No matter how careless you are about your diet during normal days, every woman becomes very cautious about her diet during pregnancy. Before eating or drinking anything or putting anything in her mouth, she thinks twice whether it will have any bad effect on her health or the health of the child in her womb. During this period, many times a woman's own likes and dislikes are left behind and she has to eat and drink only those healthy things rich in nutrients which can help in the development of her child. During all three trimesters of pregnancy, doctors and health experts as well as friends and relatives advise you to eat a healthy diet, fruits and vegetables as well as dry fruits. Almonds, cashews, raisins, walnuts, pistachios, dates, apricots, etc. are nuts rich in many nutrients. But are all these dry fruits safe for pregnant women? Today we are talking about one such dry fruit and that is raisins. We are telling you in this article whether raisins should be eaten during pregnancy or not, what are the advantages and disadvantages of raisins during pregnancy, and how to eat raisins during pregnancy.

(Read more: Diet during the first month of pregnancy)

  1. Should Raisins Be Eaten During Pregnancy?
  2. Benefits Of Eating Raisins During Pregnancy
  3. Disadvantages Of Eating Too Many Raisins During Pregnancy
  4. Summary

Raisins are obtained from dried grapes. In simple words, grapes are dried in the sun until their color becomes golden, green or black. Due to its sweetness, raisins are a very tasty dry fruit and are liked by people of all ages, especially children. Raisins are rich in fiberiron and calcium and all these three nutrients are considered very important and beneficial for a pregnant woman. Fiber is considered very important for pregnant women because due to hormonal imbalance during pregnancy, many types of problems start occurring in the digestive system, especially the problem of constipation. In such a situation, fiber rich raisins can help in eliminating these problems. Iron is extremely important during pregnancy as it helps in increasing blood circulation and ensuring that adequate amounts of oxygen pass through the lungs. Iron deficiency in the body can cause anemia and problems in pregnancy. In such a situation, iron-rich raisins can prove beneficial during pregnancy.

(Read more: Is watermelon beneficial for pregnancy?)

Apart from this, calcium is also very important for the strength of bones and teeth and heart health. Calcium is very important for the development of bones of a pregnant woman as well as the child growing in her womb. Therefore, there is a double need of calcium for a pregnant woman so that her unborn child remains completely healthy. Therefore, consumption of calcium rich raisins is very beneficial for a pregnant woman.

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Raisins are beneficial for the health of both the pregnant woman and her unborn baby in many ways:

Raisins give energy to the body: Raisins contain a good amount of fructose and glucose which helps in absorbing vitamins present in food items. This helps in removing the fatigue that a pregnant woman often feels.

Raisins remove mouth and teeth: Often you must have seen that pregnant women face many problems related to mouth and teeth during pregnancy, sometimes their gums also start bleeding. At such a time, it is very important for a pregnant woman to take care of oral hygiene. Along with calcium, raisins also contain oleanolic acid which helps in removing problems related to teeth.

(Read more: Should Probiotics Be Taken During Pregnancy?)

Raisins improve hemoglobin levels: Many women suffer from anemia during pregnancy due to the need to meet the needs of the fetus. Apart from iron, raisins also contain Vitamin B complex which helps in increasing the level of hemoglobin in the body.

Raisins strengthen the digestive system: Raisins contain high amounts of fiber and hence it also helps in strengthening the digestive system of the body due to which the bowel movement happens easily. Therefore, pregnant women must consume raisins.

Raisins increase appetite: Apart from fiber, raisins also contain magnesium and potassium, which not only helps in controlling blood pressure but also helps in increasing appetite. Apart from this, raisins also relieve the problem of vomiting (morning sickness) during pregnancy.

(Read more: Indigestion during pregnancy)

Although raisins are completely healthy, the one rule you must follow during pregnancy is quantity. If you consume raisins in limited quantity then it will be beneficial for you but if you eat too many raisins then it can also be harmful for your health:

  • Raisins naturally contain high amounts of glucose, hence consuming too many raisins can increase the blood sugar level, which can lead to the risk of diabetes i.e. gestational diabetes during pregnancy.
  • If a pregnant woman consumes too many raisins, the baby in the womb may be at risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
  • Triglycerides are also found in high amounts in raisins, which can also cause problems like heart disease and fatty liver.

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Overall, raisins can be eaten as a healthy snack during pregnancy but in limited quantities. If you want, soak the raisins in water for about 1 hour and then consume it with hot milk. Apart from this, if you want, make laddus of dry fruits and add raisins to it and consume 1 laddu daily.

(Read more: Is it safe to eat fish during pregnancy?)

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Raisins are a naturally important part of the diet and can be beneficial for both mother and baby during pregnancy. Raisins naturally contain glucose, fructose, and helpful vitamins and minerals, which can provide energy to pregnant women and relieve fatigue. It helps improve digestion and helps in blood formation, in which Mother and baby get a greater supply of oxygen. The presence of naturally occurring antioxidants and other nutrients in raisins can be especially beneficial for pregnant women, as it can preserve their internal fiber health. If raisins are consumed excessively, it may increase the amount of added sugar in the diet, which may be inappropriate for pregnant women. Talk to your doctor in case of any problems.

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