Name Lingeswaran
Gender Boy
Religion Hindu
Numerology 6
Length 6
Zodiac Sign Aries
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Lingeswaran's Lucky Number

Those whose name is Lingeswaran, their ruling planet is Mars and their lucky number is 9. People whose lucky number is 9 are mentally strong. Even if they have to work hard at the beginning of any work, they get success in it. People with the number 9 are not afraid, due to which sometimes they have to face troubles. People with the lucky number 9 have the qualities to become good leaders. People with this number maintain friendship and enmity with full dedication.

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Lingeswaran Personality

The zodiac sign of a person named Lingeswaran is Aries and they are courageous, confident, ambitious and curious. Being courageous, they do not shy away from taking risks. These people are at the forefront of starting any new work. People named Lingeswaran are always full of enthusiasm. They like to face challenges. People of the Aries zodiac sign are stubborn and arrogant. People named Lingeswaran do not like to compromise with their careers. They don't trust anyone even in matters of money.

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Lingeswaran's zodiac Aries Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Abhidi Radiant Hindu
Abhigjna Wisdom Hindu
Abhigna Knowledgeable, Wise one Hindu
Abhignya Knowledgeable, Wise one Hindu
Abhigyaan Source of knowledge Hindu
Abhihas Inclined to smile Hindu
Abhihita Expression, Word, Name Hindu
Abhijan Pride of a family, Noble Hindu
Abhijat Noble, Wise, Faultless, Transparent Hindu
Abhijata Well born woman Hindu
Abhijath Noble, Wise, Faultless, Transparent Hindu
Abhijay Victorious, Conquest, Complete victory Hindu
Abhijaya Victorious, Conquest, Complete victory Hindu
Abhijeet Lord Krishna, One who is victorious (Abhijeet) Hindu
Abhijit Lord Krishna, One who is victorious (Abhijeet) Hindu
Abhijita Victorious woman Hindu
Abhijith Lord Krishna, One who is victorious (Abhijeet) Hindu
Abhijiti Victory Hindu
Abhijna Remembrance, Recollection Hindu
Abhijun Expert, Skilled Hindu
Abhijvala Blazing forth Hindu
Abhik Fearless, Beloved Hindu
Abhikam Affectionate, Loving Hindu
Abhikanksha Longing for, Desire Hindu
Abhikarsh Hindu
Abhilasa Desire, Wish, Affection Hindu
Abhilash Desire, Affection Hindu
Abhilasha Desire, Wish, Affection Hindu
Abhilesh Immortal, Unique Hindu
Abhim Another name for Lord Vishnu, Destroyer of fear Hindu
Abhimaan Proud, Self-importance Hindu
Abhiman Proud, Self-importance Hindu
Abhimand Gladdening Hindu
Abhimani Full of pride, Another name of Agni as the eldest son of Brahma Hindu
Abhimanyu Self-respect, Passionate, Heroic, Arjunas son, Proud (Son of Arjuna and Subhadra, nephew to Krishna. He was slain in the battle of Kurukshetra when just sixteen years old.) Hindu
Abhimanyusuta Son, Abhimanyu Hindu
Abhimath Beloved Hindu
Abhimatha Desired Hindu
Abhimoda Joy, Delight Hindu
Abhina Quite new, Very young, Fresh Hindu
Abhinabhas Renowned, Famous Hindu
Abhinand Acknowledge Hindu
Abhinanda To rejoice, To celebrate, To praise, To bless, Delight, Congratulation, Welcoming, Felicitous Hindu
Abhinandan To rejoice, To celebrate, To praise, To bless, Delight, Congratulation, Welcoming, Felicitous Hindu
Abhinandana To rejoice, To celebrate, To praise, To bless, Delight, Congratulation, Welcoming, Felicitous Hindu
Abhinash Actor Hindu
Abhinatha Lord of desires, Another name of Kama Hindu
Abhinav Innovative, Young, Modern, Fresh, Novel, A sakta notable for his great leaning and spiritual attainment, New Hindu
Abhinava Young, New, Novel, Innovative, Quite new, Fresh, Modern, A sakta notable for his great leaning and spiritual attainment Hindu
Abhinay Expression Hindu