Baby Names

The practice of naming has been followed for many years, particularly within the realm of religion. In religious contexts, gender is assigned a special significance through the act of naming. The choice of a name for one's gender is considered significant, holding great importance within the religious community. Consequently, parents are cautious when selecting a name for their child's gender. In muslim, naming is not merely a means of providing a distinct identity; its significance transcends this purpose. The future of an individual's gender is believed to be influenced by their name. It is thought that the name can guide Baby towards the right path. People who adhere to the religious practices of muslim in India and other countries place a significant emphasis on the positive and honorable connotations of a name within their faith. It is believed that a name must carry a positive meaning and bring honor to the individual and society. Only then is the name considered correct and virtuous. In religion, it is believed that a person's characteristics are influenced by their gender-specific name. All the qualities of Baby's behavior are thought to be reflected in their name. After birth, Baby is given their first name, and this naming process holds great significance in muslim. Relatives, including parents, are deeply mindful of choosing a name for Baby. In fact, in muslim, a name is believed to have a significant impact on Baby's future and present. Success and failure in life are believed to be influenced by Baby's name in muslim. The success of Baby in their religious journey carries great importance. Therefore, finding an appropriate name that enhances their personality is a meticulous process. The meaning of the name cannot be underestimated. People within the muslim community, in particular, prioritize names that inspire and evoke enthusiasm.

Muslim baby names with meanings

Name Meaning
Sanina Friend, Childhood friend
Saniha Tall and high, Bright
Sanie Brilliant, Majestic, Exalted
Sangrez Stone breaker
Sangina Polite
Sangar Battleground, Fighting point
Sandhani The Moon
Sandara Song
Sandani The Moon
Sanaz Pride of king, Full of grace, Flower
Sanawbar Cone bearing tree, Fir
Sanaullah Praise of Allah
Sanaubur Cone bearing tree
Sanaubar Palm tree
Sanari Sweet and beautiful
Sanad Support, Prop
Sanaa Praise, Prayer, Art
Sana Praise, Prayer, Art (Celebrity Name: Saurav Ganguly)
Samsor Flourishing
Samshad Long, Beautiful tree
Samsaam Sword
Samrina Flower, Fruit
Samrah Name of a fruit, Written in the Quran 24 times
Samra Pure, Promise, Light, Tanned, Guardian
Sammar Fruit
Samman Grocer
Samiyah Elevated, Exalted, Lofty
Samiun The hearing
Samitah Mighty
Samirah Early morning fragrance, Entertaining companion, Wind
Samiqa Loving and kind. Love attention but can be shy. very beautiful, Peaceful
Samiq Another name of God, Exalted, Tall
Samina Happy, Precious, Generous, Pacifist, Peaceful, Healthy, Plump
Samima Fragrant breeze, True, Sincere, Genuine
Samim Fragrance, Fragrant, Sincere, Genuine, Pure, True
Samila All comprehensive, Complete, Peacemaker
Samil All comprehensive, Complete, Peacemaker
Samika Loving and kind. Love attention but can be shy, Very beautiful, Peaceful
Samih Forgiver
Samien To be heard
Samiah Hearing, Forgiveness or forgiver
Samia Blessings, One who listens, Exalted, Noble, Much praised
Sami Eminent, Exalted, High, Sublime, Similar
Sameya Pure
Samera Early morning fragrance or entertaining companion or wind, Enchanting
Sameh Forgiver
Sameer Early morning fragrance, Entertaining companion, Wind, Breeze, Air, Creator, Another name for Shiva, Era
Sameenah Valuable, Costly, Precious
Sameena Happy, Precious, Generous, Pacifist, Peaceful, Healthy, Plump
Sameen Precious, Invaluable, Happy, Self disciplined
Sameeha Generous
Sameed Brave, Simple
Sameeah Hearing, Forgiveness or forgiver
Sameea Blessings, One who listens, Exalted, Noble, Much praised
Samara Soft pleasant light, A narrator of Hadith, Protected by God, Guardian, Encounter, Conflict, Fruit, Result
Samar Accompanied by the eternal gods, Fruit, Outcome, Possession, Conflict, Son
Samandar Ocean
Samama Fragrance, A companion of prophet Muhammad
Samal Row of swans
Samaira Enchanting, Protected by God, Guardian (Celebrity Name: Karishma Kapoor)
Samah Generosity
Samad Eternal, Immortal, One of ninety nine names of God
Samaah Generosity
Samaa One who listens a lot, Sky, Peaceful, Evenness, Comparable, A year
Sama One who listens a lot, Sky, Peaceful, Evenness, Comparable, A year
Salwah Comfort, Ease, Amusement
Salwa Quail, Solace
Salt A narrator of Hadith
Salsal Pure water
Salsabil Spring in paradise
Salsabeel Spring in paradise
Salsaal Pure water
Salman High, Safe
Salmah Peace
Salmaa Peaceful
Salma Peaceful
Salit Strong, Solid, Firm, Sharp
Salina The Moon
Salimah Sound, Safe, Healthy
Salima Safe, Healthy, Happy
Salim Sound, Unimpaired, Sane, Sincere, Safe, Happy, Peaceful
Salil Handsome, Water
Salikah Following, Mystic
Salik Passable, Unobstructed, Traveler
Saliha Good, Useful, Pious, Virtuous, Just
Salih Good, Righteous, Safe, Whole, Flawless
Salifah Previous
Salif Previous, Former
Salha Righteous
Salem Sound, Unimpaired, Sane, Sincere, Safe, Happy, Peaceful
Saleha Flower, Love
Saleh Righteous
Saleet Strong, Solid, Firm, Sharp
Saleena The Moon

Muslim boy names starting with

Muslim girl names starting with