Most of the coronavirus diseases have spread from animals to humans. Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) are caused by coronaviruses that began in animals and then spread to people. COVID-19 is also believed to have originated from bats in the exotic animal markets in Wuhan, China. However, since then the virus has been spreading through human-to-human transmission across the globe.

People are anxious and worried about themselves and their loved ones. They want to take every possible preventive measure that can protect them from the COVID-19 infection. Because of this anxiety, many people have developed a notion that their pets may get the virus and infect them resulting in more and more people abandoning their pets.

It is heartbreaking to see people leaving these speechless beings on the streets to die. Here in this article, we will tell you if your pets can get affected or can transmit COVID-19 infection.

  1. Cases of animals infected by SARS-CoV-2
  2. Can animals spread coronavirus to humans?
  3. Can infected humans transmit coronavirus to animals?
  4. Keeping pets safe during the COVID-19 outbreak

Since there were no cases reported, the World Health Organisation stated that coronavirus cannot affect the companion animals or pets such as cats and dogs. But soon after there were cases of coronavirus in animals in different parts of the world. Reportedly, they show similar symptoms like humans do, such as dry cough and loss of appetite.

On 5 April 2020, a Malayan tiger named Nadia at New York's Bronx Zoo tested positive for COVID-19 infection. The Wildlife Conservation Society that runs the city's zoos stated that Nadia along with her sister, two Siberian tigers and three African lions all contracted dry coughs all of a sudden. 

Since the rest of the tigers and lions were not terribly sick and zoo authorities didn't want to put every big cat under anaesthesia, they only tested Nadia who tested positive for COVID-19. A senior vet stated that she contracted the virus from an asymptomatic zoo employee. All animals are being treated by the veterinarian and are expected to recover fully soon. 

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Animals, especially household pets, are not found to spread coronavirus to humans. The World Organisation for Animal Health has stated that so far, they do not have any evidence that shows that companion animals can spread the disease to humans. Currently, the COVID-19 infection is spreading through human-to-human transmission. 

They further requested people to not abandon their pets or take any serious measures against them, which may compromise their welfare.

Since the COVID-19 infection has spread across the human population, the chances of animals (who are in close contact with infected humans) getting the infection has increased. There have been various reports of dogs and cats testing positive for the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus after being in contact with their infected owners, who may not have shown symptoms.

The first case was seen in Hong Kong where a dog tested positive after coming in contact with the owner who was infected but asymptomatic at the time. The second case was also of a dog in Hong Kong who was again considered to get the infection from the infected owner. 

The third case was that of a cat in Belgium who also got the disease from an infected guardian. And the recent case of Nadia, the tiger, is the rarest of all but showed human-to-animal transmission.

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You may not have developed symptoms yet, but if you are infected you can transfer the virus not only to your family members but your pets too. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India has given the following measures in order to keep your pets safe during COVID-19 outbreak:

  • Do not put masks on animals as they can develop breathing difficulties.
  • Practice hand hygiene, i.e. washing your hands before and after handling animals, their food, faeces or their supplies.
  • Maintain good pet hygiene by cleaning them on a regular basis. Do not forget to clean their eyes and ears too.
  • If you are feeling sick, do not go near your pet. Do not pet, snuggle, kiss or get licked by your pet.
  • Ask someone else from your household to take care of your pet while you are sick.
  • Make sure that your pets are up to date on vaccinations for heartworms, fleas, and ticks and have been receiving annual veterinary check-ups.
  • If you feel your pet is showing some symptoms talk to your veterinarian to make sure that they are healthy and safe. 

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  1. Center for Disease Control and Prevention [internet], Atlanta (GA): US Department of Health and Human Services; If You Have Animals
  2. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals [Internet]. Norfolk. Virginia. US; Coronavirus and Companion and Community Animals – Your Questions Answered
  3. World Organisation for Animal Health [Internet]. Paris. France; Questions and Answers on the 2019 Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
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