Conjunctiva is a thin transparent layer of tissue which lines the inside of the eyelids and the white part of the eye. Inflammation or swelling of the conjunctiva is referred to as conjunctivitis. Since conjunctivitis causes the white part of the eye to turn pink or red, it is commonly called ‘pink eye’.

Conjunctivitis is usually a minor self-limiting eye infection, but sometimes it develops into a serious condition. The condition can affect one or both eyes and may be caused by a viral infection or bacterial infection or an allergic reaction to irritants such as pollen or smoke in the air.

Based on the patient’s history, symptoms and eye examination, the doctor can often determine the cause of conjunctivitis. However, sometimes it becomes difficult to ascertain the exact cause, so laboratory testing may be needed.

Conjunctivitis usually resolves itself in a while, however, treatment is needed in some cases and depends on the underlying cause. The active ingredient in conventional over-the-counter eye drops is mainly chloramphenicol, which prevents the growth of bacteria but does not kill them.

Homeopathic remedies are widely used in the treatment of conjunctivitis. Apis mellifica, arsenicum, argentum nitricum, belladonna, euphrasia and allium are common remedies for conjunctivitis. They act in various ways to help manage the condition. For example, nux vomica is used for the ‘hangover’ type of conjunctivitis, and pulsatilla for a general cold with yellow discharges where the patient feels better by rubbing the eyes. In cases with increased pus discharge, hepar sulphuris is indicated.

  1. Homeopathic Medicines for Conjunctivitis
  2. Dietary and lifestyle changes for Conjunctivitis as per homeopathy
  3. How effective are homeopathic medicines and treatments for cunjuctivitis
  4. Side effects and risks of homeopathic medicine and treatment for Conjunctivitis
  5. Takeaway
  • Aconitum Napellus
    Common Name:
    Symptoms: Aconite is used to treat inflammation of the eye that develops mostly after being exposed to cold wind or trauma from a foreign body. It helps manage the following symptoms associated with conjunctivitis:

The above-mentioned symptoms improve in open air, but worsen in a warm room, in the evening, at night and on exposure to dry cold winds

  • Apis Mellifica
    Common Name:
    The honey-bee
    Symptoms: This remedy is mainly used to treat oedema of skin and mucous membranes (outer lining of various organs like the mouth, nose and gastrointestinal tract). Patients who benefit from apis mellifica present with extreme sensitivity to touch and marked general soreness. They also experience the following symptoms:
    • Red eyes 
    • Swollen and everted eyelids with burning and stinging pain
    • Pain around orbits (eye sockets)
    • Aversion to light
    • Inflammation of the eye with pus discharge

These symptoms worsen with any form of heat, pressure or touch, after sleeping and in closed rooms, but improve in open air and with bathing in cold water.

  • Euphrasia Officinalis
    Common Name:
    Symptoms: Eyebright acts specifically on the conjunctiva and the mucous membranes of eyes and nose. It is mainly used in allergic or infectious conjunctivitis. Patients who benefit from this remedy have watery eye discharge that irritates the adjacent skin. They also experience the following symptoms:
    • Burning and swelling of eyelids
    • Pungent discharge from the eyes and inflammation of the conjunctiva
    • Sticky mucus on the cornea that is removed by winking
    • Continuous watering of the eye
    • Thick eye discharge that removes part of the tissue (excoriating)
    • Small blisters on the cornea
    • Bursting type of headache 

Symptoms aggravate indoors, in the evening, in warm environment and on exposure to light, but improve in open air, dark and on consuming coffee.  

  • Belladonna
    Common Name:
    Deadly nightshade
    Symptoms: This remedy acts mostly on the nervous system and helps treats symptoms such as convulsions and pain. Those who benefit from this remedy also experience the following symptoms:
    • Flushed or swollen face
    • Dilated pupils
    • Throbbing pain in eyes on lying down
    • Redness in the conjunctiva
    • Dry eye

Symptoms worsen with touch, noise, and on lying down, but get better on sitting in a semi-erect position.

  • Chloralum Hydratum
    Common Name:
    Chloral hydrate
    Symptoms: This remedy is used for the management of the following symptoms:
    • Burning eyes and burning in the eyelids
    • Blood-red and watery eyes
    • Faint vision

Symptoms aggravate at night, on taking hot drinks, and after eating.

  • Hepar Sulphur
    Common Name:
    Hahnemann’s calcium sulphide (hepar sulphuris calcareum)
    Symptoms: Hepar Sulphur is highly indicated in conditions that are associated with suppuration. Patients who benefit from this remedy suffer from thoughts of suicide and easily feel dejected and sad. They also experience symptoms like:
    • Inflammation of iris (coloured part of the eye)
    • Ulceration of cornea
    • Red and inflamed eyes and lids
    • Inflammation of conjunctiva with pus discharge
    • Obscured vision and reduction of the field (area that a person can see) to one-half
    • Seeing bright circles in front of the eyes

The above symptoms worsen on exposure to cold air and get better in warmth.

