Dr. Amisha Sarang
Dentistry BDS, MDS - Pedodontics 10 Years of Experience
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Dr. Amisha Sarang Clinic(s)

  • Dental Home1679, Gaddige Main Road, Landmark: Near Police Check Post Bogadi Mysore

  • Day and Timing

    05:00 PM - 08:00 PM

    05:00 PM - 08:00 PM

  • Consultation Fees:₹100

About Dr. Amisha Sarang

Dr. Amisha Sarang is an esteemed doctor practising Dentistry in Mysuru. Dr. Amisha Sarang has more than 10 years of experience. Currently, Dr. Amisha Sarang is working with [organization_doctor experience - id5]. Some of the places where Dr. Amisha Sarang has worked in the past include Ananya Dental Clinic. Dr. Amisha Sarang specialises in Scaling / Polishing, Dental Restoration, Dental prophylaxis, Crowns and Bridges Fixing, Traumatic injuries Dental, Preparation for Dentures. In addition to affiliation with multiple hospitals, Dr. Amisha Sarang has been professionally active in many other ways. Dr. Amisha Sarang has won accolades such as Best Paper Award at Luknow National Conference. Dr. Amisha Sarang is an alum of Vydehi Institute of Dental Sciences Research where Dr. Amisha Sarang earned a BDS. Dr. Amisha Sarang also has a MDS - Pedodontics from Sri Rajiv Gandhi College of Dental Sciences Hospital.


Scaling / Polishing Dental Restoration Dental prophylaxis Crowns and Bridges Fixing Traumatic injuries Dental Preparation for Dentures Fluoride Gel Application Impaction / Impacted Tooth Extraction Artificial Teeth Tooth Extraction Dental Fillings


  • BDSVydehi Institute of Dental Sciences Research - 2009
  • MDS - PedodonticsSri Rajiv Gandhi College of Dental Sciences Hospital - 2015


  • PractitionerAnanya Dental Clinic
    2009 - 2012
  • PedodontistDental Home, Bogadi
    2015 - 2016


  • Best Paper Award at Luknow National Conference - 2014
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