Everyone desires to have beautiful, thick, and long hair. Hair also plays an important role in enhancing our personality and making us attractive, but in present times the problem of hair breakage is increasing. Amidst the decreasing number of hairs, the whiteness in them has also become a cause of trouble for many people. The hair of many youths is turning white before time. There can be many reasons for this, but stress is the most prominent of them all.

Today, through this article, you will know how black hair is turning white due to stress -

If you are looking for an Ayurvedic treatment for stress and anxiety, click on the link given here.

  1. How stress causes gray hair?
  2. How was the research done?
  3. Stress relief tips
  4. Takeaway
Doctors for Does stress cause grey hair?

According to a medical report published in the journal Nature, researchers found that stress activates nerves in the part that are part of the flight-and-fight response. Stress permanently damages the stem cells that regenerate the pigment in the hair follicle. Ya-Chieh Hsu, senior author of this study and associated with Harvard University in the US, says that "if the above is true, we wanted to understand how stress induces changes in different tissues."

(Read More - Effects of stress on the body)

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Since stress affects the entire body, the researchers first wanted to determine which physiological system is responsible for hair graying due to stress. This research was done on rats. The team of researchers has previously hypothesized that stress triggers the immune system to attack pigment-producing cells. However, mice lacking immune cells still showed white hair.

Hsu said that since stress always increases the level of a hormone called cortisol in the body, we hypothesized that cortisol may play a role in hair greying.

To prevent premature graying of hair, start using Bhringraj hair oil.

Although there are many options to relieve stress, such as exercise, not smoking, taking nutritious food, apart from this there are some other measures, by adopting which you can remove or reduce stress, such as -

  • Lavender oil helps to uplift the mood instantly. Massage your body with this oil to reduce stress and relax your body.
  • Chamomile tea contains apigenin and luteolin, which help in relieving stress to a great extent. Mental health is very good by drinking this tea.
  • A cup of green tea with honey and lemon can also prove to be very beneficial for you. This tea keeps the body healthy as well as removes stress.
  • Massage is also a great way to feel relaxed. Get a foot massage to help you sleep better and reduce stress. This will help you to relieve stress to a great extent.

Do not forget to use Ayurvedic hair cleanser for good hair health.

myUpchar doctors after many years of research have created myUpchar Ayurveda Kesh Art Hair Oil by using 100% original and pure herbs of Ayurveda. This Ayurvedic medicine has been recommended by our doctors to more than 1 lakh people for multiple hair problems (hair fall, gray hair, and dandruff) with good results.
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Overall, stress affects our lives and bodies in many ways. Because of this the hair also turns white and today many youths are troubled by this problem. Therefore, if you are also struggling with a stressful life, then by trying the tips to reduce stress mentioned in his article, you can reduce the problems in the future.

Anti-dandruff shampoo and anti-hair fall shampoo is the best option to make hair black, long, and thick.

Dr. Vinayak Jatale

Dr. Vinayak Jatale

3 Years of Experience

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Dr. Sameer Arora

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Dr. Khursheed Kazmi

Dr. Khursheed Kazmi

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Dr. Muthukani S

Dr. Muthukani S

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