A common type of back pain is a strain or spasm in the muscles of the back. This happens due to sudden twisting or stretching of the muscles. In this case, it can be cured by trying some home remedies, such as hot and cold therapy. Apart from this, massage and stretching exercises can also provide relief. At the same time, sometimes back cramps can be a sign of a serious problem. In this situation, there is a need to see the doctor immediately.

Today, in this article, you will know in detail what is the cause and treatment of back muscle strain -

(Read More - Muscle Cramps)

  1. Muscle spasm in back symptoms
  2. Muscle spasm in back causes
  3. Muscle spasm in back treatment
  4. Takeaway
Doctors for Muscle Spasm in Back - Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Mild to severe pain can be felt due to muscle spasms in the back. Apart from this, some of the following symptoms can also occur, on which the doctor should be contacted immediately -

  • Loss of bladder or bowel control.
  • Weakness of the muscles of the hands or feet.
  • Strange sensation or feeling of numbness on one side of the body.
  • Trouble maintaining body balance.
  • The feeling of numbness in any part.

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Here we are telling about the main reasons, why the back muscles may feel stretched -

  • Underuse of muscles - If one sits for long periods or in poor posture, apart from not exercising, it can lead to muscles becoming weak and spasms.
  • Overuse of muscles - Athletes and people who lift heavy things may face back spasms. Such activities can cause muscle strain and can also cause swelling.
  • Bad diet - If someone drinks less water throughout the day and the amount of potassium or calcium in the diet is less, then there may be a problem with back spasms.
  • Mental health - A person troubled by anxiety and stress may feel a muscle spasm.
  • Accident - Due to injury to the back due to a fall, accident, or any other reason, muscle spasms can also occur.

Sometimes back muscle strain also indicates some serious illness, such as -

(Read More - Medicines for Muscle Spasms)

If there is severe pain due to strain in the muscles of the back, the doctor may advise rest for some time. Apart from this, some of the following types of treatment can also be done -

Hot and cold therapy

Taking hot and cold therapy at the place of pain can provide relief. Ice should be applied when the pain starts. The hot pack should be applied after 2 days. Wrap the ice pack or heating pad in a towel and keep it on the skin. Do this 3 to 4 times a day.

(Read More - Muscle pain treatment)

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Over-the-counter medications

Taking over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen, naproxen or ibuprofen can reduce the pain. Keep in mind that these medicines should not be taken without asking the doctor.

(Read More - Homeopathic Remedies for Muscle Ache)


Depending on the condition of the patient, the doctor may recommend physiotherapy. By doing physiotherapy, the muscles of the back muscles get relief and they get relaxed, due to which the problem of stretch gets reduced.

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You can also get relief by massaging the affected area with light hands. Keep in mind that if there is severe pain, then massage should not be done. Along with this, even in mild pain, massage should be done on the advice of the doctor.

(Read More - Home remedies for leg pain)


If possible, some stretching exercises can be done to relieve back strain. Along with this, yoga poses like Balasana can also be done. Keep in mind that if you feel any discomfort while doing these exercises and yogasanas, stop them immediately and consult a doctor.

Spasms of the back muscles can happen suddenly at any time and with anyone. Although there can be many reasons behind this, not exercising or doing too much and sitting for a long time, etc. are the main reasons. In this condition, the patient may have mild to severe pain. Taking massage, exercise and hot and cold therapy, etc. can be beneficial in case of spasms in the muscles of the back.

(Read More - Homeopathic Remedies for Body Pain)

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