Strictly Organics Walnut Body Scrub

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Strictly Organics Walnut Body Scrub Information

Strictly Organics Walnut Body Scrub is a skin care product that conditions dry dull skin, and helps in tan removal and oil balance. The key ingredients of Strictly Organics Walnut Body Scrub are Walnut, Apricot, and Ylang Ylang. The properties of which have been shared below.

Ingredients of Strictly Organics Walnut Body Scrub

  • A substance that can inhibit the oxidising effect of free radicals in living cells.
  • Agents which prevent microbial replication and growth by either killing microorganisms or ceasing their actions.
  • Drugs used to reduce swelling after an injury
  • Substances that scavange the singlet oxygen molecules in the body.
  • Drugs which inhibit bacterial growth.
Ylang Ylang
  • A drug or an agent that kills microbes and inhibits their multiplication.

Strictly Organics Walnut Body Scrub Side Effects

No side effects of Strictly Organics Walnut Body Scrub have been reported in the medical literature. However, you should always consult your doctor before using Strictly Organics Walnut Body Scrub.

How to use Strictly Organics Walnut Body Scrub?

  • Place a small amount of Strictly Organics Walnut Body Scrub on a wet sponge, then apply all over your body. Rinse your body thoroughly with clean water.

General precautions for Strictly Organics Walnut Body Scrub

  1. Clean/rinse your skin with normal or lukewarm water.
  2. Wet the concerned area before applying Strictly Organics Walnut Body Scrub on it.
  3. After using Strictly Organics Walnut Body Scrub apply a moisturizer.
  4. Use Strictly Organics Walnut Body Scrub as per the prescription of your doctor. Do not overuse it.
  5. Do not refridgerate the Strictly Organics Walnut Body Scrub. Make sure you keep it in a cool and dry place.
  6. You must talk to your doctor in case of an allergic reaction due to the Strictly Organics Walnut Body Scrub.
  7. If you are pregnant, consult your doctor before taking Strictly Organics Walnut Body Scrub.
  8. It is recommended that a doctor be consulted before Strictly Organics Walnut Body Scrub is used by nursing mothers.

This medicine data has been created by -

Dr. Braj Bhushan Ojha

BAMS, Gastroenterology, Dermatology, Psychiatry, Ayurveda, Sexology, Diabetology
10 Years of Experience

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