Bachon ke naam

The zodiac sign is important in the life of every individual. With the help of the zodiac, one can discern the strengths and weaknesses of each person. A person's love life, career prospects, social concerns, likes, and dislikes can be easily identified with the assistance of their zodiac sign. Each zodiac sign has its strengths and weaknesses, such as the Aquarius zodiac. This is also a key aspect of astrology. Therefore, based on one's zodiac sign, it is possible to gain insights into their future, personality traits related to the zodiac, their feelings for their partner, and their beliefs, among other things. How successful a person will be in their life, in which field they will succeed, and when they might face failures can all be indicated by their zodiac sign. If your zodiac sign is Aquarius, many mysterious aspects of your nature can be revealed through it. Every individual aspires to pursue a career of their choice. However, at times, even after putting in significant effort, achieving one's dreams can prove challenging. This difficulty may be related to your Aquarius zodiac sign. In such circumstances, your zodiac sign can help you determine the most suitable area for your career and identify the potential obstacles you may encounter despite working in a particular field. If you're curious about how individuals belonging to a specific zodiac sign and gender behave in their marital or family life, and whether they tend to be hardworking or lazy, you can find answers to such questions with the help of astrology. If you're a Aquarius zodiac sign Boy looking to understand your nature, you should begin by studying the ruler or owner of your zodiac sign. The owner of each zodiac sign plays a significant role in shaping a person's future. If the ruler of your zodiac sign is known for being fierce, you may also exhibit that intensity in your behavior. On the other hand, if the ruler of your zodiac sign has a gentle nature, your behavior is likely to be calm as well.

Boy names starting with

Girl names starting with

Boy names of Aquarius with meanings

Name Meaning Religion
Sarves Master of all or God or king or Lord of all Hindu
Sarvendyna Hindu
Sarvendra Every where, God Hindu
Sarvbhanu Name of the Sun Hindu
Sarvayoni Source of everything Hindu
Sarvayantratmaka Dweller in all yantras Hindu
Sarvayagyodhipa Lord of all sacrificial offerings Hindu
Sarvavidhyasampath Pradayaka granter of knowledge and wisdom Hindu
Sarvavas Lord Shiva, One who resides everywhere Hindu
Sarvatman Protector of the universe Hindu
Sarvateeth Hindu
Sarvateerthamaya One who turns the water of ocean sacred Hindu
Sarvatapana Scorcher of all Hindu
Sarvatantra Sawaroopine shape of all hymns Hindu
Sarvasiddhanta Bestowed of skills and wisdom Hindu
Sarvashiva Always pure Hindu
Sarvashay Lord Shiva Hindu
Sarvarogahara Reliever of all ailments Hindu
Sarvaraidu Ruler of entire universe Hindu
Sarvapalaka Protector of all, Lord Krishna Hindu
Sarvansh Everything Hindu
Sarvang Lord Shiva, The whole body, All the angas or vedaangas collectively, Epithet of Shiva, Covering all aspects Hindu
Sarvanavel Another name of Lord Murugan Hindu
Sarvan Worthy, Affectionate, Generous Hindu
Sarvambh Lord Ganesh, Sarva - universe Hindu
Sarvamayavibhanjana Destroyer of all illusions Hindu
Sarvamantra Swaroopavate possessor of all hymns Hindu
Sarvam Perfect in everything Hindu
Sarvalolkacharine Wanderer of all places Hindu
Sarvak Whole, Complete, Universal Hindu
Sarvajana Omniscient Lord Hindu
Sarvagraha Nivashinay killer of all evil effects of planets Hindu
Sarvagny The all knowing, Lord Vishnu Hindu
Sarvag Lord Shiva, All pervading, Spirit, Soul, Epithet of Shiva and Vishnu, Epithet of Brahma, Name of a son of Bheem Hindu
Sarvaduhkhahara Reliever of all agonies Hindu
Sarvadharin Lord Shiva, Sarva - all + dharin - one who holds, The bearer Hindu
Sarvadevatmika Dwells in all gods Hindu
Sarvadevatman Acceptor of all celestial offerings Hindu
Sarvadevastuta Worshipped by all divine beings Hindu
Sarvadevadideva Lord of all gods Hindu
Sarvadev Lord Shiva, God of all, Epithet of Shiva Hindu
Sarvadaman (Son of Shakuntala Bharat) Hindu
Sarvad Lord Shiva, All giving, Epithet of Shiva Hindu
Sarvacharya Preceptor of all Hindu
Sarvabhanu Name of The Sun Hindu
Sarvabandha Vimoktre detacher of all relationship Hindu
Sarup Beautiful, Shapely Hindu
Saruh Successful, Wealthy Hindu
Sarthak Well done Hindu
Sarth Autumn, Super boy, Complete or meaningful Hindu
Sartaj Crown Hindu
Sarojin Lord Brahma, Lotus-like Hindu
Sarnvar Content, Best Hindu
Sarnud Happy Hindu
Sarnin Pacifist, Peaceful, Consoler Hindu
Sarnih Desire Hindu
Sarngin Name of Lord Vishnu Hindu
Sarnavo Glitters as gold Hindu
Sarnab Hindu
Sarman Joy, Delight, Shelter, Happiness, Protection Hindu
Sarmadhan Hindu
Sarjeet Hindu
Sarjan Creative, Creation Hindu
Sarish Equal, Morning Hindu
Saril One that bring essence, Water Hindu
Sarik Resembling a small song bird, Melodious, Stream, Precious Hindu
Sargam Musical notes Hindu
Saresh Hindu
Sarendar Sarvaniki endrudu Hindu
Sarbojit Winner Hindu
Sarbesh Master of all or God or king or Lord of all, Emperor, Lord Shiva Hindu
Sarbajit One who has conquered everything Hindu
Sarbagya All knowing Hindu
Sarba Lord Krishna, Lord Shiva, Perfect, Complete Hindu
Saravantej Hindu
Saravanan Clump of reeds, Lord Murugan Hindu
Saravana Clump of reeds, Lord Murugan Hindu
Sarav Clump of reeds Hindu
Sarath Autumn, Super boy, Complete or meaningful Hindu
Sarat Autumn, Super boy, Complete or meaningful Hindu
Saraswath Learned Hindu
Sarasvat Learned Hindu
Sarasija Lotus Hindu
Sarasij Lotus Hindu
Saras Swan, The Moon Hindu
Saranyan The one who bestows protection to anyone who comes seeking it. the word Sharan in Sanskrit means protection. and the one who bestows it is Sharanyan Hindu
Saransh Summary, In brief, Precise, Result Hindu
Sarang A musical instrument, Distinguished, Brilliance, Light, Jewel, Gold light, The earth, A musical Raag another name for the Love God Kaama and Shiva Hindu
Saranesh Summary Hindu
Sarana Surrender, Injuring Hindu
Saran Surrender, Injuring, Running, Lily, Yard of a sail Hindu
Saral Very easy, Honest, Simple Hindu
Saraj Born in water, Lotus Hindu
Sarad Autumn Hindu
Saraasana One of the kauravas Hindu
Sar Form of God, Effective Hindu
Sapthagiri Other name of Lord Sri venkateswara Hindu
Saptarshi Hindu
Saptarishi 7 stars representing 7 great saints Hindu
Saptanshu Fire Hindu