Dr. Afreen Reyaz


About Me About Dr. Afreen Reyaz

She has been practicing medicine for over 8 years. Dr. Afreen Reyaz is an expert in Sleep Disorders , Chronic Headache and Migraine . She has good experience of Nasal Allergy, Calluses and Corns. She is also well-versed in Warts, Asthma.In addition to her affiliation with multiple hospitals, she has been professionally active in many other ways. She graduated with a BHMS from Pratap Chandra Memorial Homoeopathic Hospital and College.

education Education

  • BHMSPratap Chandra Memorial Homoeopathic Hospital and College - 2014

Common questions & answers about Dr. Afreen Reyaz

Q: What are Afreen Reyaz's educational qualifications?

A: Afreen Reyaz has the following qualifications - BHMS, BHMS. A full list of Afreen Reyaz's qualifications has been given above.

Q: How many years of experience does Afreen Reyaz have?

A: Afreen Reyaz has 6 years' experience in the practice of प्रतिरक्षा विज्ञान.

Q: What treatments do patients visit Afreen Reyaz for?

A: Services that Afreen Reyaz offers include Acupuncture, Stroke, Sleep Disorders . Check above to know the complete set of services and treatments that Afreen Reyaz offers.

Q: How can I make an appointment with Afreen Reyaz?

A: You can easily get an appointment with Afreen Reyaz for online consultation or for an in-person visit via myUpchar. All you have to do is click on the "Book an appointment" above!

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