Are you going to be a mother and are worried about delivery? Do you know that yoga practice prepares you for normal delivery? If you do not know this but want to know, then you have come to the right place. Yoga is a very safe workout during pregnancy. The stage of pregnancy brings a unique and memorable experience in every woman's life. Yoga practice helps to keep the pregnancy healthy and prepare for safe delivery. The goals of doing yoga during pregnancy are:

  • All complications of pregnancy can be reduced
  • The mother-to-be can be helped to have a normal delivery

The position of yoga during pregnancy is different for each stage of pregnancy. By practicing yoga daily, the muscles of the waist and abdomen are toned. Also, your body is ready for delivery. But we would advise you to talk to your doctor before starting yoga during pregnancy. Do yoga under the supervision of a trained guru. So let us tell you yoga for normal delivery -

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  1. Benefits Of Yoga For Normal Delivery
  2. Tips While Practicing Yoga For Normal Delivery
  3. Summary

Yoga for normal delivery is as follows -

Benefits Of Vakrasana For Normal Delivery

Vakrasana is also called Ardha Matsyendrasana. Know the way to do it and its benefits:

How to do -

  • First of all sit on the mat and straighten your legs.
  • Now keep both your hands behind the hips.
  • Then bend the left leg and bring it to the middle. As shown in the picture.
  • Keep the right leg straight. Exhale and now bend the waist comfortably and turn the neck to the left as much as possible.
  • Now place your right hand on the knee of the left leg.
  • Keep the left hand straight behind.
  • Maintain this posture as per your capacity.
  • Breathe and then come back to your old state. 

Benefits -

  • This yoga practice strengthens your waist, neck, arms and legs. Also, Vakrasana massages the abdominal organs, which can help in normal delivery.

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Benefits Of Konasana For Normal Delivery

How to do -

  • First of all, stand straight and spread your legs as much as possible. Keep both hands near the thighs.
  • Now inhale and raise your right hand up.
  • Exhale and bend to the left, first bend from the waist and then move the hips to the left. Bend the body according to your ability. Keep the right hand straight upwards.
  • Now turn the head towards the right hand and look towards the palms. Maintain this position till the count of ten.
  • Inhale and straighten the body again.
  • Exhale and bring your right hand down.
  • Repeat the same process from the left side as well.

Benefits -

  • This yoga exercise stretches the spine. Doing this asana helps in toning the arms, legs and abdominal organs. If a pregnant woman is suffering from constipation and sciatica pain, then this asana will give her relief from this problem.

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Benefits Of Utkatasana For Normal Delivery

How to do -

  • First of all, stand in Tadasana. Keep both hands up. Palms should be facing each other.
  • Keep both legs slightly open. Now exhale and bend the knees. Bend the hips towards the ground. This asana has to be done in the same way as you sit on a chair. Keep both hips and thighs equal.
  • Maintain this asana according to your ability. Breathe and then slowly straighten the knees. Then stand back in Tadasana.
  • Take utmost care that you have to do this asana only under the supervision of a trained yoga trainer.

Benefits -

  • This asana helps to stretch the chest muscles, spine and hips. Utkatasana also strengthens your waist and torso. This yoga practice increases mental strength as well as maintains physical balance. Apart from this, Utkatasana prepares the body of a pregnant woman for normal delivery.

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Benefits Of Paryankasana For Normal Delivery

How to do -

  • Pregnant women should first place a soft thick towel or pillow under their waist.
  • Now lie down straight while resting your waist on that towel.
  • Keep the legs straight and keep the knees of both the legs together.
  • Now bend your left legs according to your capacity. In the same way as shown in the picture.
  • Keep breathing normally and maintain this position as long as you feel right.
  • Repeat the same process from the other side as well.

Benefits -

  • This yoga practice strengthens the muscles of the thigh, abdomen and lower abdomen and helps in normal delivery

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Benefits Of Baddha Konasana For Normal Delivery

How to do -

  • First of all, sit on a mat.
  • Keep your legs straight. Then slowly bend both the legs. As shown in the picture.
  • Your feet should touch the mat. Now join the soles of both the feet together.
  • Keep the waist straight and keep your hands on the knees or thighs. You can also hold the toes of the feet with your hands.
  • Maintain this state according to your capacity.

Benefits -

  • This asana strengthens the thighs. Makes the hips more flexible and improves the blood circulation of the lower abdominal area. Practicing this asana daily will help you in having a normal delivery.

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Benefits Of Parvatasana For Normal Delivery

How to do -

  • First of all sit on a mat in Sukhasana, Padmasana or Ardha Padmasana.
  • Then sit straight and when you breathe, take both your hands up.
  • Now join both the hands. Keep your elbows straight.
  • Both your hands should be near the ears.
  • Maintain this state for a few seconds and then return to the old state after a few minutes.

Benefits -

  • By doing this asana, the muscles of your stomach, arms and waist are stretched. In this way, this asana helps in relieving severe back pain.

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Benefits Of Yastikasana For Normal Delivery

How to do -

  • First of all lie down in Shavasana on the mat.
  • Now take both your hands behind the head. Then stretch them backwards.
  • Straighten your legs as much as possible.
  • Feel this stretch in the body.
  • Maintain this position according to your capacity.
  • Then come back to Savasana after a few minutes.
  • Repeat this asana five to six times.

Benefits –

  • This easy yoga helps in relaxing the tension in the abdominal muscles. This prepares the body better for normal delivery. It also provides relief from fatigue and stress.

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Keep some things in mind while practicing yoga for normal delivery –

  • You can change the intensity of a yoga workout according to the stage of pregnancy. Practice some easy stretching exercises in the early stages of pregnancy.
  • If you feel any kind of tension, shortness of breath, dizziness or discomfort, then stop practicing the asana.
  • Do not do forward bending asanas. This will put pressure on the lower abdomen area and may increase the stress on the baby and uterus.
  • Also, do not do backward bending asanas. This will put pressure on the soft ligaments (strong, tough and flexible tissue connecting two bones) of the lumbar spine.
  • Do yoga under the supervision of a trained yoga trainer.

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Yoga has many benefits for normal delivery, which help in preparing pregnant women physically and mentally. Regular yoga practice increases flexibility in the body, which is beneficial during delivery. It strengthens the muscles and loosens the muscles of the pelvic region, which makes delivery easier. Yoga also helps in reducing the common pain and discomforts during pregnancy. In addition, yoga promotes mental calmness and stress reduction through breathing techniques, which helps boost confidence during labor. Finally, yoga promotes physical stamina and mental stability, allowing pregnant women to approach the labor process with a more positive attitude.

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