Nalpamaradi Anti Acne Cream & Anti Wrinkle by myUpchar Ayurveda

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Myupchar Ayurveda Nalpamaradi Ointment 50 GM OINTMENT 1 Jar ₹ 499 ₹699 28% OFF Save: ₹200

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    Nalpamaradi Anti Acne Cream & Anti Wrinkle by myUpchar Ayurveda Information

    The basic objective of Ayurveda is to identify the root causes of diseases and treat them, thereby eradicating the problem from its source. The treatment of skin diseases in Ayurveda is described as better.

    The doctors at myUpchar conducted extensive research on skin diseases, resulting in the development of the 100% myUpchar Ayurveda Nalpamaradi Ointment.

    Nalpamaradi tailam is primarily mentioned in Ayurveda for treating skin diseases. myUpchar Ayurveda Nalpamaradi Ointment incorporates this Ayurvedic oil along with 10 other herbs. These herbs are organically grown, and to maintain their purity, they are extracted from the fields manually instead of using machines. Additionally, traditional Ayurvedic methods are employed to prepare ointment by extracting the essence of these herbs. This whole process takes both patience and effort. Moreover, this Ayurvedic ointment, formulated using ancient scientific techniques, has demonstrated no side effects in any medical research.

    The 100% myUpchar Ayurveda Nalpamaradi Ointment stands out from other ointments in several ways. Instead of using herbal powders, it is formulated with herbal extracts. Despite being Ayurvedic, it has a pleasant fragrance and is non-sticky. The ointment is easy to apply and provides instant relief. Conditions like de-pigmentation, acne, and dark circles can be effectively treated by using this ointment.

    Contents: Daru haridra, Haridra, Karanja, Argwadha, Garlic, Nalpamaradi tailam, Haldi, Tea tree, Neem, Shea butter, Yashad bhasam

    Key Ingredients


    According to Ayurveda, it is said that using this herb can reduce inflammation of the skin. Additionally, it can help cleanse the blood and alleviate body pain. This herb also works to reduce pitta dosha, which is responsible for causing pimples and dark spots.


    This herb protects against the harmful UV rays of the sun and free radicals. In addition to this, it can prevent signs of aging on the skin, such as wrinkles, fine lines, scars, and dark circles. Moreover, this herb is effective in treating skin allergies like psoriasis, scabies, eczema, and acne. Furthermore, it can also aid in the healing of wounds, burn marks, etc.


    This Ayurvedic herb works to improve the immune system. When its extract is applied to the skin, it can help cure inflammation. Numerous medical research studies also state that the compound called curcumin, present in Haridra, is completely natural and safe. Additionally, it has an antimicrobial effect that protects the skin from bacteria.


    According to Ayurveda, garlic possesses antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and antiseptic properties that can eliminate acne-causing bacteria. Additionally, its anti-inflammatory properties help reduce skin swelling and improve blood circulation. Consistent use of garlic can lead to clearer skin. Moreover, garlic is rich in vitamins and minerals that work to address acne at its source.

    Who Should Take It?

    If someone has -

    • Acne.
    • Dark spots.
    • Pigmentations.
    • Scars on skin.
    • Burn marks.


    • Removes de-pigmentation from the skin.
    • Lightens the skin.
    • Soothing in an application.
    • Alleviates itching, burning & redness.


    Apply it gently on the affected area.


    For better results, use for at least 3 months or as directed by the doctor.

    Key Points


    • What is Nalpamaradi Anti Acne Cream?

    • How does Nalpamaradi Anti Acne Cream work?

    • What are the key ingredients in Nalpamaradi Anti Acne Cream?

    • Is Nalpamaradi Anti Acne Cream suitable for all skin types?

    • How many times a day should I use Nalpamaradi Anti Acne Cream?

    • Can Nalpamaradi Anti Acne Cream be used for sensitive skin?

    • Does Nalpamaradi Anti Acne Cream have any side effects?

    • Can Nalpamaradi Anti Acne Cream be used with other products?

    • In how many days does it take for the results of Nalpamaradi Anti Acne Cream to appear?

    • Is Nalapamaradi Anti Acne Cream good for oily skin?

    • Is the use of Nalpamaradi oil good for eczema?

    • Why is My Remedy's Nalpamaradi Anti Acne Cream the best?

    Know about customer reviews

    4.8/5.0 (24 Ratings & 24 Reviews)
    520 44 30 20 10
    5/5 Rating


    This cream has been a game-changer for me. It's like a reset button for my skin, reducing pigmentation and making it glow

    5/5 Rating


    My skin feels rejuvenated and looks brighter than ever, thanks to Nalpamaradi Cream. I'm in love!

    5/5 Rating


    My complexion has never looked better. Nalpamaradi Cream is my secret to a radiant glow.

    5/5 Rating


    I'm a huge fan of this cream. It's tackled my acne and given me the confidence to flaunt clear, glowing skin.

    5/5 Rating


    I've tried many creams, but Nalpamaradi Cream stands out. It's lightened my pigmentation and boosted my confidence

    5/5 Rating

    My skin looks brighter and healthier than ever. This cream is a must-have in my skincare routine

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