Welcome to the 11th week of your pregnancy. Your waist has started to broaden, and a little bump might even show now. Your body is pumping 50% more blood now and this can make you feel hot, sweaty and even dizzy.

While the first trimester of pregnancy might be made difficult by symptoms like these, you are just two weeks away from entering the second trimester of pregnancy (week 13 -27) - and things are going to get much better from there on as you get that much-coveted pregnancy glow, and the morning sickness abates.

Meanwhile, your baby is growing rapidly in the womb now. The placenta is almost done developing - this should be completely done by 12 weeks.

As your baby develops quickly, you too should focus on getting enough nutrition and exercise. Follow a proper pregnancy diet so that your immune system stays strong, and your baby gets all the nutrition he or she needs to thrive.

It’s also important to be aware of the complications of pregnancy and get thorough checkups during pregnancy. There are a few vaccinations during pregnancy that your doctor will recommend, and you will have to take a few vitamin and mineral supplements during pregnancy too.

Read more: Ways to reduce your body temperature naturally during pregnancy

  1. Baby size and features at 11 weeks of pregnancy
  2. Changes in your body by the 11th week of pregnancy
  3. 11th week of pregnancy symptoms
  4. Complications in the 11th week of pregnancy
  5. Things you should do in the 11th week of pregnancy
  6. Takeaways for the 11th week of pregnancy

Your baby is now 41 millimetres long from head to toe, and about the size of a fig right now. The baby looks more human-like now.

The baby’s head still makes up one-third of his or her entire body, but this is the time when the body is also growing rapidly. The bones of your baby’s face are now formed. The eyelids are closed however, and will only open after the 26th week of pregnancy.

The toes and hands of your baby are no longer webbed. The fingers and toes are slowly separating and nails are also developing on them gradually. Your baby’s kidneys and stomach are slowly becoming functional now and producing wee and gastric juices too. 

It’s important to remember that even though your baby is now able to move his or her limbs, you will not be able to feel these movements for a number of weeks more.

Your baby bump is developing slowly now, and it might even seem noticeable to you. If this is your first pregnancy, then there's a good chance that the baby bump is not prominent enough to be visible to the rest of the world yet. Women who’ve been through a previous pregnancy might show more of a baby bump at this point.

The muscles and ligaments in your abdomen will start to stretch out more now that the baby is rapidly growing. This might cause some discomfort and pain, but do consult a doctor if it hurts a lot. As your baby switches from the yolk sac to the placenta for nutrition, there is a surge of hormones, and this can make you feel more fatigued and emotional. 

Further, now that your body is pumping 50% more blood than usual and actively pumping it to the womb, you might get occasional hot flashes, and experience some dizziness in pregnancy as well. While these are normal, make sure you visit a doctor if these symptoms get worse or impair your function.

As your baby grows rapidly and you get closer to the end of the first trimester of your pregnancy, you might find the symptoms of the 11th week more tiring. On the other hand, some symptoms might be easier to handle as you get used to the pregnancy with time. The following symptoms are likely to show up in the 11th week of your pregnancy.

  • Morning sickness: Given that nausea and vomiting are the first signs of pregnancy, you could be used to this one by the 11th week. There are a number of home remedies and tips to manage morning sickness that you can use. If this symptom is too severe, you might be suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum. It’s best to consult the doctor and learn how to treat this serious health concern.
  • Pain around the stomach: As your abdominal muscles and ligaments stretch out to accommodate the growing baby in your womb, you might experience mild pain and discomfort around your stomach or abdominal area. This can be easily managed with light exercises and stretching, but consult the doctor if the pain worsens or if you get severe muscle cramps.
  • Mood swings: With some hormones like estrogen and progesterone shooting up, and others decreasing, pregnancy mood swings are quite normal. If you’re experiencing mild pain, discomfort, fatigue or stress, it can make the mood swings worse. The best way to manage this symptom is to minimise stressors, rest up, eat and sleep well. Getting some fresh air and exercise might also improve your condition.
  • Sore breasts: Your breasts are preparing for lactation, and they will get fuller, more tender and might even be slightly sore. Applying a cold or hot compress can relieve breast pain in pregnancy. Ask your doctor to prescribe a pain-relieving cream deemed safe for use during pregnancy if the pain becomes difficult to bear.
  • Fatigue: Apart from pain and discomfort, the rising hormonal levels and pumping of blood can leave you feeling tired and sleepy. You should get enough rest and sleep, but remember that you cannot completely give in to lethargy and not exercise at all.
  • Frequent urination: As your womb grows, it will tend to press against your bladder. This makes you pee more frequently. It’s important to take note of your pelvic floor while you’re peeing since urinary incontinence can make pregnancy more complicated. You can practice kegel exercises throughout your pregnancy as well as afterwards to reduce the risk of incontinence.
  • Indigestion and heartburn: With so many changes in your body, heartburn and indigestion during pregnancy are quite normal. The best way to deal with this symptom is to eliminate rich and fatty foods from your diet and eat healthy. If the issue persists or gets worse, consult a doctor about taking medications that are safe to use during pregnancy.
  • Bloating: A diet rich in iron and rising levels of a hormone called relaxin can lead to gas during pregnancy and bloating at this stage. Make sure you get enough exercise, eat properly and avoid foods that can make you feel more bloated.
  • Thick hair: This is one symptom you can grow to love. As the estrogen levels in your body rise, your hair will get thicker, shinier and longer. Enjoy this, and ensure that you pamper yourself with a haircut.
  • Melasma and oily skin: Getting dark patches of skin on the face and neck as well as oily skin and acne breakouts are quite normal during pregnancy. Your skin quality should get better as your pregnancy progresses and the melasma will automatically disappear after pregnancy.

