People suffering from heart disease often shy away from exercising. Whether you've had heart surgery or are taking medications for heart disease, you shouldn't shy away from exercise, as it plays an important role in keeping your condition under control.

Please click on the link given here to know the heart disease treatment.

Today in this article, you will know what things a heart patient should pay attention to before exercise -

(Read More - Home remedies for heart disease)

  1. Talk to a doctor about it
  2. Instructions for exercise
  3. What should you pay special attention to?
  4. Takeaway
Doctors for Exercise Tips For Heart Disease

First of all, consult your doctor about which exercise is beneficial for you according to your health condition. Talk to your doctor about your exercise routine in detail if -

If you have any heart disease and you feel that you feel tired while doing household chores like sweeping and cleaning etc. In such a situation, you should not do all these things, until you start feeling physically healthy.

(Read More - What to Do or Not After Heart Attack)

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If a heart patient is thinking of starting exercise for the first time, then he must pay attention to the following things -

Consult a doctor

Consult with your doctor to design an exercise routine for yourself that will help improve the condition of your heart. If you are finding any exercise easy and you want to do some more strenuous exercise, then first talk to the doctor about it.

(Read More - Home Remedies to Make Heart Strong)

Start slowly

Health specialists mostly recommend aerobics exercises, as these exercises help the heart to use oxygen better and also improve blood flow. Do some aerobic exercise like slow walkingswimmingjogging, or cycling. Do this for 15 to 20 minutes continuously 3 to 4 times a week. Remember that you have to start slow and maintain a steady pace.

(Read More - Exercises for high cholesterol)

Warmup and Cooldown

Always do a 5-minute warm-up session before starting the main exercise. By doing this, the heart and muscles get stretched before exercising. Do a cool-down session after exercising to get your blood flowing.

(Read More - Home Remedies To Slow Your Heart Rate)

Take a break

If you get too tired, take 1-2 minute breaks in between exercise sessions. If your symptoms don't improve after you rest, don't exercise.

(Read More - Precautions for Heart Patients in Winter)

Wear the right clothes

Wear clothes that are breathable and stretchable. This will help you move during the exercise.

(Read More - Tips and Diet for Healthy Heart)

Lifts weights

Resistance weight training improves muscle coordination and strength. Talk to your doctor about your weight training routine first. Start with lifting less weight and then gradually increase the weight. Take the help of a good trainer who will help you with the workout as well as choose the right exercises for you.

(Read More - Pranayama for Heart Patients)

If you are not feeling well or have a fever, do not exert yourself excessively. Do not do any kind of exercise if you are nervous or your heartbeat is fast or abnormal. Check your pulse after you've rested for 15 minutes; if it's still more than 100 beats a minute, call your doctor immediately. Do not forget to drink enough water and keep taking breaks in between exercises.

(Read More - Exercises after bypass surgery)

Don't be discouraged if you don't see results all at once. Getting proper physical exercise regularly daily will improve your health, even if you are suffering from heart disease. Therefore, before starting exercise, it is necessary to get a checkup done by the doctor and make the right planning. Also, keep one thing in mind you must include all the nutrients in the diet.

(Read More - Reduce Cholesterol Earlier to Prevent Heart Disease)

Dr. Farhan Shikoh

Dr. Farhan Shikoh

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Dr. Amit Singh

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Dr. Janardhana Reddy D

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