Pollution and stress cause our hair to damage, break and fall. They also lead to early greying and loss of hair, which are common modern day problems.

Whatever the concern, we are sure that you know hair oils are here to help. Oils provide your hair with right amounts of nourishment and protect it from dust, dirt and damage.

But, sometimes it can be hard to choose from a plethora of hair oils. We are sure you must be looking for the one that looks after all these concerns and makes your hair long and shiny. Probably, your search should rest with these hair oils.

  1. Which is the best hair oil?
  2. How to use coconut hair oil for different hair types
  3. Other hair oils

Ever wondered which one could be the best hair oil? There are a lot of hair oils available out there, derived from a variety of plants and herbs. Some of these are very beneficial for the hair while others have not been found to possess any benefits.

When all of these oils were studied and compared, it was found that saturated oils are better for your hair health as compared to unsaturated oils.

They penetrate deeper within the shaft and protect your hair from damage thereby minimising hair fall. On the other hand, it was found that a lot of vegetable and mineral oils, which have been believed to be beneficial, have no real benefits on hair.

Talking of saturated oils, what better than coconut oil? It has a higher saturated fat percentage even compared to butter or animal fats.

Researchers have found that as coconut oil goes deeper into the hair, it prevents the entry of other agents within the shaft, which would have otherwise caused damage to the follicle. It also lowers hygral fatigue (repeated swelling and drying of the hair), which is responsible for hair damage.

It prevents hair damage is by filling up the space between hair cuticle. This helps to avoid the entry of abrasive harmful substances like surfactants, which are commonly present in shampoos and detergents used for hair. Other than preventing your hair from damage, coconut hair oil has many other benefits which will be discussed now.

Coconut hair oil for hair fall control

If you are worried by oodles of your you see on your hairbrush, look no further, coconut oil can be your best friend. It penetrates within your shaft and protects your hair from damage, which not only prevents them from breaking but also helps in reducing hair fall as it minimises protein loss. Compared with other hair oils, coconut oil had the most pronounced benefits against protein loss.

Researchers have found that it works for both damaged and undamaged hair, which means that it can help in hair fall reduction even if your hair is damaged.

For best results from these benefits, it is advisable to use coconut oil before and after a hair wash. Make sure you do not apply in excess as it can make your hair sticky, which will attract more dust and pollutants as you go out.

myUpchar doctors after many years of research have created myUpchar Ayurveda Kesh Art Hair Oil by using 100% original and pure herbs of Ayurveda. This Ayurvedic medicine has been recommended by our doctors to more than 1 lakh people for multiple hair problems (hair fall, gray hair, and dandruff) with good results.
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Coconut hair oil for grey hair

Premature greying of hair is a common problem, which can be attributed to environmental pollutants and stresses of the modern lifestyle. It is not uncommon to note hair greying as early as in your 20s. It has been a common finding that South Indians have darker hair than North Indians and also experience greying later. Ever wondered why? Well, South Indians are more inclined towards the use of coconut oil and mustard oil use is more prevalent in the North. While mustard oil may have some of its own benefits for your hair, you know which one to pick to fight unwanted greys.

But, the above said is not just an observation, it is a proven fact. Scientists have evidenced that regular use of coconut hair oil can help ward off grey hair. This can again be attributed to the penetrative actions of this oil, which allow it to be assimilated within the hair shaft. This mechanism helps in photoprotection, that is damage to hair from the UV rays of the sun, which cause it to gradually lose hair pigments.

Thus, it can be beneficial to use coconut oil before going out in the sun, but make sure you do not drab it in excess since this can lead to sticky hair, which will attract more dirt.

Coconut hair oil for soft hair

Is your scalp naturally dry and you dream of soft, luscious hair? Well, what is it that coconut oil cannot do for your hair? Coconut oil enhances the lubrication of the shaft, which helps in moisturising your hair and giving it a soft and fresh look.

Because of its low molecular weight and a strong affinity for hair proteins, coconut oil deeply penetrates within the hair shaft, which helps in improving hair structure. While this happens, coconut oil leaves behind a thin protective layer over your hair, which gives you shiny hair. So, just begin using this oil and witness wonders.

Coconut hair oil for split end reduction

Split ends are a manifestation of dull, dry and damaged hair. Since coconut oil aids in reducing damage to the follicle, it also helps in dealing with split ends.

So, dab some coconut oil and be relieved off all your hair troubles.

Simply take 2-3 tablespoons of coconut oil in a bowl depending on your hair length. Heat this up and gently massage into your scalp incircular motions. Leave overnight and wash off the next day. This remedy may be enough for those with a normal hair type that is neither too dry nor too oily.

Individuals with an oily hair type can use coconut oil in the same way but are advised to leave it for a lesser duration. It is best to wash it off after an hour since sufficient hair penetration has occurred by then.

