The first letter of a name has a significant impact on a female's life and is also related to her gender nature. The initial letter of a name can positively influence a female's life, and it can reveal her characteristics or shortcomings. The first letter of a name has both positive and negative effects on all aspects of a female's life. This is why, when choosing a name for a baby, special consideration is given to the initial letter of their name. While all letters in a name hold significance, the first letter is regarded as the most influential. It is believed that the letter with which your name begins carries the highest energy, encapsulating the essence of your personality. The difficulties, challenges and opportunities that come in the life of Girl can be detected with the first letter of its name. Not only this, the skills and successes of Girl are also estimated from the first letter P of the name.To know in relation to the future, the prophets first ask the first letter of the name of Girl such as P. After this, we study intensively on it. From this you can guess how important the first letter of the name is for your whole personality and life. Along with this, the future signs are also found from the first letter of the name of Girl. Therefore, to know how you are, what kind of thinking you think, how are thoughts, you can look at the first P of your name to know. The way females communicate, their anger levels, their verbosity, and whether they tend to be lazy or hardworking, among other traits, are often associated with a specific letter in the alphabet - the first letter of their name. In other words, the initial letter of your name, denoted as 'P,' can reveal a lot about your personality.

Girl names starting with P with meanings

Name Meaning Religion
Prathysha Saisudha, Early morning, Dawn Hindu
Prathyumna Victory Hindu
Prathyusha Saisudha, Early morning, Dawn Hindu
Prati One who appreciates and loves music Hindu
Pratibha Light, Keen intellect Hindu
Pratichi West Hindu
Pratichii West Hindu
Pratigya Pledge, Vow Hindu
Pratika Image, Beautiful, Symbol, Symbolic Hindu
Pratikriti Hindu
Pratiksha Hope, Waiting for something Hindu
Pratikshili Hindu
Pratikshya To wait, Expectation Hindu
Pratima Beautiful pleasant, Icon, Idol, Statue Hindu
Pratishtha Pre-eminence Hindu
Pratistha Pre-eminence Hindu
Pratitha Well known Hindu
Prattusha Beautiful. soft Hindu
Prattysha Morning Hindu
Pratusha Saisudha, Early morning, Dawn Hindu
Pratushya Bright morning Hindu
Pratvi Goddess Sita, Princess Hindu
Pratyaksha One who is real Hindu
Pratyaya Perception, Thought, Intention Hindu
Pratyusha Bright morning Hindu
Praudha One who is old Hindu
Pravalika Question Hindu
Pravalitha Unlimited power Hindu
Pravallika Question Hindu
Pravara Eminent Hindu
Pravarsha Rain Hindu
Pravashthi Hindu
Pravashti Hindu
Pravashwini Hindu
Pravasthi Hindu
Pravasti Hindu
Pravasya Hindu
Praveena Goddess Saraswati, Skilled Hindu
Pravi Hindu
Pravilika Hindu
Pravina Goddess Saraswati, Skilled Hindu
Pravinah Hindu
Pravya Hindu
Praya Place of sacrifice, Allahabad Hindu
Prayaathi Goes Hindu
Prayerna Bhakti, Worship Hindu
Prayosha Hindu
Prayukta Experimented Hindu
Prayushi Pure Hindu
Prayuta Mingled with Hindu
Preeksha Viewer, Beholding, Viewing Hindu
Preema Love, Affection Hindu
Preenithi Hindu
Preesha Talent given by God, Beloved, Loving, Gods gift Hindu
Preet Love Hindu
Preetal Loved one Hindu
Preetha Happy, Dear one, Another name of Kunti mother of Pandavas) Hindu
Preethi Love, Satisfaction Hindu
Preethika Flower, Loveable Hindu
Preeti Affection, Love Hindu
Preetika Beloved, Dear one, An atom of Love Hindu
Preetinder God of Love cupid Sikh
Preety Affection, Love Hindu
Preity Affection, Love Hindu
Preksha Viewer, Beholding, Viewing Hindu
Prekshya Looking at, Observing Hindu
Prema Love, Beloved Hindu
Premaja Hindu
Premala Loving Hindu
Premila Queen of a womens kingdom Hindu
Premita Hindu
Premjyoti Lamp of Love Sikh
Premla Hindu
Premleen Absorbed in Love of God Sikh
Premsiri Greatest Love Sikh
Prenitha A gift from God Hindu
Prerana Encouragement, Inspiration Hindu
Prerita One who inspires Hindu
Prerna Encouragement, Inspiration Hindu
Presha Talent given by God, Beloved, Loving, Gods gift Hindu
Preshti Ray of light Hindu
Prestha Dearest Hindu
Prethula Hindu
Prexa A form of the name Preksha Hindu
