You may have heard that certain foods can reduce testosterone levels and if you have heard this and if you are reading this article then you are probably trying to reduce your testosterone levels.

Some research suggests that high amounts of certain foods may reduce testosterone in some people. If you are also thinking of doing this, then definitely consult a doctor before changing your diet. Let us know about some foods that reduce testosterone-

Read more -(8 Ways to Increase Testosterone )


  1. Vegetable Oil For Lower Testosterone
  2. Trans Fatty Acids for Lower Testosterone
  3. Sugar for Decrease Testosterone
  4. Bakery Items for Lower Testosterone
  5. Soy for Lower Testosterone
  6. Flax Seeds for Lower Testosterone
  7. Nuts for Lower Testosterone
  8. Alcohol for Lower Testosterone
  9. Mint for Lower Testosterone
  10. Liquorice Root for Lower Testosterone
  11. Summary

Most vegetable oils contain high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Although it can be a healthy source of polyunsaturated fat, high amounts of it are linked to lower testosterone levels. According to a study conducted in 2019, men with hypogonadism, whose testicles did not function properly, were given a diet rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and it was observed that this intake reduced testosterone production. An older study from 2000 looked at 69 Japanese men and concluded that repeatedly consuming polyunsaturated fats significantly reduced testosterone levels.

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Trans fats, found mainly in processed foods, are considered harmful to health. In a 2017 study, researchers looked at how fatty acid intake affected 209 healthy men. Researchers found that high intake of trans fatty acids led to lower testosterone levels.


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High amounts of sugar can affect your testosterone levels. A 2018 study looked at men aged 20 to 39. It found that people who drank large amounts of sugary drinks were more likely to have low testosterone levels. Most of those participants also had higher body mass, which can affect testosterone levels.

Read more -(Testosterone Deficiency symptoms, causes, treatment )

A 2018 study concluded that if men consumed large amounts of bread and pastries, they were more likely to have low testosterone levels. Consuming dairy products and sweets also reduces testosterone levels.


Can Soy Lower Testosterone Levels? The research done on this is mixed. Soy is high in phytoestrogens, which are plant-derived substances that work similarly to estrogen. According to a study conducted in 2005, drinking soy protein for 57 days reduced men's testosterone levels. Another study based on rats found that consuming phytoestrogens reduced testosterone levels.


Flaxseed is high in lignans, which can reduce testosterone levels. Lignans can bind with testosterone and expel it from the body. in a study

A total of 41 women with PCOS were divided into two groups: one group made lifestyle changes alone, while the other group made lifestyle changes and used flaxseed supplements. The participants who used flaxseed saw a decrease in their testosterone levels.

Read more -(Testosterone replacement therapy)

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Walnuts and almonds increase the production of a substance called sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG). SHBG transports testosterone and other hormones throughout the body. Excess SHBG causes low levels of free testosterone in the body. Most studies on this topic focus on women. A 2011 study of women with PCOS found that walnut consumption increased SHBG by 12.5% and almond consumption increased SHBG by 16%. This may be because almonds are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and walnuts are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids.


Drinking alcohol in excess has many health risks. A 2019 review found that men who drink too much alcohol have lower testosterone levels. This may be because alcohol can affect testosterone production. Interestingly, an older study from 2002 found that alcohol intoxication was associated with decreased testosterone levels in men and increased testosterone levels in women.

Read more -(Power Up Your Manhood With Top 10 Testosterone Booster)


Peppermint may reduce testosterone levels. An older study from 2010 involving 42 women showed that drinking spearmint herbal tea twice a day over a 30-day period significantly reduced testosterone levels. Another older study from 2004 found that peppermint tea reduced testosterone levels in rats.


Licorice root is another herb that is often enjoyed as a tea. This may reduce testosterone levels.

Read more -(Does Ashwagandha Boost Testosterone)


High amounts of certain foods can naturally reduce testosterone levels. But in general, as long as you're eating a balanced diet, your hormone levels will probably remain healthy. Some people have health conditions that cause low testosterone levels. If this applies to you, it is best to follow a healthy lifestyle and talk to a healthcare professional about treatment options.

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