You can also use coconut oil as a post-wash conditioner. This is particularly helpful for individuals with dry or curly hair type as this kind of hair is more prone to damage and breaking because of tiny angulations.

So, to protect your curly mane from damage and hair fall, it is important that you provide it with some extra care.

We are sure you must be well-acquainted with leave-on conditioners and moisturisers that reduce frizz.

Just add a few drops of coconut oil to these products and let them work wonders for your hair. Also, don’t forget your prewash massage with coconut oil.

While coconut hair oil happens to be the best for a majority of your hair concerns and can undoubtedly be used each day, there sure are some other oils which can be utilised for their specific actions. Some of them are loaded with antioxidants and vitamins, which have immense benefits for your hair and have a major role in preventing hair fall and greying. So, if you suffer from any hair issues, it is advisable to use some other oil therapies in addition to coconut oil. These are:

Mineral hair oil: Baby hair oil

Mineral hair oils include a variety of hair oils that have been left as a byproduct of crude oil or petroleum oil refining. Baby hair oils are the most commonly used mineral oils, which have been scented.

Studies have found that mineral oils are excellent for dry and damaged hair. They help in improving combability. Dry and curly hair are often more difficult to manage, which is why they also get broken in the process of combing. Application of mineral oil to such hair will help in improving their combability.

Baby hair oil has lubricant effects on hair fibres, which helps in reducing the force required for combing. This means that you will be able to comb your hair with greater ease.

Another wonder that it does for your hair is that it aids in the reduction in the formation of split ends, which are a symptom of damaged hair.

While coconut oil has good penetrative action, baby hair oils have been found to have a better spreadability. They easily spread on the surface of the hair and impart lustre, shine and smoothness. So, if your hair is unmanageable, tangled and has excessive split end formation, it is a great idea to start using baby hair oil to improve their manageability and gloss.

To use baby hair oil for your hair, simply take a few drops and apply it on the ends of your hair after washing and conditioning. This will help to improve combability and will aid in split end reduction. However, it is advisable to not directly use baby hair oil onto your scalp as it will give a greasy and sticky look.

Bhringraj hair oil

It is normal to lose around 50 to 100 strands of hair each day but it is not fine to watch your hairbrush to be full of hair every time you comb. An excessive fall is suggestive of a lack in your hair care routine. If this is not taken care of, hair thinning or loss will be seen. But, bhringraj oil has got you covered.

Research on this oil has revealed that it has an immense hair regrowth potential. Bhringraj oil has even been found to be effective in individuals affected with alopecia. Alopecia refers to a dermatological condition which is marked by a hair loss in a region causing localised baldness. This condition can have disturbing effects on the psychological health of the affected and is thus important to manage.

As surprising it may seem, bhringraj oil has been proven to be a better hair regrowth agent than minoxidil, which is conventionally used for the treatment of alopecia. This was facilitated due to an increase in the number of hair follicles and skin thickness at the applied site. Further, it also catered to improve melanin pigmentation in the area, which means that it may also have a positive effect in case you have grey hair.

Bhringraj oil has been found to be effective when used alone or when combined with other oils, so, if you are not quite fond of the smell of this herb, you can also purchase a mixed formulation and the results won’t be disappointing.

The most astounding results of this oil has been on animal models, in which it helped to make hair grow much faster in shaved subjects.

So, what are you waiting for? Go and purchase a good quality oil. 

Don’t forget to buy an ample amount, since it has been found to have a dose-dependent relationship, that is, the more you use the better.

To use bhringraj hair oil for your these benefits, simply take a few drops of this oil and put it to heat. Now, take lukewarm oil and gently massage into your scalp with the help of fingers. Keep it overnight and wash off the next day. You can use this remedy twice a week and then reduce the number after satisfactory results have been achieved.


Almond hair oil

Almond hair oil is another commonly used hair oil in India and is available under different brand names. Why it is beneficial for your hair is because it is loaded with vitamin E.

One of the major actions of vitamin E is that it protects the hair from photodamage due to the harmful rays of the sun causing the hair to turn grey or white. So, almond hair oil is an effective remedy for those who are experiencing greying of hair. But, evidence for the use of almond oil is not so limited.

The presence of vitamin E in this oil also imparts antioxidant actions. This means that it can fight against oxidative stress and damage, which is responsible for a number of hair problems. Other than greying of hair, an increase in oxidative stress is also a possible mechanism for hair fall. So, topical application of vitamin E oil can be effective against hair fall as well. Further, it may aid in the process of hair growth by increasing the size and number of hair follicles. So, probably your dream of long, luscious and thick hair is not quite far.

To use almond oil, simply take a few drops and gently massage into your scalp in circular motions. This will help to improve the nourishment of your scalp. If you suffer from dull and dry ends, pay special attention to dab some almond oil at the tips to improve lustre and shine. Alternatively, almond oil can also be combined with other agents like lemon juice or amla oil to improve oxidant actions.

