBS -
  • MD - 2016
  • DNBGovernment Dharmapuri Medical College, Dharmapuri - 2019
  • DNBgovernment institute of medical sciences - 2019

Common questions & answers about Dr. Indal Chauhan

Q: How many years of experience does Dr. Indal Chauhan have?

A: Dr. Indal Chauhan has 2 years of experiences in the field of Other.

Q: How to make an appointment with Dr. Indal Chauhan?

A: You can take an appointment with Dr. Indal Chauhan for online consultation or for an in-clinic visit via myUpchar - just click on "Book an appointment" above!

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