Generally, people do not use sunscreen during the winter season. The result of this is that the strong rays of the sun reach the skin and affect the melanin. Due to this, one has to face the problem of pigmentation. In such a situation, the best way to avoid pigmentation is to stay away from strong sunlight. If this problem still occurs, then home remedies like lemon juice, honey, papaya and tomato can prove to be effective in removing it. Today in this article you will learn about home remedies to remove freckles in winter season -

(Read more - Pigmentation Treatment and Remedies)

  1. Home Remedies For Removing Pigmentation In Winter
  2. Summary
Doctors for Winter Skincare: Effective Home Remedies for Pigmentation

Many people make the mistake of considering freckles as moles, whereas there is a difference between the two. Yes, it is true that freckles do not cause any kind of pain in the skin, but it definitely affects the beauty. This is the reason why efforts are made to remove freckles. Home remedies like honey, papaya, tomato and lemon juice are helpful in removing freckles caused by exposure to strong sunlight. Let us know in detail about home remedies to remove pigmentation in winter season -

Benefits Of Lemon Juice For Pigmentation

Lemon juice has the property of lightening the skin color. It plays an important role in removing blemishes. To remove pigmentation from the skin, applying fresh lemon juice on the affected area provides relief. It is said to wash it with lukewarm water after 10 to 15 minutes. By applying it continuously on the skin, pigmentation gradually starts reducing.

(Read more - DIY Skincare: Home Remedies to Reduce Skin Pigmentation)

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Benefits Of Sour Cream For Pigmentation

Sour cream contains lactic acid, which works brilliantly to remove blemishes from the skin. Wherever there is pigmentation on the skin, applying sour cream there reduces its effect. When the cream dries after applying it on the skin, wipe it with a soft tissue or a slightly wet towel. After this, apply moisturizer on the skin.

(Read more - Fade Away: Guide to Removing Pigmentation)

Benefits Of Honey For Pigmentation

Honey contains anti-oxidant and anti-microbial properties, which are necessary to keep the skin healthy. Honey also has the property of bleaching the skin naturally and this is why applying honey removes the spots and blemishes visible on the skin. Instead of applying honey directly on the skin, it is advised to apply it by mixing it in lukewarm water. After leaving it for 10 to 15 minutes, washing the skin with lukewarm water gradually reduces the spots and blemishes.

(Read more - Home remedies for pigmentation)

Benefits Of Papaya For Pigmentation

Papaya contains such enzymes that can lighten the spots. For this, it is necessary to first extract fresh juice of papaya and apply it on the freckled area with the help of cotton or ear buds. After leaving it for 10 to 15 minutes, wash it with cold water. Papaya works magically on the skin and keeps the skin healthy and soft along with removing pigmentation.

(Read more - Home remedies for dark or black spots)

Benefits Of Tomato For Pigmentation

The vitamin-C present in tomatoes can prove to be helpful in keeping the skin healthy. This vitamin-C also works well in reducing pigmentation. For this, it is advised to drink a glass of tomato juice daily. Also, applying tomato juice on spots with the help of cotton helps in reducing its effect.

(Read more - Which vitamin deficiency causes pigmentation)

Benefits Of Cucumber Juice For Pigmentation

Cucumber juice contains such natural ingredients that help in reducing dark spots on the skin. To remove this, it is advisable to apply cucumber juice directly on the skin twice a day.

(Read more - The Power of Lemon: How to Fade Freckles Safely)

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Benefits of Radish For Pigmentation

Few people would know that radish contains natural bleaching agents, which remove skin spots and blemishes as well as bring natural glow. It is advisable to mix lemon juice in radish juice and apply it on the affected area. After this, it is better to wash it with plain water. The mixture made by mixing radish and lemon juice not only lightens pigmentation in a natural way, but is also effective in removing blackheads.

(Read more - How to get glowing skin)

Benefits Of Curd For Pigmentation

Curd is rich in lactic acid, which is effective in reducing spots and blemishes. For this, it is advisable to apply curd directly on the skin and wash it with plain water after a few minutes.

(Read more - How to get fair skin)

Spots on the skin are a common problem and usually it is not harmful. Despite this, most people want to get rid of it, because it affects beauty. Home remedies like curd, tomato juice, lemon juice, radish juice and papaya can help in removing freckles in the winter season.

Dr. Deepak Argal

Dr. Deepak Argal

10 Years of Experience

Dr. Sneha Hiware

Dr. Sneha Hiware

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Dr. Ravikumar Bavariya

Dr. Ravikumar Bavariya

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Dr. Rashmi Nandwana

Dr. Rashmi Nandwana

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