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low libido in women is called Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD). This problem can happen to any woman. The main reason behind this could be lifestyle changes, hormonal imbalance, or mental exhaustion and stress. Some medications used for mood disorders can also cause low sex drive in women. In such a situation, if a woman has the problem of low sex drive, then it can be cured by improving her lifestyle and with the help of some medicines.

Please click on the link given here to know the low libido treatment.

Today in this article, we will discuss the causes, symptoms, and treatment of lack of libido in women -

(Read more - Low Libido in Men)

  1. Female low libido causes
  2. Female low libido symptoms
  3. Female low libido solutions
  4. Takeaway
Doctors for Female low libido - Causes, Symptoms, and Solutions

Lack of desire for sex can be due to physical problems and changes in psychological level. Some such problems are explained in detail below -

Physical cause

First of all, know its physical reasons, which are as follows -

  • Sexual problems - If a woman has pain during sex or finds it difficult to reach orgasm, then for this reason her desire for sex may decrease.
  • Medical conditions - Arthritiscancerdiabeteshigh blood pressurecoronary artery disease, neurological diseases, etc. can also cause a decrease in sexual desire.
  • Certain medications - Antidepressants called serotonin reuptake inhibitors can also reduce sex drive.
  • Bad lifestyle - Wrong eating habits, consumption of alcohol, and smoking can also reduce the desire to have sex. Getting addicted to these things can reduce the sexual excitement of a woman.
  • Surgery - Any surgery related to a woman's breasts or genital tract can affect a woman's body image, sexual function, and desire for sex.
  • Fatigue - Sex drive can be affected due to exhaustion from doing housework and office work throughout the day. Fatigue after illness or surgery can also play a role in reducing sex drive.

(Read more - How to increase libido)

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Hormone changes

The desire for sex is also affected by the change in the hormone level of the woman, which is as follows -

  • Menopause - During menopause, there can be a decrease in the female sex hormone i.e. estrogen. This can lead to less interest in sex and dryness in the vaginal tissue, due to which the woman may feel pain or discomfort during sex.
  • Pregnancy and Breastfeeding - Hormones also change during pregnancy. Also, sex drive can be affected during breastfeeding after delivery. During this time the full attention of the woman is on the baby, due to which she gets completely tired of taking care of him, and as a result, there may be a decrease in sexual desire.

(Read more - Natural ways to increase libido)

Psychological reasons

The mental state of a woman can also affect her sexual desire. There are many psychological reasons behind having a low sex drive, which is mentioned below -

  • Mental health problems, such as anxiety or depression.
  • Stress, such as financial stress or work stress.
  • Decreased self-esteem.
  • There has been any kind of physical or sexual abuse in the first place.
  • Past negative sexual experiences.
  • A woman's sex drive can also be negatively affected due to a rift in the relationship or a quarrel with her partner.

(Read more - Low sex time treatment)

Some of the symptoms of lack of libido in women are as follows -

  • Showing little or no interest in sexual activity.
  • Feeling uncomfortable while having sex.
  • Difficulty reaching orgasm during sex.

(Read more - Difference between sexual arousal and desire)

Generally, a lack of libido in women can be cured to some extent through counseling and sex education. At the same time, in severe cases, the doctor may ask to take hormone therapy and some special medicines. All these treatments are mentioned below -

Hormone therapy

Dryness occurs in the vagina during menopause. In such a situation, having sex for a woman can be a painful feeling, due to which the libido starts decreasing. In such a situation, some hormone medicines can make sex comfortable by relieving this problem. After not feeling any kind of discomfort during sex, gradually the sex drive starts increasing. Under this therapy, doctors can give medicines called estrogen, testosterone, and ospemifene, which can help in balancing the hormones.

(Read more - What to do for good sex life)

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Lifestyle changes

This type of problem is common in today's busy times. Therefore, this problem can be reduced to some extent by making lifestyle changes. Taking proper diet, sleeping and getting up on time, staying away from the problem of stress and anxiety, etc. Regular yoga, meditation, and exercise can also be beneficial.

(Read more - Habits that can hurt your sex life)


If the woman is already taking any medicine, then definitely tell the doctor about it, because based on this, the doctor guesses that there is a decrease in sexual desire due to that medicine. For example, antidepressants such as paroxetine (Paxil) and drugs such as fluoxetine can reduce sex drive. In such a situation, the doctor may recommend taking bupropion instead of these medicines. This is also a type of antidepressant drug, which can also improve sex drive. Apart from this, according to the condition of the woman, the doctor may also ask to take flibanserin and bremelanotide tablets.

(Read more - Sex tips for men)


A woman facing low sexual desire can benefit from meeting and talking to a sex therapist. During counseling both the partners can tell the therapist about the problems related to their relationship. Apart from this, the therapist can also explain sexual responses and techniques. Also can give some suggestions to strengthen mutual relationships.

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Like other health problems, lack of libido also needs timely attention. We suggest that if a woman has such a problem, then both partners should talk openly on this subject together. Also, if the need is felt, feel free to consult a doctor and get the right treatment done.

(Read more - How hepatitis affects sex life)

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