The zodiac sign is important in the life of every individual. With the help of the zodiac, one can discern the strengths and weaknesses of each person. A person's love life, career prospects, social concerns, likes, and dislikes can be easily identified with the assistance of their zodiac sign. Each zodiac sign has its strengths and weaknesses, such as the Aquarius zodiac. This is also a key aspect of astrology. Therefore, based on one's zodiac sign, it is possible to gain insights into their future, personality traits related to the zodiac, their feelings for their partner, and their beliefs, among other things. How successful a person will be in their life, in which field they will succeed, and when they might face failures can all be indicated by their zodiac sign. If your zodiac sign is Aquarius, many mysterious aspects of your nature can be revealed through it. Every individual aspires to pursue a career of their choice. However, at times, even after putting in significant effort, achieving one's dreams can prove challenging. This difficulty may be related to your Aquarius zodiac sign. In such circumstances, your zodiac sign can help you determine the most suitable area for your career and identify the potential obstacles you may encounter despite working in a particular field. If you're curious about how individuals belonging to a specific zodiac sign and gender behave in their marital or family life, and whether they tend to be hardworking or lazy, you can find answers to such questions with the help of astrology. If you're a Aquarius zodiac sign Boy looking to understand your nature, you should begin by studying the ruler or owner of your zodiac sign. The owner of each zodiac sign plays a significant role in shaping a person's future. If the ruler of your zodiac sign is known for being fierce, you may also exhibit that intensity in your behavior. On the other hand, if the ruler of your zodiac sign has a gentle nature, your behavior is likely to be calm as well.

Boy names starting with

Girl names starting with

Boy names of Aquarius with meanings

Name Meaning Religion
Sibanarayan Hindu
Sian Very intelligent loves horses and her life has lots of friends enjoys riding horses and being with her best Pal tahny Hindu
Siamak Silver flame Hindu
Shyoji Yashshavi Hindu
Shyjith Hindu
Shyamsunder Lord Krishna, Cloud colored and beautiful, One with the beauty of evening Hindu
Shyamsundara Lord of the beautiful evenings Hindu
Shyamsundar Lord Krishna, Cloud colored and beautiful, One with the beauty of evening Hindu
Shyamantak A jewel of Lord Vishnu Hindu
Shyamanga Dark skinned one Hindu
Shyamak Lord Krishna, Dark, Name of a brother of Vasudeva, A kind of plant Hindu
Shyam Dark blue, Black, A name of Lord Krishna Hindu
Shyalin Spot Hindu
Shwethaketu Son of Aruni and udhalaka Hindu
Shwetbhanu The Moon Hindu
Shwetavahanan Another name of Arjun, One with white horses mounted to his chariot Hindu
Shwetanshu The Moon Hindu
Shwetang Fair complexioned Hindu
Shwetambar One who wears white clothes Hindu
Shwetahardik God Hindu
Shwet White Hindu
Shwenu Hindu
Shwam Lord, Supreme spirit Hindu
Shvetavah Lord Indra, Borne by white horses Hindu
Shvetanshu The Moon Hindu
Shvetank Having a white mark Hindu
Shvetang Fair complexioned Hindu
Shvetambar One who wears white clothes Hindu
Shvant Placid Hindu
Shushil Good character Man or well behaved, Good conduct Hindu
Shushant Very silent Hindu
Shurya The Sun Hindu
Shuraj The Sun, Illuminating Hindu
Shur Valiant, Bold, Mighty, Brave, Lion, Tiger Hindu
Shuna Lord Indra, A water pot Hindu
Shun Good-natured, Auspicious, Another name for Vaayu and Indra Hindu
Shulin One who has a trident, Lord Shiva Hindu
Shuli Lord Shiva Hindu
Shulank Marked by spear, Distinguished, Another name for Shiva Hindu
Shulandhar Lord Shiva, The one who bears the shul Hindu
Shulabh Easy to get, Natural Hindu
Shuktij Pearl Hindu
Shukra Resplendent, The venus planet, Friday, Bright, Pure, White, Another name for agin Hindu
Shuk A parrot, Bright Hindu
Shudhir Symbol of smile, Resolute, Brave, Bright Hindu
Shuddhavigraha One who has a pure body Hindu
Shuddhashil Well born Hindu
Shuchit Person with a sound mind, Sensible, Intelligent, Informed, Pure, Focussed, Another name for Brahma Hindu
Shuchih He who is spotlessly clean Hindu
Shuchet Hindu
Shuchaye Chaste Hindu
Shubranshu The Moon Hindu
Shubojith Handsome Hindu
Shubhung Beautiful Hindu
Shubhratho Well-born Hindu
Shubhranshu The first drop of nature water, The Moon, White Hindu
Shubhranil Hindu
Shubhojit Handsome Hindu
Shubhit Hindu
Shubhendu Auspicious Moon Hindu
Shubhay Blessing Hindu
Shubhasunad Blessing Hindu
Shubhashis Blessing Hindu
Shubhankar Auspicious Hindu
Shubhank Hindu
Shubhang Lord Shiva, Handsome limbed, Beautifully formed, Elegant, Epithet of Vishnu and Shiva Hindu
Shubhanand Good bliss Hindu
Shubhanan Good looking Hindu
Shubham Good, Auspicious Hindu
Shubhaksh Lord Shiva, Auspicious-eyed, Epithet of Shiva Hindu
Shubhagunakanan One who is the master of all virtues Hindu
Shubhad Auspicious, Fortunate Hindu
Shubh Fortunate, Brilliant, Attractive, Auspicious, Wealthy Hindu
Shubendra Lord of virtue Hindu
Shubankar Virtuous Hindu
Shuban All auspicious Lord, Name of Lord Ganesh, Brilliant Hindu
Shubam Good Hindu
Shryansh Hindu
Shrutiprakasha Illuminator of the Vedas Hindu
Shrut Known, Glorious, Celebrated, Knowledge, Scriptures Hindu
Shrusti Universe, Nature, World Hindu
Shrujan Creation, Creative Hindu
Shrujal Hindu
Shrot Hindu
Shriyansh Fame giver and Lucky, Wealthy Hindu
Shriyans Fame giver and Lucky, Wealthy Hindu
Shriyan Lord Vishnu, Combination of first 3 letters of Sriman and last 3 of Narayan Hindu
Shriyam Lord Vishnu, He who is the embodiment of Sri Hindu
Shrivatsava Lord Vishnu, Abode of wealth Hindu
Shrivatsav Lord Vishnu, Abode of wealth Hindu
Shrivatsa Lord Vishnu, Beloved of Sri Hindu
Shrivas Lord Vishnu, Dwelling with Shree, Epithet of Vishnu, Epithet of Shiva, A lotus Hindu
Shrivardhan Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva Hindu
Shrivarah Lord Vishnu, Consort of Shri, The divine boar Hindu
Shrivara Lord Vishnu, Consort of Shri, The divine boar Hindu
Shrithik Lord Shiva Hindu
Shrishakthi Hindu
Shrishail Lord Shiva, Lord of the mountains Hindu
Shrish Lord of wealth, Lord Vishnu Hindu
Shriranjan Lord Vishnu, Amusing Lakshmi, Epithet of Vishnu Hindu