About Dr. Nilofer Patel

A well-known Dr. Nilofer Patel is based in Mumbai. Having worked with several hospitals, Dr. Nilofer Patel has 3 years of relevant experience. Dr. Nilofer Patel practices medicine at MGM medical college and Hospital. Dr. Nilofer Patel specialises in Seizures , High Blood Pressure, Ear Infections, Sinusitis, Nasal Allergy, Eczema. Apart from association with different hospitals, Dr. Nilofer Patel has put skills to the test in many other ways. Dr. Nilofer Patel is an alum of Mahatma Gandhi Missions Medical College, Aurangabad where Dr. Nilofer Patel earned a MBBS.


  • MBBSMahatma Gandhi Missions Medical College, Aurangabad - 2018


  • Resident DoctorMGM medical college and Hospital
    2 - Present

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