  • Pulsatilla Pratensis
    Common Name:
    Windflower (pulsatilla)
    Symptoms: Pulsatilla is mainly a female remedy indicated in mild and gentle cases. Those who benefit from this remedy are timid, fear being alone, and tend to cry easily. They also exhibit other symptoms like:
    • Increased secretion of mucus in the eyes with profuse lachrymation 
    • Thick and yellow discharge from eyes
    • Conjunctivitis accompanied by indigestion, causing discomfort in the upper abdomen
    • Itching and burning of eyes 
    • Frequent formation of styes
    • Inflammation of the eyelids

Symptoms are aggravated by heat and warmth, and after eating fatty food. The patient feels better in open air, on application of cold compresses and consuming cold drinks.

  • Mercurius Solubilis Hahnemanni 
    Common Name:
    Quicksilver (mercurius, hydrargyrum)
    Symptoms: This medicine practically affects each and every organ and tissue of the body. It helps relieve the following symptoms:

Symptoms worsen at night, in humid weather, and on sweating.

  • Silicea Terra
    Common Name:
    Silica, pure flint (silicea)
    Symptoms: Silica is effective for people who tend to be easily excited and are usually extremely nervous. It is a potent remedy for conjunctivitis and infection of the ducts since it can treat recurring chronic infections effectively. This remedy is often indicated in ailments associated with pus formation. It also helps manage the following symptoms:
    • Thick, yellow and crusty discharge from the eye
    • Chilliness and coldness, desire to hug fire and wear plenty of warm clothing
    • Cold hands and feet
    • Swelling of the lachrymal duct
    • Ulceration of the cornea
    • Aversion to daylight

Symptoms are aggravated in the morning and in cold weather, whereas they get better in wet, humid weather, in summers and on the application of warmth.

  • Sulphur 
    Common Name:
    Sublimated sulphur
    Symptoms: Patients who benefit from this remedy experience the following symptoms:
    • Inability to stand comfortably
    • Dislike of water
    • Burning in the eyes
    • A sinking feeling in the stomach at around 11 am
    • Conjunctivitis with yellow burning discharge from the eye
    • Red eyes and eyelids
    • White flakes on the eyelashes which cause itching and scaling
    • Offensive breath and discharges
    • Irritability and depression
    • Burning ulcers on the edges of eyelids

All the symptoms worsen at night, on standing, and by the warmth of bed, but improve on lying on the right side and in warm dry weather.

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Homeopathic medicines contain the smallest possible amount of the active ingredient. Any potentially medicinal substance in your diet can interfere with the function of these medicines and present an obstacle in the line of treatment.

Hence, homeopathic doctors suggest certain dietary and lifestyle modifications to all their patients for effective treatment. Some of these modifications are mentioned below:


  • Practise good hygiene to prevent conjunctivitis. 
  • Wear cotton instead of linen garments in warm weather.
  • Work out daily to keep yourself physically active and take a healthy diet to promote healing in chronic cases.
  • In acute cases, patients show a desire for certain foods and drinks. Gratifying these desires may only pose a slight obstacle in the radical removal of disease. Hence, it is advised to gratify the patient’s desires without persuading or refusing any food or drink.


  • Avoid beverages like herb tea, coffee and liquors or beer with medicinal spices. 
  • Avoid spicy dishes, soups and sauces that are made with onions, celery, meat and old cheese.
  • Homoeopathic medicines must not be stored near perfumes, camphor, ether or other volatile products, as they neutralise the effect of the medicines.
  • Sedentary lifestyle and uncleanliness must be avoided.

Homeopathic doctors consider the mental and emotional state of the patient along with their physical symptoms to prescribe the most effective remedy. The goal when treating conjunctivitis with homeopathy is to use a single remedy with a profile that closely matches the symptoms of the patient.

Homeopathy works by improving the immune system, unlike conventional treatments which suppress the immune system.

Though there isn't much evidence on the efficiency of homeopathic medicines in conjunctivitis treatment, commercially available homeopathic eye drops are said to be effective in treating conjunctivitis. Oral or sublingual homeopathic medicines are considered to be safe for use along with conventional therapy.

Homeopathic remedies are derived from natural sources and hence are considered to be completely safe. They can be prescribed to people of all age groups, including babies and pregnant females, without any side effects. Moreover, homeopathic remedies can be safely taken along with other medications without the risk of drug interactions or ill effects.

If applied properly, classical homeopathy has very little risk of side effects and is free from toxic effects.

However, not every remedy suits every person well and the wrong remedy may even cause undesired side effects. So, it is best that you consult a qualified doctor before taking any homeopathic remedy.

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Homeopathic remedies are considered to be safe and effective for the treatment of conjunctivitis. These remedies are non-addictive and do not interfere with the action of conventional medicines. However, it is best to take homeopathic remedies under the guidance of a doctor as the wrong remedy may lead to side effects.


  1. Center for Disease Control and Prevention [internet], Atlanta (GA): US Department of Health and Human Services; [l
  2. American Optometric Association. Conjunctivitis. St. Louis, USA; [internet]
  3. British Homeopathic Association. Eye conditions. London; [Internet]
  4. William Boericke. Homoeopathic Materia Medica. Kessinger Publishing: Médi-T 1999, Volume 1
  5. Center for Disease Control and Prevention [internet], Atlanta (GA): US Department of Health and Human Services; Diagnosis
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