Causes of dry hair

Heat styling tools

Excessive use of hair dryers and straighteners causes hair breakage, becoming dry and lifeless. Therefore, the use of styling tools should be minimized.

Wrong hair care products

Hair care products contain strong chemicals, which can block the natural oil production in the scalp. It makes the hair dry.

Washing hair too much

Excessive shampooing depletes the natural oil of the hair, due to which the scalp and hair become dry. Shampooing 2 to 3 times a week is enough.

Dye and bleach

Hair color and bleach contain hard chemicals, which destroy the natural oil of the hair. Therefore, henna can be used instead of color.

Environmental factors

The environment you live in can also make your hair dry. Excessive heat of the sun, cold wind, and low humidity have a bad effect on the hair.


Medicines for antidepressants, acne, high bp, etc. can make hair dry and thin. Therefore, do not take any medicine without consulting the doctor.

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