Name Rankini
Gender Girl
Religion Hindu
Numerology 4
Length 3.5
Zodiac Sign Libra
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Rankini's Lucky Number

Rankini The lord of the name is Venus and your lucky number is 6. Girls named Rankini are very attractive. Girls named Rankini with the number 6 like cleanliness and always perform well in the fields of art. Girls named Rankini are fond of traveling. They are patient by nature. The life of a girl named Rankini related to the number 6 is full of prosperity and girls named Rankini never have any shortage of money. Girls named Rankini with the number 6 get immense love and support from their families.

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Rankini Personality

The zodiac sign of women with the name Rankini is Libra. Women named Rankini are unstable by nature because selfishness is important to them. Girls named Rankini change according to their needs. The women of Rankini are high-minded and do not shy away from giving their arguments on anything. Girls named Rankini run away from responsibilities. Because of this, she is never able to take any decision. However, they are soft by nature, which is their specialty. Girls named Rankini have a habit of comparing others with themselves.

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Rankini's zodiac Libra Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Raghavendra Lord Rama, Chief or Lord of the raghavas Hindu
Raghavi God of Raghavendra Hindu
Raghbir Brave Lord Rama Hindu
Raghu The family of Lord Rama Hindu
Raghukumara Lord Rama, Prince belonging to the Raghu clan Hindu
Raghunandan Lord Rama, A name to the ultimately formless (Advita), An incarnation of Lord Vishnu Hindu
Raghunath Lord Rama, Lord of the raghavas Hindu
Raghupati Lord Rama, Master of the raghavas Hindu
Raghupriya Name of a Raga Hindu
Raghupungava Scion of raghakula race Hindu
Raghuram Hindu
Raghuvar The chosen Raghu Hindu
Raghuveer Lord Rama, Brave descendent of Raghu Hindu
Raghuvir Lord Rama, Brave descendent of Raghu Hindu
Raghvendra Lord Rama, Chief or Lord of the raghavas Hindu
Ragi Loving, Very much attached Hindu
Ragii Loving, Very much attached Hindu
Ragin Melody Hindu
Ragini A melody, Music, Love, An Apsara or celestial nymph, A form of Indian classical musical, Another name for Lakshmi Hindu
Ragish Master of melodic modes, The Man who sings sweet ragas Hindu
Ragunanthan Brave Hindu
Ragunathan Lord Rama, Lord of the Raghu clan Hindu
Ragupathi God rathis husband Hindu
Raguraman Hindu
Ragved Veda Hindu
Ragvinder Ragvinder comes from the Indian word and it is the second name of Lord Krishna Hindu
Rahaam Priest name, Merciful Hindu
Rahal Means attachment. derived from rahula the son of Buddha Hindu
Rahan Big Hindu
Rahas Secret Hindu
Rahasya Secret Hindu
Rahel One who shows the way, Ewe, Traveler, Path guider Hindu
Rahghav Lord of God, Lord Ram, Ragavender God Hindu
Rahi Traveler Hindu
Rahini Goddess Saraswati Hindu
Rahitya Hindu
Rahni Princess Hindu
Rahul Son of Buddha, Conqueror of all miseries, Competent, Efficient (Son of Lord Buddha) Hindu
Rahulraj Efficient, Capable Hindu
Rai Goddess Radha Hindu
Raihanna Sweet Basil, Sweet smelling plant Hindu
Raika Pure, Clear, Tranquil, Serene, Beautiful Hindu
Raina Beautiful princess, Night Hindu
Raisa Leader, Chief, Princess, Flower Hindu
Raivata A Manu Hindu
Raivath Wealthy Hindu
Raj King Hindu
Rajkumar Prince Hindu
Rajkumari Princess Hindu
Raja King, Hope Hindu