The zodiac sign plays an important role in the life of every individual, regardless of their gender. It helps in identifying the strengths and weaknesses unique to each person based on their zodiac sign. The zodiac sign provides insights into various aspects of a person's life, including their love life, career, social concerns, likes, and dislikes. Each zodiac sign has its own set of strengths and weaknesses, like the Aries zodiac sign, as mentioned in astrology. Therefore, by understanding your zodiac sign, you can gain insights into your future, your personality traits as related to your zodiac sign, your compatibility with a partner, and your beliefs. Based on the zodiac, you can acquire information about the potential success of girls in their lives and the areas where they might encounter challenges or failures. Often, we dream of pursuing a career in a specific field but find ourselves facing numerous difficulties. In such situations, your zodiac sign can provide insights into which career path might be more suitable for you, or in which field you may need to invest extra effort. Aries Based on your zodiac sign, you can gain insights into many aspects of your life, such as the quality of your married life, family support, your approach to relationships, and whether you tend to be hardworking or inclined toward laziness. Many more questions related to your personality can find their answers within your Aries zodiac sign. If you wish to understand your nature better, you should identify the ruling planet of your Aries zodiac sign. By delving deep into the characteristics of this ruling planet, you can gain valuable self-knowledge. Essentially, each zodiac sign has its ruling planet. If the nature of the ruling planet of a zodiac sign is fierce, then the nature of individuals born under that sign will also tend to be fierce. Conversely, if the ruler of the Aries zodiac sign is gentle, then the nature of individuals associated with that sign will be likewise – quiet and gentle-hearted.

Boy names starting with

Girl names starting with

Girl names of Aries with meanings

Name Meaning Religion
Ankira Loser, Follower Hindu
Ankia God is gracious Hindu
Ankana Bracelet Hindu
Anjushri Dear to ones heart Hindu
Anjusha Blessing Hindu
Anjuli Blessings, Inconquerable Hindu
Anjugam Hindu
Anju One who lives in heart, Beloved Hindu
Anjini Mother of Lord Hanuman, Illusion (Maya), Hotness, Blessed (Mother of Hanuman) Hindu
Anjika Blessed Hindu
Anji One who blesses, Blessing Hindu
Anjasi Honest, Morally upstanding Hindu
Anjanie Mother of Lord Hanuman, Illusion (Maya), Hotness Hindu
Anjani Mother of Lord Hanuman, Illusion (Maya), Hotness, Blessed Hindu
Anjana Dusky, Mother of Lord Hanuman (Mother of Hanuman) Hindu
Anjaline Hindu
Anjalika One of Arjuna arrows Hindu
Anjali Homage, Offring with both hands, One who joins both hands together in prayer, Respectful Hindu
Anja Favor, Grace Hindu
Aniya Creative Hindu
Anitha Who takes pleasure in new joys, Grace, Simple, Artless, Leader Hindu
Anita Who takes pleasure in new joys, Grace, Simple, Artless, Leader Hindu
Anismita Hindu
Aniskha Young lady, Maiden Hindu
Anishkaa Who has friends, No enemies, One who has only friends Hindu
Anishka Who has friends, No enemies, One who has only friends Hindu
Anishi Bright and luminous Hindu
Anishaa Close, Intimate, Good friend, Continuous, Without darkness, Light, Unceasing, Generous, Loyal, Close Hindu
Anisha Close, Intimate, Good friend, Continuous, Without darkness, Light, Unceasing, Generous, Loyal, Close Hindu
Anirveda Not caring sorrows and suffers, Positive, Courageous, Resilient Hindu
Aninditha Beautiful, Virtuous, Venerated, Honoured, Irreproachable Hindu
Anindita Beautiful, Virtuous, Venerated, Honoured, Irreproachable Hindu
Anindini Full of goodwill, Irreproachable Hindu
Aninda Perfect, Blameless Hindu
Anima He power of becoming small Hindu
Anilaja Perfect, Beautiful Hindu
Anila Wind Hindu
Anikslum Young, Gentle Hindu
Anika Goddess Durga, The brilliance of stone Hindu
Aniha Indifferent Hindu
Ania Inexhaustible, Limitless, Resurrection Hindu
Ani Glass Hindu
Anhiti Gift, Donation Hindu
Anhithi Gift, Donation Hindu
Anhati Gift Hindu
Anglina Angel, Messenger Hindu
Angle Pari fairy Hindu
Angira Mother of birhaspati Hindu
Angi Decorating the God, Divine Hindu
Angha Sinless, Without any fault, Beauty, Perfect, Pure Hindu
Angelina Angel Hindu
Angelie Messenger of God, Angel Hindu
Angelica Angel like Hindu
Angelia Messenger of God, Angel Hindu
Angel Shine of glory Hindu
Angarika Flame colored flower, Palash, Flame of the forest Hindu
Angana Handsome woman, With a beautiful form, Zodiac sign of virgo Hindu
Angaja A daughter, Corporeal (Daughter of Aja) Hindu
Aneri Extra ordinary Hindu
Anemone Type of flower Hindu
Anekavarna One who has many complexions Hindu
Anekastradhaarini Possessor of many missile weapons Hindu
Anekashastrahasta Possessor of many hand weapons Hindu
Aneeta Who takes pleasure in new joys, Grace, Simple, Artless, Leader Hindu
Aneet Joyful unending, Calmness Hindu
Aneeswar Goddess of earth, Lord of serpents or Vasuki Hindu
Aneesha Affection, Feeling, Imagination, Direct knowledge, Sentiment, Emotion, Reflection, Meditation, Contemplation, Mental perception, Proof Hindu
Aneesa Close, Intimate, Good friend, Continuous, Without darkness, Light, Unceasing, Generous, Loyal, Close Hindu
Aneeksha Bringing happiness Hindu
Andal Incarnation of Goddess Lakshmi (Wife of Lord Vishnu) Hindu
Anchita Honored, Worshipped Hindu
Anchala One end of Saree which is free Hindu
Anchal Shelter, The decorative end of a sari Hindu
Anbesha Quest, Curious Hindu
Anbarasi Queen of Love Hindu
Anayna Unique Hindu
Anayat Hindu
Anaya Without a superior, God has shown favour Hindu
Anay Sacred wood apple tree, Time, Creeper, A vine, The Jasmine creeper Hindu
Anavika Hindu
Anavi Hindu
Anathi Modest, Respectful Hindu
Anatha No end Hindu
Anasuya Without spite or envy, Learned woman, Full of goodwill, Not resentful Hindu
Anasua One who is not jealous of anybody Hindu
Anashwara One without An end Hindu
Anarghya Priceless Hindu
Anargha Precious, Priceless Hindu
Anara Wanderer, Powerful and complete Hindu
Ananya Goddess Parvati, Matchless, Unique, Different from others, Charming Hindu
Anantya Endless, Eternal, Godly Hindu
Anantika Hindu
Ananti Gift Hindu
Anantha Infinite, Endless, Eternal, The earth Hindu
Ananta Infinite, Endless, Eternal, The earth Hindu
Ananshi Goddess Parvati Hindu
Anannya Goddess Parvati, Matchless, Unique, Different from others Hindu
Anangee Cupids consort Hindu
Anandmayee Full of Joy, Full of happiness Hindu
Anandithya Hindu