When you start an exercise program, your body naturally goes through many changes in the first few months. Due to these changes, you start gaining weight after starting exercise. There can be many reasons behind weight gain during this period, such as - an increase due to glycogen or an increase in weight due to water resistance, etc.

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Today in this article you will know the reason behind weight gain even after exercising -

(Read More - Diet Plan for Weight Loss)

  1. Water Retention Causes Weight Gain
  2. Weight Gain Due to Glycogen
  3. Lean Muscle Mass Increases Weight
  4. Takeaway

A new exercise regimen puts stress on your muscle fibers that cause inflammation and tiny micro tears, also known as microtrauma. These two conditions in your muscle fibers can cause you to put on some weight.

Your body responds to micro tears and swelling in two ways by causing temporary water weight gain. The first way is the healing reaction.

According to Dr. Calabrese, the tension and micro tears in the muscle fibers cause the body to retain water. There is slight swelling around microtears that your body retains fluid to try to repair." These are very short-term changes in the muscles.

You will most likely start having trouble urinating 24 to 36 hours after exercising. This is your body's natural response to microscopic muscle tears and the breakdown of muscle tissue. So don't exercise too much. Eat properly and give your muscles the proper amount of rest so they can heal and rebuild.

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Because of the way your body provides energy to the muscles, you may gain weight at first. Glycogen or sugar is converted by your muscle cells into glucose which is a source of energy for your muscles. When you exercise regularly, your body stores more glycogen to fuel the exercise.

As your muscles become more efficient and accustomed to exercise, they require less glycogen to maintain the same level of energy production. Thus, your water retention reduces and gradually you start losing weight. The initial water weight (about one to three pounds) will start to come off a few weeks or a month after starting an exercise program.

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Here is another source of weight gain that people often misunderstand. You will gain weight from your lean muscles with muscle-building exercises or weight lifting but it will not happen immediately. It will take you at least a month or two then your lean muscle mass will be visible.

People may not take these initial changes in their bodies as positive. But when your body gets used to exercising, good changes start coming later, so you should continue with your exercise program.

(Read More - How Much Water Should Drink to Lose Weight)

The doctors of myUpchar after many years of research have created myUpchar Ayurveda Medarodh Capsule by using 100% original and pure herbs of Ayurveda. This ayurvedic medicine has been recommended by our doctors to lakhs of people for weight loss with great results.

There can be some reasons behind weight gain after starting exercise to lose weight, which we have explained in detail in this article. This may be due to the stress placed on the muscle fibers or may also be due to an increase in lean muscle mass. Therefore, one should wait for some time after starting an exercise routine. Along with this, a healthy diet should also be taken.

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