Read more: Leg cramps during pregnancy

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Taking ample care during your pregnancy is vital because not only does your baby depend on you for nutrition but also for immunity. There are a number of complications that can occur if you are not getting proper prenatal care. Here are a few you should be aware of during the 11th week of pregnancy:

  • Ectopic pregnancy: If the egg gets fertilised in the fallopian tubes and the pregnancy develops there, it cannot be sustained. This complication is called an ectopic pregnancy, and early diagnosis and treatment are required to minimise the fallout - which includes bursting of the fallopian tubes, loss of the pregnancy, etc.
  • Miscarriage: If, for any reason, you lose the baby in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy, you are suffering from a traumatic complication called miscarriage. You should take ample care to minimise the risk of a miscarriage. But if it does happen, make sure that you and your partner get proper grief counselling.
  • Infections: If you experience any burning sensation while peeing, foul vaginal discharge, vaginal itching or a high fever, consult a doctor immediately. These could be the signs of a urinary tract infection (UTI) or a sexually transmitted infection (STI) - both of which can cause serious harm to your baby unless they are managed.

Read more: Placental abruption: symptoms, causes, prevention, diagnosis, treatment

There are some things you can do at this stage, to be well-prepared for the rest of your pregnancy. Here is a list of the most important ones:

  • Checkups during pregnancy: Get an appointment with an obstetrician. Figure out which tests and screenings you need to do in the coming weeks. You would have gotten an ultrasound done in the 8th week of pregnancy, but you should also make appointments for the nuchal translucency test, which is usually done between the 11th week of pregnancy and the 14th week of pregnancy. During this test, doctors can assess the baby's risk for genetic problems like congenital heart disease and Down syndrome. It is also important to discuss your family's and your spouse’s family medical history with your doctor. 
  • Vaccinations during pregnancy: Depending on your immunity and your family medical history, your doctor might recommend a few vaccinations that you must take during your pregnancy. Make sure you ask the right questions about this and get the right vaccinations as per your doctor’s suggestion.
  • Diet during pregnancy: Maintaining a healthy diet is extra important during pregnancy because you could be susceptible to additional health problems like gestational diabetes, gestational hypertension and thyroid problems during pregnancy. Your baby is also getting nutrition from you at this time; so a good diet is of critical importance. Your diet during pregnancy should include carbohydrates, proteins, fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, etc.
  • Supplements during pregnancy: All women are recommended some supplements during pregnancy. Apart from iron and folic acid during pregnancy, your doctor might recommend a few more supplements if you have any sort of deficiency that shows up in the tests and screenings.
  • Exercise during pregnancy: Getting proper exercise during pregnancy is very important to minimise the chances of unnecessary weight gain during pregnancy. Being active during pregnancy will also help your baby become stronger and make your post-pregnancy weight loss easier.

It’s very important to remember that if you’ve been leading a healthy lifestyle before your pregnancy, and are taking ample care during the gestation period, you and your baby will be fine. Taking proper precautions, following the right diet and heeding your doctor’s suggestions can help keep away most complications. That apart, you might want to keep the following in mind:

  • Pregnancy and childbirth are huge changes, especially if you’re pregnant with your first baby. Enlist the help of your spouse, friends and family instead of trying to do it all by yourself.
  • Make sure you get enough rest and sleep, and keep stress and anxiety at bay. Meditate, go for walks and indulge in activities that you enjoy. If you stay content, so will your growing baby.
  • This is also the time when you should get maternity clothes sorted. Given that your breasts are preparing for lactation, you should get fitted for a new bra and also make sure you have enough clothes that fit as your bump grows.
  • Do not take any medication or treatment without the approval of your doctor. Some types of makeup and everyday products can affect your baby’s health too, so avoid them or buy organic as much as possible.
  • Avoid any big dental procedures during your pregnancy, as these may need strong pain medications that aren't considered safe during pregnancy.
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