Dr. Shreyas A Pade
Dr. Shreyas A Pade is a well-known doctor based in Pune who specialises in Dentistry. Dr. Shreyas A Pade has over 11 years of experience practising medicine in various hospitals and clinics. Tooth Extraction, Dental Fillings, Scaling / Polishing, Crowns and Bridges Fixing, Cosmetic/ Aesthetic Dentistry, Teeth Whitening are Dr. Shreyas A Pade’s speciality. Please view the profile for a complete list of Dr. Shreyas A Pade's expertise. Shraddha Dental Care Center - Office Number 311, 3rd Floor, Fortune Business Center, Hotel Ambience Road, Landmark: Near Chatrapati Chowk Wakad Pune-
Clinic fee: ₹200.0
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