Coral calcium is usually obtained from coral sand. These deposits of sand are part of coral reef, usually collected directly from coastal land or the shallow waters surrounding it.

To manufacture coral calcium, coral is first refined to remove any pollutants or other unwanted substances, then it is ground into a powder and this powder is then sold in capsules or other forms.

Coral calcium supplements contain most of the calcium carbonate, but also contain small amounts of magnesium and other trace minerals.

Coral calcium has a similar structure to human bone and has been used as a bone graft material for over 30 years.

Nowadays, it is used to prevent or treat low calcium levels in people who do not get enough of this nutrient through diet alone.

Read more - (Calcium Deficiency: symptoms, causes, treatment )

  1. Benefits and Uses of Coral Calcium
  2. Read More
  3. Coral Calcium Side Effects and Precautions
  4. Risks of Excessive Consumption
  5. Dosage and How to Take It
  6. Summary

Proponents claim that coral calcium is useful for reducing many health problems, such as strengthening bones, reducing symptoms of arthritis, and even curing diseases like cancer and Parkinson's.

  • Improve bone health

Calcium plays a vital role in the body including muscle contraction as well as keeping bones strong and healthy.

Since there are very few sources of calcium in food, it is not supplied in the body. Due to which the bones can become weak over time. In contrast, calcium-rich diets have consistently been linked to stronger, healthier bones. Supplements can help people who are unable to get enough calcium from their diet.

Unlike other calcium supplements, Coral Calcium naturally contains magnesium and small amounts of trace minerals. Some experts suggest that this combination may be more beneficial for bone health than calcium alone.

One human study shows that coral calcium is easier to absorb than most other calcium supplements.

You can use multivitamin with probiotic capsules to increase immunity, provide nutrition, improve gut health and eliminate weakness.

Read more - (Calcium Blood test: Procedure, Purpose, Results)


  • Helpful in Reducing Blood Pressure

Several studies show that high calcium intake can reduce systolic blood pressure. This benefit is available only to those people who already have high blood pressure. Similarly, some research suggests that high calcium intake during pregnancy may reduce the risk of preeclampsia – one of the leading causes of maternal and infant morbidity and mortality.

Preeclampsia is a serious complication caused by high blood pressure during pregnancy. It usually begins after 20 weeks of pregnancy and affects 14% of pregnancies worldwide.

Additionally, a study conducted on rats showed that the natural magnesium and silica present in coral sand may contribute to reducing blood pressure effects.

  • Its Implications for Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Women

The risk of kidney stones normally increases during pregnancy, and excess calcium intake may further increase this risk. Similarly, excess calcium intake during breastfeeding is linked to heart and kidney problems and may increase the risk of hypercalcemia. The two most common alternatives to coral calcium are calcium carbonate and calcium citrate.

Calcium carbonate supplements contain the same type of calcium found in coral calcium but usually lack the additional magnesium and trace minerals. They are the cheapest and most readily available forms, but are best taken with food.

Other Potential Benefits

Coral calcium may also provide some additional benefits such as:

  • Can prevent cavities. Test-tube research shows that coral calcium may protect against cavities by remineralizing your tooth enamel.
  • May support brain health. Mouse studies have shown that coral calcium may help slow age-related loss of brain function.

Read more - (Calcium rich Indian food)


Coral calcium is generally considered safe. Still, you need to keep a few things in mind.


  • Coral reefs may be contaminated with heavy metals such as mercury or lead. As such, it is best to avoid coral calcium obtained from highly polluted waters.


  • Buy only from a trusted manufacturer.

  • Taking large amounts of Coral Calcium may cause hypercalcemia, which is characterized by extremely high levels of calcium in the blood. This condition can result in health problems, especially with your heart and kidneys.


  • High calcium intake may also be linked to an increased risk of heart disease and prostate cancer.


  • Coral calcium supplements may also cause digestive problems, such as gas, bloating, and constipation.


  • Taking coral calcium with food may reduce the body's ability to absorb nutrients such as iron and zinc.


  • Coral calcium can also cause serious allergic reactions. However, seek medical help immediately if you experience a rash, hives, severe dizziness, trouble breathing, or swelling of the mouth, lips, tongue, throat, or face after consuming coral calcium.


Read more - (Calcium, Magnesium and Zinc: Healthy You , Happy You)


There is no recommended dosage of coral calcium. Based on available information from other forms of calcium supplements, dosages can range from 600–2,000 mg per day. You can take this supplement with or without food. Taking it with food may reduce the chances of stomach upset but reduces your body's ability to absorb nutrients like iron and zinc. Taking coral calcium along with vitamin D may promote calcium absorption.

Excessive consumption can cause hypercalcemia, symptoms of which include loss of appetite, frequent urination, unexplained weight loss, fatigue, and irregular heartbeat.

Effects With Other Drugs

Coral calcium may interact with various medications, such as antibiotics, diuretics, and medications to treat bone or stomach disease. People who are currently taking any type of medication should consult their healthcare provider for advice before starting to take coral calcium supplements.


Calcium citrate is equally well absorbed when taken with or without food. It is typically prescribed to people with low levels of stomach acid, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), or other gut disorders. Other forms of calcium used in supplements or foods include calcium gluconate, calcium lactate, and calcium phosphate. Talk to your healthcare provider for advice about which form of calcium, if any, is best for you.

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