Preya Beloved Hindu
Preyakshana Hindu
Preyasi Beloved Hindu
Prianka Favorite Hindu
Prija Goddess of good wishes Hindu
Prijal Hindu
Prima Love, Affection Hindu
Prina Content Hindu
Prinaka Girl who brings heaven to earth Hindu
Prinitha Pleased Hindu
Prinsi Hindu
Prisca Saint Hindu
Prisha Talent given by God, Beloved, Loving, Gods gift Hindu
Prishanka Hindu
Prishi One who attends ukzn and is tall Hindu
Prishita Hindu
Prism Hindu
Prita Happy, Dear one, Another name of Kunti mother of Pandavas) Hindu
Prital Loved one Hindu
Pritha Happy, Dear one, Another name of Kunti mother of Pandavas) (Mother of Pandavas) Hindu
Prithee Love, Satisfaction Hindu
Prithi Love, Satisfaction Hindu
Prithika Flower, Loveable Hindu
Prithisha Hindu
Priti Affection, Love Hindu
Pritika Beloved, Dear one, An atom of Love Hindu
Pritikana Beloved, Dear one, An atom of Love Hindu
Pritilata A creeper of Love Hindu
Priya Loved one, Darling, Beloved Hindu
Priyadarshani Sweet looking, Delightful to look at Hindu
Priyadarshini Sweet looking, Delightful to look at Hindu
Priyadutta Earth Hindu
Priyajanani Mother with Love Hindu
Priyakankshi Hindu
Priyal Beloved, One who gives Love Hindu
Priyala Beloved, One who gives Love Hindu
Priyam Love, Beloved Hindu
Priyamada Hindu
Priyamkari Goddess Durga, She who does what is liked Hindu
Priyamvada Sweet spoken Hindu
Priyana Ideal Hindu
Priyanga Lover of Sharmila Hindu
Priyangi Goddess Lakshmi, Lovely body Hindu
Priyani Hindu
Priyanka Beautiful, Lovable act, Symbol, Body Hindu
Priyanshi Lovable, Dear, Loving Hindu
Priyansi Lovable, Dear, Loving Hindu
Priyanvada One who speaks nicely Hindu
Priyaranjeny Loving Hindu
Priyasha Dear one Hindu
Priyasmita Best friend Hindu
Priyatha Affection Hindu
Priyavadhana Lovable face Hindu
Projukta Hindu
Promila Love others Hindu
Prosmita Quite girl Hindu
Protyasha Expectation Hindu
Prushti Hindu
Prutha Daughter of earth Hindu
Pruthvi Earth Hindu
Pubi The wind which passes through east Hindu
Puchi Hindu
Puja Idol worship Hindu
Pujasatya Hindu
Pujeetha To be worshipped Hindu
Puji Gentle Hindu
Pujita Prayer, Worshipped, Respected, A Goddess Hindu
Pujitha To be worshipped Hindu
Pujya Respectable Hindu
Pulakitha Shivering with Joy Hindu
Pulkita Embraced Hindu
Puloma Delighted (Wife of the sage Bhrigu) Hindu
Puma Complete, Content Hindu
Pumima Night of the full Moon Hindu
Punai Achiever, Eastern, Amusicalraagini Hindu
Punam Full Moon Hindu
Punarnava A star Hindu
Punarvika Star Hindu
Punasvitha Hindu
Pundari Holy Hindu
Puneeta Love, Pure, Sacred, Devout Hindu
Punita Love, Pure, Sacred, Devout Hindu
Punitha Love, Pure, Sacred, Devout Hindu
Punthali A doll Hindu
Punyaa Good work, The Goddess who appreciates good deeds, Virtue, Purity, Tulsi or holy Basil, Sacred, Auspicious, Fair, Worthy Hindu
Punyakeerthi Goddess Durga, She who is famous for good deeds Hindu
Punyapriya A loving person Hindu
Purala Goddess Durga, Guardian of fortresses Hindu
Purandeswari Hindu
Purandhri Same as Gayatri Hindu
Puri City Hindu
Purna Complete Hindu
Purnima Full Moon Hindu
Purnita Complete, Fulfilled Hindu
Purushaakriti One who takes the form of a Man Hindu
Puruva Eastern, Elder Hindu
Purva Earlier, One, Elder, East Hindu
Purvaja Elder sister, Complete Hindu
Purvi A classical melody, From the east Hindu
Purvika Orient, Formerly Hindu
Purvil Hindu
Pusha Nourishing Hindu
Pushaan A sage, God of fertility, Provider, Protector Hindu
Pushana Provider, Protector Hindu
Pushpa Flower Hindu
Pushpagandha Juhi flower Hindu
Pushpaja Nectar Hindu
Pushpaki Mythical vehicle of Lord Vishnu Hindu
Pushpalata Flower creeper, Flower Hindu
Pushpalatha Flower creeper, Flower Hindu
Pushpalathika Name of a Raga Hindu
Pushpangata Juhi flower Hindu
Pushpanjali Flower offering Hindu
Pushpasri Bunch of flowers Hindu
Pushpavathi Decorated with flowers Hindu
Pushpita Decorated with flowers, One that has flowered Hindu
Pushpitha Decorated with flowers, One that has flowered Hindu
Pushthi Confirmation, Healthy, Possessor of all wealth, Nourishment, Endorsement Hindu
Pushti Confirmation, Healthy, Possessor of all wealth, Nourishment, Endorsement Hindu
Pushya 8th Nakshathra Hindu
Pushyaja Born from flower Hindu
Pushymi Hindu
Pustak Book Hindu
Pusti Confirmation, Healthy, Possessor of all wealth, Nourishment, Endorsement Hindu
Putana Blowing Hard, Demon Hindu
Putul Doll Hindu
Puvika Hindu
Pyas Thirsty Hindu