Mustard hair oil

The use of mustard hair oil has been quite common in India, particularly in Northern states. It is believed that mustard oil improves the texture and shine of hair but studies have found that the use of mustard oil along with a herbal formulation is more beneficial. When fresh stems of Correa reflexa were added to mustard oil as a base, incredible hair benefits were noted.

A reduction in the intensity of hair fall as marked by a reduced number of hair strands lost at each combing session was reported by the participants. The number of strands lost lessened as treatment advanced. Further, the results of this clinical study reflected a reduction in dandruff activity as reflected by a scale. Lesser white scale deposition was another related effect among the participants. When the same formulation was used on shaved animal subjects, hair growth potential was noted within 28 days.

In addition to these benefits, this oil also demonstrated intense antimicrobial activity, which suggests that it would help in preventing scalp infections. So, the use of mustard oil as a mixed herbal formulation is indicated to keep scalp infections, dandruff and hair fall at bay.

In order to use herbal mustard oil, just heat some oil and gently massage into your scalp with the help of fingers. It is recommended to massage for a duration of 10 minutes before washing off the oil. For best results, it is advisable to use this therapy every alternate day and make the use of this oil in the morning hours.

Amla hair oil

Amla hair oil is another common oil, the use of which is prevalent due to its antioxidant actions, which have immense benefits for the hair. This oil is derived from amla and is used for hair strengthening, which prevents them from falling.

The use of this oil also improves hair hygiene, so, it helps in keeping your scalp clean, avoiding scalp infections. Rich vitamin C content of this oil warrants its use as a traditional hair tonic for hair growth promotion and improvement in hair pigmentation.

So, in order to get lusciously thick and dark locks, it is recommended to make the use of amla oil by massaging it into the scalp and leaving it on for 15 minutes. You can then wash it off with some warm water.

Olive hair oil

Olive oil is known for its moisturising and nourishing actions, which help in providing a soft and smooth texture to your hair. Animal studies have found that it assists in the process of hair growth when applied topically. It also helps in protecting your hair from damage.

It is well-known that chemical treatments often leave behind dull and damaged hair. 

The effects of olive oil on such hair are astounding as it helps to minimise hair damage on hair that have been chemically straightened or bleached or coloured. So, if you are fond of changing hair colours, make sure that you provide your hair with the right nourishment with the help of olive oil.

Simply massage olive oil into your scalp with the help of fingers. You can make the use of a shower cap to allow it to penetrate better. Wash it off the next day with the help of a shampoo.

Herbal hair oil

A plethora of herbs are also used for the formulation of hair oils. These hair oils have been proven to be beneficial for your hair health. The best of these herbal formulations are:

Peppermint oil

Peppermint oil is derived from the herb Mentha piperita and has been found to have immense hair growth properties. While it aided in the regrowth of hair, it not only increased the number of hair follicles but also improved their depth within the skin of the scalp, which ensured that these hair are deeply rooted and do not fall off easily. This property of peppermint oil helped in improving the thickness of hair in subjects.

To utilise this benefits, take a few drops of peppermint oil and dilute it with some carrier hair oil like coconut oil. Now apply it into your scalp, massaging in for a few minutes. After a gentle massage, let the oil sit for half an hour then wash off with a mild shampoo.

Lavender oil

Derived from the lavender flower, this pleasant smelling oil has similar properties as peppermint oil and helps in prevention of hair loss due to an increase in the number and depth of hair follicles.

To gain from this benefit, dilute some lavender oil with the help of coconut oil and massage into the scalp. You can leave this on overnight and wash off the next morning with the help of a shampoo. This remedy can be employed twice a week for the best results.

Pumpkin seed oil

Pumpkin seed oil is quite inadvertently derived from pumpkin seeds. This is another oil, which can be used for hair growth promotion. When used on individuals affected with alopecia, this oil exhibited significant hair growth potential as reflected by pre-treatment and post-treatment photographs of the subjects.

Pumpkin seed oil can be used after diluting with some green tea. This mixture is used as a rinse on washed hair. It is applied on wet hair and removed after 5 minutes with the help of some water. It is bound to improve hair growth when used regularly.

Safflower oil

Safflower oil is derived from the safflower plant and is used as a topical remedy for hair growth. It aids in hair growth by blocking certain receptors responsible for hair fall. The effects of safflower oil are so pronounced that it has been suggested to be included as a medicinal therapy for the management of hair loss. While that effect is still being studied, you can make use of safflower oil at home.

Take some safflower oil and mix it with vitamin E oil like almond oil. Heat the mixture and apply to clean, washed hair. Allow your hair to dry and soak this oil for about half an hour before rinsing it off with a shampoo.


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