There are many options available in the market to increase breast size, which can cause many types of harm. In such a situation, increasing breast size in a natural way is the best option. Therefore, the best way to increase breast size for women is yoga. Breast size can be increased with the help of yoga. Today in this article you will learn in detail about yoga to increase breast size -

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  1. Yogasanas To Increase Breast
  2. Summary
Doctors for Yoga for Breast Enlargement: Benefits and Effective Asanas

To increase breast size, yoga asanas like Chakrasana, Ustrasana and Dhanurasana can be resorted to. With the help of this yoga, breast size can be increased in a natural way. Let's know in detail about these yogas -


This yogasana can be considered effective in increasing the breast. It is also called Camel Pose. This asana is done by bending back, which improves blood flow. Breast size can be increased by improving blood circulation in the body. The method of doing Ustrasana is given below -

  • First of all, sit on your knees and keep your hands on your hips.
  • Make sure that the knees and shoulders are in the same line. The toes should be facing backwards and touching the floor.
  • Now, while breathing, bend backwards and place the right palm on the right heel and the left palm on the left heel.
  • While bending backwards, make sure that the neck does not get jolted.
  • Now try to take the head back as much as possible and keep the thighs absolutely straight.
  • In this position, the entire weight of the body will be on the legs and arms.
  • Stay in this position for some time and keep breathing at a normal pace.
  • Finally, while exhaling, come back to the first position.

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Chakrasana is an effective yogasana for increasing breasts. This asana controls the stretching near the breast area and plays an important role in the growth of breast muscles by strengthening them. While doing this asana, the blood flow towards the upper body happens properly, which strengthens every organ. In such a situation, the body comes in shape. Let's know what is the way to do Chakrasana -

  • First of all, lie down on the back.
  • After this, bend the knees and keep a little distance between the legs while touching the heels with the hips.
  • Then bring the hands near your head and keep the palms close to the ground.
  • After this, lift your body up with the weight of the feet and palms.
  • During this, the head should be hanging downwards.
  • Now slowly inhale and exhale.
  • Stay in this position for a few seconds and come back.
  • After this, come back to your normal position.
  • By doing this posture 5 to 6 times a day, you will get a lot of benefits.

(Read more - How to increase breast size)


Dhanurasana can help in increasing breast size. Regular practice of Dhanurasana increases blood flow towards the breast. This develops the breast muscles well. Also, the strength of the breast muscles increases. Along with this, regular practice of this asana also massages the thyroid gland. Next you will know how to do Dhanurasana -

  • First of all lie down on your stomach.
  • Bend your knees while exhaling and hold your ankles with your hands.
  • After this, lift your head, thighs and chest while breathing.
  • After lifting the body completely, reduce the space between the legs.
  • After this, inhale and exhale slowly.
  • Return to your normal position while exhaling deeply.
  • Practice this asana 5 to 6 times a day.

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Gomukhasana is also known as Cow Face Pose. Regular practice of this asana causes stretching in the breast area, which strengthens the breast muscles. Also, the flexibility of the body improves. Along with this, it can also be helpful in increasing the flexibility of the breast. Let's know how to do Gomukhasana -

  • First of all, sit straight and keep your back straight.
  • Now slowly bend your left leg and move it below the hips.
  • After this, slowly bend the right leg and cross it over the left leg.
  • Keep in mind that it is important to keep both knees close to and above each other.
  • Keep the head and back straight while doing this asana.
  • Now bend the left hand and slowly place it downwards behind the back.
  • Then bend your right hand and place it on the back from above as well.
  • After this, extend the right hand downwards till it reaches the left hand. Stay in this position for about 15 to 40 seconds. Then return to your normal posture.
  • Breast size can be increased by doing this posture about 6-8 times a day.

Read more -Age and Breast Size)

Yoga is a natural, safe and convenient option to increase the breast. Regularly practicing the yoga asanas mentioned in this article can increase the breast size. Also, regular practice of these yogas can provide many other benefits to the body. Keep in mind that if you have back pain, knee pain or any other problem, then avoid doing these asanas. On the other hand, if you are going to practice yoga for the first time, then do it under the supervision of an expert or trainer.

Dr. Arpan Kundu

Dr. Arpan Kundu

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
7 Years of Experience

Dr Sujata Sinha

Dr Sujata Sinha

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
30 Years of Experience

Dr. Pratik Shikare

Dr. Pratik Shikare

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
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Dr. Payal Bajaj

Dr. Payal Bajaj

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
20 Years of Experience

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