Why do split ends occur?

Become a common problem

Split ends have become a common problem, which occurs due to damage to the outer layer of the hair. There can be many reasons for damage to this layer.

Hair styling tools

Straightening or curling iron makes hair look good, but it also causes damage hair. Due to this, moisture in the hair is lost and the hair becomes split.


In rebounding, chemical treatment of your hair is done. Because of these chemicals, your hair can become split.

Hair dryer

The hot air coming out of the hair dryer can take away the moisture and shine from your hair, due to which the hair can split.

Hair color

The chemicals present in hair color can harm your hair. Poor quality color can especially cause split ends.

Wrong shampoo

Always choose shampoo according to your hair type. Once you find the right shampoo, don't change it. The wrong shampoo can cause split ends.

Detangling hair incorrectly

Comb your hair gently and never comb wet hair. Improper drying or combing can cause split ends in your hair.

For the problem of split ends, use Kesh Art Bhringraj Hair Oil.

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