Wheat Grass Capsule

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Wheat Grass Capsule की जानकारी

Product Overview Groots Organic Wheat Grass Capsules. A shot of Authentic Sun Grown wheat Grass, in a vegetarian capsule. A 100% pure, organic wholesome green food made from the powdered leaves of young Wheat grass plants. Green foods such as this are among the richest natural food sources of minerals, enzymes, antioxidants & chlorophyll. Wheat Grass capsules contain extracts of wheat blades that have been proved to demonstrate multiple health benefits without any side effects. There are numerous advantages of these such as increasing red blood cell count and lowering blood pressure in hypertensive individuals. It offers gastrointestinal cleansing to stimulate metabolism and normalize digestion. It is rich in alkaline minerals that help to reduce hyperacidity and heal ulcers. It provides a strong detoxifying effect and also protects the liver from toxins. These are manufactured by strictly following set industry norms under rigid standards of quality. Our clients are offered this at affordable rates. Wheatgrass Capsules can do amazing things for your body and health. That's why it's called "nature's great healer." You may notice a "rush" after you have wheatgrass capsule for the first time, as if your body is being re-energized. This "rush" is wheatgrass working in your bloodstream to restore your good health. Health benefits of wheatgrass Capsules: 1. Wheatgrass is an energizer for mind and body. You will feel refreshed and energized throughout the day. 2. It's nutritious. Wheatgrass contains 90 out of 102 vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, its also rich in folic acid, which is important for women, especially women of childbearing age. 3. Wheatgrass builds the blood. It also speeds up blood circulation, cleanses the blood of wastes, lowers high blood pressure and stimulates healthy tissue cell growth. 4. Wheatgrass cleanses the body, Wheatgrass carries away many toxins from body cells. When an imbalance exists--sore tendons and joints, degenerative disease, etc 5. Wheatgrass supplies iron, which cleanses the blood and helps prevent anemia, especially in women. Note that pregnant or breastfeeding women shouldn't use wheatgrass, but should get iron from supplements. 6. Wheatgrass helps in weight control. This is a wonderful aid in weight control. Since it increases circulation, aids in metabolism, and helps blood sugar levels, it's an effective way to keep your weight down. You'll feel fuller faster, since digestion gets a boost. 7. It may prevent osteoporosis. Wheatgrass is rich in vitamin K, which is essential in bone formation, and studies are being conducted on osteoporosis and a wheatgrass diet. 8. Wheatgrass boosts the immune system. The chlorophyll in wheatgrass increases function of the heart, helps the vascular system, the uterus, the intestine and the lungs.
  • Encourages healthy intestinal flora
  • Product Code: FL-WGC
  • Wheat Grass Capsules
  • Brand: Sagas
  • Very effective in diabetes, cancer, obesity etc
  • Helps maintain a healthy colon & bowel, High fibre and low calorie food

Wheat Grass Capsule के लाभ - Wheat Grass Capsule Benefits in Hindi

Wheat Grass Capsule इन बिमारियों के इलाज में काम आती है -

अन्य लाभ

Wheat Grass Capsule के नुकसान, दुष्प्रभाव और साइड इफेक्ट्स - Wheat Grass Capsule Side Effects in Hindi

चिकित्सा साहित्य में Wheat Grass Capsule के दुष्प्रभावों के बारे में कोई सूचना नहीं मिली है। हालांकि, Wheat Grass Capsule का इस्तेमाल करने से पहले हमेशा अपने डॉक्टर से सलाह-मशविरा जरूर करें।

इस जानकारी के लेखक है -

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B.Pharma, फार्मेसी
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सर्वोत्तम विकल्प
₹449 ₹499 10% छूट बचत: ₹50
Wheatgrass Juice