Dr. Shourya Arora


About Me About Dr. Shourya Arora

Dr. Shourya Arora is a well-known doctor based in West Delhi who specialises in General Physician. He has over 1 years of experience practising medicine in various hospitals and clinics. Dr. Shourya Arora currently works at Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital. Sleep Disorders , Chronic Headache and Migraine are Dr. Shourya Arora’s speciality. Additionally, he has extensive experience in offering Hair growth Treatment, Scalp Exfoliation . He also offers Hair Transplant , Baldness.Beyond his affiliation with many hospitals, he has been professionally active in many other ways. He completed his MBBS from A J Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre, Mangalore.

education Education

  • MBBSA J Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre, Mangalore - 2018

experience Experience

  • InternRam Manohar Lohia Hospital
    31 - Present

Common questions & answers about Dr. Shourya Arora

Q: How long has Dr. Shourya Arora been practising for?

A: Dr. Shourya Arora has 1 years' experience in the practice of Dermatology, Trichology, General Physician, Sexology, Alcoholism Treatment, Allergy and Immunology, Sexual Medicine & Marital Therapy, AIDS/HIV Sexually Transmitted Infections, Beauty, Cosmetology.

Q: What treatments do patients visit Dr. Shourya Arora for?

A: Dr. Shourya Arora offers Sleep Disorders , Chronic Headache and Migraine , Hair growth Treatment to patients. Please find the full list of services and treatments provided by Dr. Shourya Arora.

Q: How to set up an appointment with Dr. Shourya Arora?

A: You can take an appointment with Dr. Shourya Arora for online consultation or for an in-clinic visit via myUpchar - just click on "Book an appointment" above!

Q: How many years of experience does Dr. Shourya Arora have?

A: Dr. Shourya Arora has 1 years of experiences in the field of Dermatology, Trichology, General Physician, Sexology, Alcoholism Treatment, Allergy and Immunology, Sexual Medicine & Marital Therapy, AIDS/HIV Sexually Transmitted Infections, Beauty, Cosmetology.

Q: Which treatments does Dr. Shourya Arora offer to patients?

A: Dr. Shourya Arora offers Sleep Disorders , Chronic Headache and Migraine , Hair growth Treatment to patients. Please find the full list of services and treatments provided by Dr. Shourya Arora.

Q: How to set up an appointment with Dr. Shourya Arora?

A: You can take an appointment with Dr. Shourya Arora for online consultation or for an in-clinic visit via myUpchar - just click on "Book an appointment" above!

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