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Many women bleed after intercourse. Although this is a normal process, in some cases it also points to other problems. Having sex during periods causes vaginal bleeding. But, it also indicates any injury, infection and cervical cancer in the vagina of women during sex. If there is continuous bleeding from the vagina after sex, then in this situation you should immediately consult a gynecologist.

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  1. Why Does Bleeding Occur During Sex?
  2. Is Bleeding After Sex A Problem?
  3. When To See A Doctor In Case Of Bleeding After Sex?
  4. Medical Test For Bleeding After Sex
  5. Treatment Of Bleeding After Sex
  6. Summary

The problem of vaginal bleeding after sex is known as postcoital bleeding in the medical world. This problem can happen to a woman of any age. In women who are not in the state of menopause, this type of problem arises due to the cervix, whereas in women going through menopause, this problem occurs due to many other reasons. Cervical cancer is a matter of concern in women. Especially women who are menopausal are at a higher risk of this. This is also the reason why women bleed from their vagina after sex. Apart from this, there are some other reasons due to which blood discharge occurs after sex.

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  • Genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) - This syndrome indicates the reduction in the activity of the vagina of women. This disease occurs during menopause and due to removal of ovaries. Menstruation stops as women grow older and thus the level of estrogen in their body decreases. Estrogen is responsible for reproduction in the body of women. Due to the decrease in the level of estrogen in the body of women, many types of diseases start occurring. Due to this, there is less lubrication in the vagina of women. Due to which dryness and irritation starts in the vagina of women. The elasticity of the vagina is also affected due to the decrease in the level of estrogen. The tissues of the vagina shrink. Due to which there is pain, discomfort and bleeding during sex.
  • Polyps - This is a type of bacteria. There is no risk of cancer due to its presence. It also occurs in the cervix and inner layer of the uterus of women. These are round in shape. When they become active, they cause irritation in the tissues and bleeding in the blood vessels. 
  • Passionate sex – Passionate sex is also a cause of vaginal bleeding, because in this type of sex physical force is applied which causes scratches in the vagina. Vaginal bleeding also occurs due to menopause, breastfeeding and vaginal dryness.
  • Cancer – Continuous vaginal bleeding or bleeding after sex is a symptom of cervical and vaginal cancer. Cervical cancer has been found in many women with such symptoms. Apart from this, uterine cancer has also been found in many cases.
  • Vaginal dryness – Vaginal dryness is a common cause of bleeding. Apart from this, the following are other reasons for vaginal bleeding –
  • Breastfeeding.
  • After childbirth.
  • Removal of ovaries 
  • Many medicines, such as medicines taken during winter, asthma medicines, medicines to reduce depression and medicines to reduce estrogen, etc. 
  • Chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
  • Having sex with physical force and passion. 
  • Cleaning the vagina with any chemical.
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If you are bleeding after sex, then it is a normal situation. But for the correct information about this condition, you will have to meet a doctor. If you bleed after having sex some time before or after periods, then you must consult a doctor on this subject. Do not have sex again until you know the report of the doctor's examination. Sometimes due to infection or any other serious problem, bleeding starts from the vagina after intercourse.

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The symptoms of bleeding after sex can vary depending on its cause. If you are bleeding very little after sex, then you do not need to panic in this situation. If these symptoms appear, consult a doctor immediately.

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Bleeding after sex is usually caused by dryness of the vagina, but sometimes this problem can be serious. In this, the doctor first checks for cancer. In which they do a Pap smear test to check your vagina and cervix. If cancer is detected, you are referred to a cancer specialist.The following tests are used to check the additional causes of bleeding after sex.

  • Colposcopy - In this, the vagina and cervix of women are examined.
  • Transvaginal ultrasound.
  • Urine test.
  • Blood test.
  • Test of white discharge from the vagina.

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This problem is treated based on the causes of bleeding from the vagina after having sex. The main ones are as follows -
If the reason for bleeding from your vagina is dryness, then you should apply moisturizer in the vagina. Regularly applying moisturizer on the skin of the vagina moisturizes the inner skin of the vagina. This ends the dryness and the skin starts getting moist. 

Using vaginal lubricants reduces the problem of skin peeling due to friction during intercourse. Water-based lubricants reduce the blood coming from the vagina during sex. Using oil-based lubricants and condoms together increases the risk of the condom getting cut or torn. Therefore, you can use water-based lubricants. Along with this, there is no need to show speed or enthusiasm while having sex. If the woman is having problems with excitement, then you have to stop immediately or do it slowly and comfortably. 

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Estrogen therapy
You can adopt estrogen therapy if there is dryness in the vagina due to menopause or removal of ovaries. You can use estrogen cream and other products for the vagina. In case of vaginal bleeding, you can also use an estrogen ring. This flexible ring is inserted inside the vagina. It releases estrogen in limited quantities for about 90 days. In oral hormone therapy, estrogen and progestin are replaced. Apart from this, many other options are also available for women. 

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Other treatments
Swelling in the vagina indicates dryness and infection. Its causes can be unknown. This can also happen due to the antibiotic given by your doctor. You can also be given antibiotics along with the medicine for pelvic pain and sexually transmitted diseases. Apart from this, in case of infection in the cervix, the doctor can also give you some such medicines, which cause dryness in your vagina. 

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Bleeding after sex can be a common but worrisome condition. It can have many causes, including vaginal dryness, roughness during sex, abnormal cells in the cervix, infection, or hormonal changes. Sometimes small wounds or tears on the walls of the vagina can also cause bleeding. If the bleeding is frequent or excessive, it may be a sign of a serious condition, such as cervical cancer or other gynecological problems. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor and get proper tests done in this situation.

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