Sometimes there is so much itching in the hands and feet that it becomes unbearable. Itching in hands and feet can be due to dry skin, psoriasis, eczema, and diabetes. As a treatment for itching in hands and feet, cold compress, topical cream, and moisturizing the skin can help.

Today in this article, you will learn about the causes and treatment of itching in hands and feet -

If you are troubled by itching, then buy anti-fungal cream full of Ayurvedic properties today and say bye-bye to itching.

  1. Causes of itching in hands and feet
  2. Itchy hands and feet treatment
  3. Takeaway
  4. Doctors for Itching in hands and feet - Causes, and Treatment

If there is itching in the hands and feet in the cold season, then it can be due to dry skin. Apart from this, due to psoriasis, eczema, allergies, and diabetes, itching can also occur in the hands and feet.

To know the treatment for fungal infection in detail, please click on the link given here.

Come, let us know in detail about the causes of itching in hands and feet -

  1. Diabetes
  2. Cirrhosis
  3. Allergies
  4. Scabies
  5. Eczema
  6. Psoriasis
  7. Dry skin


It is common to have itching on the hands and feet at the beginning of diabetes. This happens when diabetes remains out of control and this itching ends automatically as soon as diabetes is managed.

(Read More - Natural treatment for jock itch)


It is a complication of chronic liver disease, due to which itching is common. The reason for this is not known, but it is definitely due to the increased level of lysophosphatidic acid and bile salts.

(Read More - Home Remedies for Fungal Infection)


Touching something can cause a skin allergy, which is called allergic contact dermatitis. Its symptoms are not visible immediately, but after some time itching starts in the hands and feet. Allergy to latex, fragrance, topical medicines, plants, etc. can cause itching in the hands and feet.

(Read More - Homeopathic remedies for Itching)


Scabies is such an infection, which, if it occurs in the hands and feet, causes itching. It can easily happen from an infected person to someone else. This can also cause rashes on the skin.

(Read More - Medicine for skin allergy itching)


This is a condition in which the skin becomes inflamed. This is called dyshidrotic dermatitis. Due to this, there is a lot of itching in the hands and feet. The cause of eczema is not completely known, but it can be due to allergic reactions and fungal infections.

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When skin cells grow very fast and accumulate on the surface of the skin, it is called psoriasis. In the case of psoriasis, patches of red color also appear on them and sometimes they also get filled with pus. In this condition, there is a lot of itching in the hands and feet.

(Read More - Ayurvedic remedies for itching)

Dry skin

Sometimes there is so much itching in the hands and feet that it does not take the name of stopping. This is usually seen in the winter season, but many times in the summer season, when a person stays too much in the AC and does not moisturize the skin, the problem of dry skin also occurs. It is common to have itching in the hands and feet.

(Read More - Itching in the whole body treatment)

Treatment like a cold compress, topical cream, ultraviolet light therapy, and oatmeal bath help in curing itching in hands and feet. Come, let us know in detail about the treatment of itching in hands and feet -

  1. Oatmeal bath
  2. Antihistamine
  3. Ultraviolet light therapy
  4. Skin moisture
  5. Topical medications
  6. Topical corticosteroids
  7. Cold compress

Oatmeal bath

By immersing hands and feet in warm water containing oatmeal, you can get rid of dry skin. As soon as the dry skin feels soothing, the itching subsides automatically. To prepare the oatmeal bath, grind a cup of oats in a food processor and mix it in hot water. Then keeping the affected part immersed in this water for 10-20 minutes can help in getting rid of itching.

(Read More - Yoga for fungal infection)


If itching is due to some kind of allergic reaction, then using an antihistamine provides relief. The use of antihistamine medicines relieves itching and swelling caused by allergies.

(Read More - Fungal ear infection treatment)

Ultraviolet light therapy

It is also called phototherapy, in which ultraviolet pilot light is given to the affected skin two to three times a week. This therapy is useful in the condition of psoriasis and eczema.

(Read More - Patanjali medicine for fungal infection)

Skin moisture

If itching in hands and feet is the result of dry skin, it means that the skin needs proper hydration. In this case, if the skin is well moisturized, it will reduce dryness and get rid of itching.

(Read More - Diet for fungal infection)

Topical medications

Creams that contain ingredients like menthol or camphor reduce the sensitivity of the nerves on the skin. This can provide relief from itching.

(Read More - What is fungus)

Topical corticosteroids

Topical steroids play an important role in providing relief from itching in the hands and feet. Especially, when the problem is due to allergic contact dermatitis, it gives great relief.

(Read More - How to remove fungal infection marks)

Cold compress

If there is excessive itching in the hands and feet, using a cold compress reduces the swelling and also reduces the itching. If there is no cold compress, then an ice pack can also be used instead. For this, wrapping a wet and cold towel on the hands and feet for 10 to 20 minutes gives relief from itching. Keeping ice cubes inside this towel can also be applied on the skin.

(Read More - How long to get rid of fungal infection)

Conditions like allergic reactions, diabetes, cirrhosis, and scabies can cause itching in the hands and feet. Treatments like a cold compress, topical creams, and ultraviolet light therapy can prove to help relieve itching in hands and feet, but it is necessary to consult a doctor before any kind of treatment.

(Read More - Ayurvedic remedies for Fungal Infections)

Dr Rahul Gam

Infectious Disease
8 Years of Experience

Dr. Arun R

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5 Years of Experience

Dr. Neha Gupta

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16 Years of Experience

Dr. Anupama Kumar

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