Dr. Saravanan P
Orthopedics BDS, MDS - Orthodontics 12 Years of Experience
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About Dr. Saravanan P

He has been practicing medicine for over 12 years. He practices medicine at apollo. In addition to his affiliation with multiple hospitals, he has been professionally active in many other ways. He is a member of Karnataka State Dental Council. Dr. Saravanan P is an alum of Rajiv Gandhi University Of Health Sciences where he earned a BDS. Thereafter, Dr. Saravanan P earned MDS - Orthodontics from Rajiv Gandhi University of health sciences.


Dental Fillings Dental Crowns Dental Restoration Presurgical Orthodontics Crowns and Bridges Fixing


  • BDSRajiv Gandhi University Of Health Sciences - 2004
  • MDS - OrthodonticsRajiv Gandhi University of health sciences - 2009


  • apollo
    - Present
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