Dr. Meenal Prakash (PT)

Dr. Meenal Prakash   (PT)

Dr. Meenal Prakash (PT)

Physiotherapist MPTh/MPT - Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Physiotherapy 14 Years of Experience
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About Me About Dr. Meenal Prakash (PT)

Dr. Meenal Prakash (PT) is an esteemed doctor practising Physiotherapist in Mumbai. With 14 years of experience, Dr. Meenal Prakash (PT) has been associated with various prestigious hospitals and clinics. Dr. Meenal Prakash (PT) is now working with Telreja Poly Clinic. Dr. Meenal Prakash (PT) has previously worked at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital. Dr. Meenal Prakash (PT) specialises in Consultant Physiotherapy, Paraffin Wax Bath, Pelvic Rehabilitation, Pregnancy Exercise, Post Pregnancy Classes, Hip, Ankle, Knee Injury. Apart from association with different hospitals, Dr. Meenal Prakash (PT) has put skills to the test in many other ways. Dr. Meenal Prakash (PT) completed MPTh/MPT - Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Physiotherapy from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore, India.

myUpchar Clinic Dr. Meenal Prakash (PT) Clinic(s)

  • Meeanl Prakash ClinicNew Mhada, New Dindoshi, Malad East., Landmark: Goregaon East Mumbai

  • Day and Timing

    10:00 AM - 07:00 PM

    10:00 AM - 07:00 PM

    10:00 AM - 07:00 PM

    10:00 AM - 07:00 PM

    10:00 AM - 07:00 PM

  • Consultation Fees:₹500

services Services

Consultant Physiotherapy Paraffin Wax Bath Pelvic Rehabilitation Pregnancy Exercise Post Pregnancy Classes Hip, Ankle, Knee Injury Neck Pain Treatment Spine Mobilization Spine Injury Range Of Motion Excercise Spondylitis Postural Training Gait (Walking) Training / Assistive Device Training Trauma Injury Physiotherapy / Rehab Electrical Stimulation Musculoskeletal Injury Physiotherapy Chronic Pain Treatment Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) Myotherapy Heat Therapy Treatment Cryotherapy/Cold Therapy Traction Interferential Therapy Balance Exercises Soft Tissue Mobilization Joint Mobilization Strengthening Excercise Antenatal and Postnatal Exercise/ Physiotherapy Ergonomic Training Lower Back Pain

education Education

  • MPTh/MPT - Cardiovascular & Pulmonary PhysiotherapyRajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore, India - 2004

experience Experience

  • PhysiotherapistSir Ganga Ram Hospital
    2005 - 2012
  • PhysiotherapistTelreja Poly Clinic
    2013 - 2015

Common questions & answers about Dr. Meenal Prakash (PT)

Q: How many years of experience does Dr. Meenal Prakash (PT) have?

A: Dr. Meenal Prakash (PT) has 14 years of experiences in the field of Physiotherapist.

Q: What are the treatments that Dr. Meenal Prakash (PT) offers?

A: Services that Dr. Meenal Prakash (PT) offers include Consultant Physiotherapy, Paraffin Wax Bath, Pelvic Rehabilitation. Check above to know the complete set of services and treatments that Dr. Meenal Prakash (PT) offers.

Q: How to make an appointment with Dr. Meenal Prakash (PT)?

A: You can easily get an appointment with Dr. Meenal Prakash (PT) for online consultation or for an in-person visit via myUpchar. All you have to do is click on the "Book an appointment" above!

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