Baby Names

The practice of naming has been followed for many years, particularly within the realm of religion. In religious contexts, gender is assigned a special significance through the act of naming. The choice of a name for one's gender is considered significant, holding great importance within the religious community. Consequently, parents are cautious when selecting a name for their child's gender. In muslim, naming is not merely a means of providing a distinct identity; its significance transcends this purpose. The future of an individual's gender is believed to be influenced by their name. It is thought that the name can guide Boy towards the right path. People who adhere to the religious practices of muslim in India and other countries place a significant emphasis on the positive and honorable connotations of a name within their faith. It is believed that a name must carry a positive meaning and bring honor to the individual and society. Only then is the name considered correct and virtuous. In religion, it is believed that gender has a significant impact on one's life. The name given to a person often signifies their nature, how they interact with others and their speech patterns. When an infant is born into a religious community, the naming process is a crucial first step. Parents always strive to select an auspicious name for their child, as it is believed to be closely linked to the child's nature and future. The success in gender's life is thought to be influenced by their name in the religious context. Naming a child in this religion involves careful consideration. In this faith, gender is often given a name associated with success and a positive meaning.

Muslim boy names with meanings

Name Meaning
Hadir Good mannered
Hadid The 57th surah of holy Quran, Iron, Eloquent
Hadi The guide, Director, Leader
Hadee The guide, Director, Leader
Haddaq Wise
Haddad Blacksmith
Hadbar Beautiful
Hadad Syrian God of fertility, Joy
Habis A narrator of Hadith
Habibullah Beloved of Allah, Friend of Allah, Dear to all
Habib Beloved
Habeebullah Beloved of Allah, Friend of Allah, Dear to all
Habbab Affable, Lovable
Habash Guinea hen, Guinea fowl
Habab Aim, Goal, End
Haaziq Intelligent, Skillful
Haatim Judge
Haashir Gatherer, One who assembles
Haashim Generosity, Prophets grandfather, Decisive
Haaroon Lofty or exalted, A prophets name (Aaron)
Haaris Ploughman, Cultivator, Friend
Haarij The horizon, Strong, Secure, Guarded
Haani Happy, Delighted, Content, Pleasant
Haamid Praising (God), Loving (God), Friend, Praiser, All-laudable
Haalim Mild, Gentle, Patient, Forbearing, Grown up
Haalah Aureole
Haaiz Getter
Haafiz Protector, One who has memorized the Quran
Haady Guiding to the right
Haadee The guide, Director, Leader
Gutaif A well of a person, Well to do
Gulzar Rose garden, Inhabited town, Flourishing
Gulzaar Rose garden, Inhabited town, Flourishing
Gulshan Garden of flowers
Gulbar Shedder of flowers, Generous
Gulzar Rose garden, Inhabited town, Flourishing
Gran Dear, Beloved
Gorbat Eagle
Goharshad Happy jewel
Goharnaz Beautiful
Gogal Vocal cords
Givon Hill, Heights
Ginton A garden
Ghutayf Affluent
Ghutaif Affluent
Ghusharib Brave
Ghunayn Ne who collects booty
Ghunaim A person who takes booty na
Ghulam Servant, Boy, Youth
Ghorzang Long strides, Panther strides
Ghofran Pardon, Forgiveness
Ghiyath Succor, Help, Aid, Successor
Ghiyas-Ud-Din Helper of the religion
Ghiyas Deliverance from hardships
Ghiyaath Succor, Help, Aid, Successor
Ghazzal Name of a reciter of Quran
Ghazwan Warrior, A companion, One on expedition, To conquer
Ghazi Conqueror
Ghazawan Warrior, A companion, One on expedition, To conquer
Ghazanfar Lion
Ghazan Holy war fighter
Ghazalan Spinner
Ghayth Rain
Ghayoor Self respecting
Ghaylan Great, Fat
Ghayab Disappear
Ghawth Helper, Defender, Successor
Ghauth Helper, Defender, Successor
Ghaus Help, Aid, Rescue, Succor
Ghatrif Leader, Brave, Noble
Ghatool Tulip
Ghassan Ardor, Vigor of youth
Ghasaan Old Arabic name
Gharib Poor, Need, Humble, Stranger
Ghannam Shepherd
Ghanim Successful
Ghani Rich, Wealthy, Prosperous
Ghanem Successful
Ghamay Precious stone
Ghallab Ever victorious, Triumphant
Ghalib Victor, First, Predominant, Another name for God
Ghali Valuable, Dear, Beloved, Expensive
Ghakhtalay Strong
Ghaiyyas Helper, Reliever, Winner
Ghaith Rain
Ghais Rain
Ghafur Forgiver, Merciful
Ghaffar Forgiver, Merciful
Ghadef One who drives a boat
Ghaazi Conqueror
Ghaalib Victor, First, Predominant, Another name for God
Abhin Fearless
Gasheen Good
Gamil Beautiful
Gamali Camel

Muslim boy names starting with