Type 1 diabetes is a chronic condition. In this, the immune system attacks the body and destroys the beta cells, which are responsible for the production of insulin. In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas produces little or no insulin. Insulin is a hormone, which is used by the body to manufacture energy. A total of four stages of type 1 diabetes have been considered.

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Today in this article, you will learn in detail about these different stages of type 1 diabetes -

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  1. These are the 4 stages of type 1 diabetes
  2. Takeaway
Doctors for Stages of type 1 diabetes

Globally, type 1 diabetes is increasing rapidly, about 2 to 3 percent per year. The treatment of type 1 diabetes is not yet known. As a treatment, the amount of sugar in the blood is managed through insulin, diet, and lifestyle. In 2015, the American Diabetes Association described the different stages of type 1 diabetes. By keeping these steps in mind, doctors may be able to detect type 1 diabetes in the early stages itself. Pre-stage 1, stage 1, stage 2, and stage 3, are the four stages of type 1 diabetes. Come, let us know in detail about these four stages of type 1 diabetes -

Pre-Stage 1 Diabetes

This stage, with the help of genetic analysis, helps to find out the genotypes, which are usually associated with type 1 diabetes. According to research, chromosome 6 is associated with approximately 30 to 50 percent of the genetic risk of type 1 diabetes. If one's brother or sister or any other close relative has type 1 diabetes, then he is also at risk of getting this chronic disease.

(Read More - What is prediabetes)

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Stage 1 Diabetes

In this stage, antibodies start attacking the beta cells in the pancreas, but the blood sugar level remains normal. Also, no symptoms of type 1 diabetes are present.

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Stage 2 Diabetes

In this stage of type 1 diabetes, two or more diabetes-related antibodies are present in the blood. At this time, beta cells are destroyed by the immune system, due to which insulin is deficient in the body. Due to the intolerance of glucose, the lack of insulin increases the blood sugar level. Beta cell dysfunction is more severe in this stage, but no symptoms of type 1 diabetes are present.

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Stage 3 Diabetes

In this stage of type 1 diabetes, due to the presence of autoimmunity and symptoms, there is a lot of loss of beta cells, resulting from which type 1 diabetes comes to the fore. In this stage of type 1 diabetes, almost all the symptoms of diabetes begin to appear. These symptoms may include excessive hunger or thirstblurred visionfeeling very tiredfrequent urination, and sudden weight loss without any reason.

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Type 1 diabetes can happen to anyone. In this stage, the production of insulin starts decreasing. 4 stages of type 1 diabetes have been considered. This includes Pre-Stage 1, Stage 1, Stage 2, and Stage 3. With their help, doctors may be able to detect type 1 diabetes at an early stage and this can help in treatment and management.

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Dr. Narayanan N K

Dr. Narayanan N K

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