Smith & Nephew Jelonet Paraffin Gauze Dressing (10x10 cm)

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20 Bandages in 1 Combo Pack
₹ 140 ₹205 31% OFF Save: ₹65
20 BANDAGES 1 Combo Pack ₹ 140 ₹205 31% OFF Save: ₹65
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Smith & Nephew Jelonet Paraffin Gauze Dressing (10x10 cm) Information

Smith & Nephew Jelonet Paraffin Gauze Dressing -

- Wound Healing: Smith & Nephew Jelonet Paraffin Gauze Dressing (10x10cm) facilitates wound healing by creating a moist environment, preventing scab formation, and minimizing pain during dressing changes.
- Burns and Scalds: It is ideal for first and second-degree burns, as it soothes the affected area while preventing infections.
- Surgical Sites: This dressing is used on surgical wounds to reduce the risk of infection and promote faster healing.
- Skin Donor Sites: Jelonet is often applied to skin donor sites, aiding in graft retention and preventing adhesion to the dressing.
- Ulcers and Pressure Sores: It's beneficial in managing chronic wounds, such as ulcers and pressure sores, by promoting granulation tissue formation.

Smith & Nephew Jelonet Paraffin Gauze Dressing (10x10 cm) Side Effects

No side effects of Smith & Nephew Jelonet Paraffin Gauze Dressing have been reported in the medical literature. However, you should always consult your doctor before using Smith & Nephew Jelonet Paraffin Gauze Dressing.

How to use Smith & Nephew Jelonet Paraffin Gauze Dressing (10x10 cm)?

  • Pour some of Smith & Nephew Jelonet Paraffin Gauze Dressing (10x10 cm) onto the palm of your hands and massage it over your penis.

General precautions for Smith & Nephew Jelonet Paraffin Gauze Dressing (10x10 cm)

  1. Use water at room temperature or lukewarm water to wash your hands.
  2. Gently wipe and cleanse the affected area before applying Smith & Nephew Jelonet Paraffin Gauze Dressing (10x10 cm).
  3. Use Smith & Nephew Jelonet Paraffin Gauze Dressing (10x10 cm) as per the prescription of your doctor. Do not overuse it.
  4. Do not refridgerate the Smith & Nephew Jelonet Paraffin Gauze Dressing (10x10 cm). Make sure you keep it in a cool and dry place.
  5. You must talk to your doctor in case of an allergic reaction due to the Smith & Nephew Jelonet Paraffin Gauze Dressing (10x10 cm).

This medicine data has been created by -

Dr. Braj Bhushan Ojha

BAMS, Gastroenterology, Dermatology, Psychiatry, Ayurveda, Sexology, Diabetology
10 Years of Experience

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₹140 ₹205.0 31% OFF
20 Bandages in 1 Combo Pack