Acupuncture is ancient Chinese medicine. It is used to cure many diseases. Problems like insomnia, blood pressure, and headache can be reduced by using it. In addition, several researches have shown that acupuncture therapy can also improve the symptoms of stress. In this, acupuncture is done at certain points of the body, which can reduce stress. If you do not want to take medicine to reduce stress, then taking acupuncture therapy can be beneficial, but acupuncture therapy should always be taken from an expert.

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Today in this article you will know in detail about acupuncture therapy for stress -

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  1. What is acupuncture therapy?
  2. Can acupuncture therapy reduce stress?
  3. Acupuncture points to reduce stress
  4. How often should acupuncture be done to reduce stress?
  5. Side effects of acupuncture
  6. These people should not take acupuncture
  7. Takeaway
Doctors for Acupuncture therapy for stress

Acupuncture is a type of therapy. It is an ancient Chinese medicine. In this, needles are pricked in some points of the body. This therapy is done by experts. This may take 10 to 30 minutes. In this, the skin and muscles are stimulated, which helps in treating the problems. Acupuncture therapy can help reduce physical pain. Apart from this, acupuncture can also prove to be effective in relieving stress. Therefore, if one has chronic stress, then taking acupuncture therapy can bring about improvement.

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Whether or not acupuncture therapy can reduce stress may still require a lot of research. Because most research suggests that acupuncture therapy can reduce stress. So on the other hand, according to some research, acupuncture therapy cannot cure stress completely. But still, acupuncture is considered an effective treatment to reduce stress. Therefore, you can also opt for acupuncture treatment to relieve stress.

A 2015 study found that acupuncture therapy can improve symptoms of anxiety or stress. According to the study, taking 30 minutes of acupuncture therapy daily for 12 weeks can provide relief from stress. In this research, acupuncture is effective in reducing stress.

Taking acupuncture therapy releases a hormone called endorphin in the body. When the puncture is done on an acupoint, it stimulates the muscles. This releases endorphins and other happy hormones. This relaxes the body and can reduce stress.

Taking acupuncture therapy also gives relief to the mind and body. Even if you are under stress due to physical fatigue or weakness, acupuncture therapy can be beneficial. This relaxes the body and can help reduce stress.

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The way the problem is treated is by pressing a particular point in acupressure. Similarly, in acupuncture also the work is done to fix the problem by pricking the needle at a particular point. The acupoint of each disease can be different. Acupoints to reduce stress are as follows -

  • PC6 (pericardium 6) i.e. in the middle of the wrist
  • HT7 (HT7) means in the middle of the wrist
  • Yin tang means between the eyebrows
  • Ear points
  • Ren-17 i.e. in the middle of the chest

If you are under stress, experts can advise you to do acupuncture on these points. In this state, the mind becomes calm and restlessness and anxiety go away. Along with this, the problem of insomnia can also be treated.

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Health experts decide how often acupuncture should be done to reduce stress. The sessions of acupuncture therapy depend on the level of stress. If a person is getting acupuncture done for the first time, then he should avoid getting acupuncture done more than once a week. In the beginning, acupuncture should be done only once a week. On the other hand, if someone has already taken acupuncture therapy, then experts can advise taking 2 sessions of acupuncture in a week.

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Acupuncture can help in reducing stress and anxiety, but some common side effects that can occur after taking this therapy are -

  • You may feel pain after having a session of acupuncture therapy. This pain can last for a few hours. This pain gets cured on its own.
  • Some bruises may also appear on the body after taking acupuncture therapy. You may also feel a prick during the therapy.

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In some situations, it is necessary to avoid taking acupuncture therapy -

  • If a person is fitted with a pacemaker, then he should avoid taking acupuncture therapy.
  • Acupuncture therapy should not be taken even if there is bleeding.
  • If someone is already taking medication for stress, then acupuncture should be taken only on the advice of a doctor.

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According to studies, acupuncture can help in reducing the symptoms associated with stress. Taking acupuncture therapy calms the body and mind. Along with this, sleep is good and happy hormones are also released. In this case, taking acupuncture therapy can be beneficial, but how often acupuncture sessions should be taken depends on the stress level of each person. You can also take acupuncture therapy to reduce stress, but before taking it, do take a doctor's opinion.

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