Hamdard Roghan Labub E Saba 50ml

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Hamdard Roghan Labub E Saba 50ml Information

Hamdard Roghan Labub E Saba is a unani oil that is primarily used for the treatment of Insomnia. Secondary and off-label uses of Hamdard Roghan Labub E Saba have also been mentioned below. The key ingredients of Hamdard Roghan Labub E Saba are Walnut, Sesame Oil, Almond, Pistachios, Pine nuts (Chilgoza). The properties of which have been shared below. The correct dosage of Hamdard Roghan Labub E Saba depends on the patient's age, gender, and medical history. This information has been provided in detail in the dosage section.

Ingredients of Hamdard Roghan Labub E Saba 50ml

  • Agents that lead to constriction of blood vessels causing reduction of blood flow to the site.
  • A medicine or an agent which destroyes or suppresses the growth of bacteria.
Sesame Oil
  • Agents which help to stop fungal growth by having an effect of fungal microorganisms.
  • Agents that inhibit microbial growth or destroys microbes.
  • Drugs useful in soothing the mucous membrane, which is irritated or inflamed.
  • Drugs which stimulate hair growth
  • Drugs used to reduce swelling after an injury
  • A substance that can inhibit the oxidising effect of free radicals in living cells.
Pine nuts (Chilgoza)
  • Drugs used to eliminate microbial pathogens or inhibit their growth.

Hamdard Roghan Labub E Saba 50ml Benefits

Hamdard Roghan Labub E Saba 50ml is used to treat the following -

Other Benefits

Hamdard Roghan Labub E Saba 50ml Side Effects

No side effects of Hamdard Roghan Labub E Saba have been reported in the medical literature. However, you should always consult your doctor before using Hamdard Roghan Labub E Saba.

Hamdard Roghan Labub E Saba 50ml Related Warnings

  • Is the use of Hamdard Roghan Labub E Saba 50ml safe for pregnant women?

    Pregnant women can take Hamdard Roghan Labub E Saba without worrying about any side effects.

  • Is the use of Hamdard Roghan Labub E Saba 50ml safe during breastfeeding?

    Hamdard Roghan Labub E Saba is safe for breastfeeding women.

  • Is the use of Hamdard Roghan Labub E Saba 50ml safe for children?

    It is not known what effect Hamdard Roghan Labub E Saba will have on children, because no research work has been carried out on this till date.

  • Does Hamdard Roghan Labub E Saba 50ml cause drowsiness?

    So far, there are no studies on whether Hamdard Roghan Labub E Saba makes you drowsy. The effect of Hamdard Roghan Labub E Saba on alertness and wakefulness is, therefore, unknown.


How to use Hamdard Roghan Labub E Saba 50ml?

  • Place Hamdard Roghan Labub E Saba 50ml on your hands. Use fingers to apply Hamdard Roghan Labub E Saba 50ml on your hair and scalp in gentle, circular motions.

General precautions for Hamdard Roghan Labub E Saba 50ml

  1. You should rinse your hair with normal or lukewarm water.
  2. Before using Hamdard Roghan Labub E Saba 50ml rinse your hands from soap.
  3. Wash your hair with a shampoo after applying Hamdard Roghan Labub E Saba 50ml.
  4. Avoid using excess Hamdard Roghan Labub E Saba 50ml. Follow the amount prescribed by your doctor strictly.
  5. Avoid referigerating Hamdard Roghan Labub E Saba 50ml. Keep it in a cool and dry place.
  6. Do not rub hair or skin, or use nails to do so, while applying Hamdard Roghan Labub E Saba 50ml.

This medicine data has been created by -

Dr. Braj Bhushan Ojha

BAMS, Gastroenterology, Dermatology, Psychiatry, Ayurveda, Sexology, Diabetology
10 Years of Experience

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