Dr. Shivani Keni
Dentistry MDS, BDS 6 Years of Experience
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Dr. Shivani Keni Clinic(s)

  • Braces & Smiles#11, Vir Bhuvan, 1st Floor, B-wing, 10th N.S. Road, JVPD., Landmark: Opposite HSBC Bank. Juhu Mumbai

  • Day and Timing

    09:00 AM - 09:30 AM

  • Consultation Fees:₹500

About Dr. Shivani Keni

Dr. Shivani Keni is a renowned doctor in Mumbai. Dr. Shivani Keni specialises in Dentistry. Dr. Shivani Keni has over 6 years of experience practising medicine in various hospitals and clinics. Currently, Dr. Shivani Keni is working with [organization_doctor experience - id5]. Dr. Shivani Keni specialises in Orthodontic Treatment, Facet Dental, Dental Crowns, Dental X-Ray, Dental Sealant, Dental prophylaxis. Apart from association with different hospitals, Dr. Shivani Keni has put skills to the test in many other ways. Dr. Shivani Keni has been an active member of Life Membership of Indian Orthodontic Society. Dr. Shivani Keni is an alum of Manipal Academy Of Higher Education, Manipal, India where Dr. Shivani Keni earned a MDS. Thereafter, Dr. Shivani Keni earned BDS from Maharashtra Universtity of Health Sciences, Nashik.


Orthodontic Treatment Facet Dental Dental Crowns Dental X-Ray Dental Sealant Dental prophylaxis Dental Examinations Dental Restoration Implant Prosthesis Dental Implant Fixing Implant Retained Dentures Implant Rehabilitation Advanced surgery in Implantology Retention implant dentures Crowns and Bridges Fixing Ceramic Crowns and Bridges Fixing RCT - Root Canal Treatment Metal Braces Fixing Dental Braces Fixing Braces Adjustment Invisible/Clear Braces Bad Breath (Halitosis) Treatment Straightening Teeth (Conventional Braces) Ceramic Dental Braces Tooth Extraction Wisdom Tooth Extraction Surgical Tooth Extraction Impaction / Impacted Tooth Extraction Facial Trauma


  • MDSManipal Academy Of Higher Education, Manipal, India - 2016
  • BDSMaharashtra Universtity of Health Sciences, Nashik - 2012


  • ConsultantBraces and smile
    2016 - 2017
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