Amrita Rakta Chandan Soap

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₹ 108
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Amrita Rakta Chandan Soap Information

Amrita Rakta Chandan Soap is an ayurvedic medicine that is primarily used for the treatment of Pimples, Skin Discolouration, Scars. The key ingredients of Amrita Rakta Chandan Soap are Red sandalwood. The properties of which have been shared below. The correct dosage of Amrita Rakta Chandan Soap depends on the patient's age, gender, and medical history. This information has been provided in detail in the dosage section.

Ingredients of Amrita Rakta Chandan Soap

Red sandalwood
  • Drugs which aid in swelling reduction following an injury
  • Substances that scavange the singlet oxygen molecules in the body.
  • Agents used to inhibit microbial growth when applied topically
  • A substance or preparation that constricts body tissue leading to reduction in the blood flow as well as other secretion.
  • Drugs which kill bacteria or inhibit their activities.

Amrita Rakta Chandan Soap Benefits

Amrita Rakta Chandan Soap is used to treat the following -

Amrita Rakta Chandan Soap Side Effects

No side effects of Amrita Rakta Chandan Soap have been reported in the medical literature. However, you should always consult your doctor before using Amrita Rakta Chandan Soap.

How to use Amrita Rakta Chandan Soap?

  • Apply Amrita Rakta Chandan Soap directly over the wet body surface. Lather it up and rinse thoroughly.

General precautions for Amrita Rakta Chandan Soap

  1. Use lukewarm water or normal water for rinsing your skin.
  2. Wet the skin before applying Amrita Rakta Chandan Soap on the affected area.
  3. After using Amrita Rakta Chandan Soap apply a moisturizer.
  4. Avoid using excess Amrita Rakta Chandan Soap. Follow the amount prescribed by your doctor strictly.
  5. Do not refridgerate the Amrita Rakta Chandan Soap. Make sure you keep it in a cool and dry place.
  6. You must talk to your doctor in case of an allergic reaction due to the Amrita Rakta Chandan Soap.
  7. In case of pregnancy, the woman must consult her doctor before taking Amrita Rakta Chandan Soap.
  8. Women, who are breastfeeding a newborn, should consult their doctor before taking Amrita Rakta Chandan Soap.

This medicine data has been created by -

Dr. Braj Bhushan Ojha

BAMS, Gastroenterology, Dermatology, Psychiatry, Ayurveda, Sexology, Diabetology
10 Years of Experience


Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Department of Ayush: Government of India. [link]. Volume 3. Ghaziabad, India: Pharmacopoeia Commission for Indian Medicine & Homoeopathy; 2001: Page No 155-156

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