Baby Names

The practice of naming names has been going on in Hindu since ancient times. In Hindu religion, attention is paid to keeping a Girl name which has a good meaning. In Hindu such a process is created, in which a good name of Girl is selected. It is through the name of Girl that a person gets a special identity in life. In Hindu the process of naming was carried out so that a person could have a special identity beyond all others. In other countries of the world including India, naming has been done by people associated with religion for many decades. According to the Hindu religion, for a child to have a good and attractive influence in society, the name of the Girl name should have a special meaning depending on the Hindu religion. It is believed that only a meaningful name gives prestige in society. A The Girl of letter names can leave a positive impact on others. In Hindu it is believed that one's nature is determined by the name of Girl. Whether her behavior is good or bad, whether she is sociable by nature or not, whether there is bitterness or sweetness in her speech, all these things can be found out from the first letter of the name i.e. Girl. People who are associated with Hindu and whose name starts with A are successful in their lives. Not only this, these girls are not afraid of the ups and downs or challenges in their lives. On the contrary, they face it firmly. Hindu People of religion give great importance to the process of naming the child after her birth. Parents put a lot of thought into naming Girl. In Hindu religion, it is believed that a good and meaningful name has a good impact on Girl's future, career, and personality.

Hindu girl names starting with A with meanings

Name Meaning
Annapurna Goddess Parvati, Generous with food, Goddess of grains
Annapoorna Goddess Parvati, Generous with food, Goddess of grains
Annanya Goddess Parvati, Matchless, Unique, Different from others
Annada Goddess Durga, One who distributes food, Goddess of food, An adjective describing Durga
Anmima The glow of dawn
Anmi Dawn, Passionate, Precious, Illuminating, Sacred
Ankushi Self-possessed, A Jaina Goddess
Ankura Sapling, Newborn, Offshoot
Anku Grace
Ankshika It’s derived from the root word - anksh that means a fraction. Ankshika means the fraction of the cosmos
Ankolika An embrace, The embodiment of Love, Respect
Ankitha Conquered, A signet, Symbol, With auspicious marks, Distinguished, Marked out
Ankita Conquered, A signet, Symbol, With auspicious marks, Distinguished, Marked out
Ankisha Goddess of number
Ankira Loser, Follower
Ankia God is gracious
Ankana Bracelet
Anjushri Dear to ones heart
Anjusha Blessing
Anjuli Blessings, Inconquerable
Anju One who lives in heart, Beloved
Anjini Mother of Lord Hanuman, Illusion (Maya), Hotness, Blessed (Mother of Hanuman)
Anjika Blessed
Anji One who blesses, Blessing
Anjasi Honest, Morally upstanding
Anjanie Mother of Lord Hanuman, Illusion (Maya), Hotness
Anjani Mother of Lord Hanuman, Illusion (Maya), Hotness, Blessed
Anjana Dusky, Mother of Lord Hanuman (Mother of Hanuman)
Anjalika One of Arjuna arrows
Anjali Homage, Offring with both hands, One who joins both hands together in prayer, Respectful
Anja Favor, Grace
Aniya Creative
Anitha Who takes pleasure in new joys, Grace, Simple, Artless, Leader
Anita Who takes pleasure in new joys, Grace, Simple, Artless, Leader
Aniskha Young lady, Maiden
Anishkaa Who has friends, No enemies, One who has only friends
Anishka Who has friends, No enemies, One who has only friends
Anishi Bright and luminous
Anishaa Close, Intimate, Good friend, Continuous, Without darkness, Light, Unceasing, Generous, Loyal, Close
Anisha Close, Intimate, Good friend, Continuous, Without darkness, Light, Unceasing, Generous, Loyal, Close
Anirveda Not caring sorrows and suffers, Positive, Courageous, Resilient
Aninditha Beautiful, Virtuous, Venerated, Honoured, Irreproachable
Anindita Beautiful, Virtuous, Venerated, Honoured, Irreproachable
Anindini Full of goodwill, Irreproachable
Aninda Perfect, Blameless
Anima He power of becoming small
Anilaja Perfect, Beautiful
Anila Wind
Anikslum Young, Gentle
Anika Goddess Durga, The brilliance of stone
Aniha Indifferent
Ania Inexhaustible, Limitless, Resurrection
Ani Glass
Anhiti Gift, Donation
Anhithi Gift, Donation
Anhati Gift
Anglina Angel, Messenger
Angle Pari fairy
Angira Mother of birhaspati
Angi Decorating the God, Divine
Angha Sinless, Without any fault, Beauty, Perfect, Pure
Angelina Angel
Angelie Messenger of God, Angel
Angelica Angel like
Angelia Messenger of God, Angel
Angel Shine of glory
Angarika Flame colored flower, Palash, Flame of the forest
Angana Handsome woman, With a beautiful form, Zodiac sign of virgo
Angaja A daughter, Corporeal (Daughter of Aja)
Aneri Extra ordinary
Anemone Type of flower
Anekavarna One who has many complexions
Anekastradhaarini Possessor of many missile weapons
Anekashastrahasta Possessor of many hand weapons
Aneeta Who takes pleasure in new joys, Grace, Simple, Artless, Leader
Aneet Joyful unending, Calmness
Aneeswar Goddess of earth, Lord of serpents or Vasuki
Aneesha Affection, Feeling, Imagination, Direct knowledge, Sentiment, Emotion, Reflection, Meditation, Contemplation, Mental perception, Proof
Aneesa Close, Intimate, Good friend, Continuous, Without darkness, Light, Unceasing, Generous, Loyal, Close
Aneeksha Bringing happiness
Andal Incarnation of Goddess Lakshmi (Wife of Lord Vishnu)
Anchita Honored, Worshipped
Anchala One end of Saree which is free
Anchal Shelter, The decorative end of a sari
Anbesha Quest, Curious
Anbarasi Queen of Love
Anayna Unique
Anaya Without a superior, God has shown favour
Anay Sacred wood apple tree, Time, Creeper, A vine, The Jasmine creeper
Anathi Modest, Respectful
Anatha No end
Anasuya Without spite or envy, Learned woman, Full of goodwill, Not resentful
Anasua One who is not jealous of anybody

Hindu girl names starting with