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If we abstain from sex for a long time, it can hurt both physical and mental health. If seen, there are many reasons why people may like to have sex. Like - to feel good, to make others happy, to get relief from stress, or to take the family forward. Although everyone has their own needs, if we abstain from sex for a long time, it can also cause harm. Today in this article we will understand the harm caused by not having sex for a long time.

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  1. What does research say?
  2. Side effects of not having sex for a long time
  3. Takeaway
Doctors for sexual disorders and issues

Before knowing about the side effects of not having sex for a long time, let us first know about the research done on this topic. According to European Urology, research conducted in 2016 found that men who ejaculated at least 21 times in a month had a lower risk of prostate cancer than men who ejaculated only 4 to 7 times in a month. Ejaculates only once. At the same time, if we talk about women, participating in sexual activity with a partner or alone helped them strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which helped the bladder to function properly and also reduced the problem of incontinence leakage.

(Read More - Daily sex benefits)

myUpchar doctors after many years of research have created myUpchar Ayurveda Urjas Capsule by using 100% original and pure herbs of Ayurveda. This ayurvedic medicine has been recommended by our doctors to lakhs of people for sex problems with good results.
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Let us now understand one by one the side effects of not having sex for a long time -

Negative effect on the immune system

According to research, weekly sex can strengthen the immune system. At the same time, if this does not happen, it can increase the level of a germ-fighting substance called immunoglobulin A or IgA. Just keep in mind that excessive sex is not considered right. People who had sex more than twice a week had lower IgA levels than those who did not have sex.

T Booster Capsule is an Ayurvedic medicine to increase male sex hormone i.e. testosterone, which is made from a mixture of herbs.

The problem of lack of sleep

It is believed that without sex, problems in sleeping may occur due to a lack of production of prolactin and oxytocin hormones. At the same time, sex boosts estrogen levels in women.

(Read More - Too much sex benefits)

Body pain problem

Sex is also considered helpful in keeping the problem of physical pain away. Orgasm releases endorphins and other hormones in your body, which can help reduce head, back, and leg pain. At the same time, it can also help reduce arthritis pain and menstrual cramps.

(Read More - Why sex is important)

High blood pressure problem

If sexual activity is not done regularly, there is a risk of increasing blood pressure. Now if we understand the science behind it, then sex leads to aerobic and muscle-building exercises, which help remove stress or anxiety.

(Read More - What is sex-positive)

Risk of sexual problems

Not having sex for a long time can lead to a lack of desire for sex. If women do not have sex regularly, during menopause the vaginal tissue can become thin as well as shrink and become dry. Due to such a situation, pain may arise during sex, or attraction towards sex may decrease. At the same time, in men, not having sex for a long time can cause erectile dysfunction.

(Read More - How does sex relieve stress)

Impact on relationship

Not having sex for a long time can hurt the couple's relationship. Healthy sexual activities allow couples to spend time with each other and get to know each other closely, which can increase their self-confidence.

(Read More - Different types of sex)

Risk of heart disease

According to research, people who have sex once a month or less are more likely to develop heart disease than those who have sex twice a week. Sex can help in relaxing the body.

(Read More - What is kinky sex)

myUpchar doctors after many years of research have created myUpchar Ayurveda Urjas Oil by using 100% original and pure herbs of Ayurveda. This ayurvedic oil is recommended by our doctors to lakhs of people for sex problems (premature ejaculation, lack of erection in the penis, lack of libido in men) with good results.
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Sex or sexual activity helps reduce the distance between couples. At the same time, it can also help in keeping away problems related to prostate cancer, erectile dysfunction, or vaginal tissue. Therefore, having physical relations with your partner after a regular interval can help the couple keep each other fit. If for any reason the couple is not able to enjoy sexual activity, then they should consult a doctor. At the same time, if you have never participated in sexual activity or want to stay away from it in the future, then it may not hurt your mental or physical health. Instead of sex, you can take the help of physical activity, exercise, or meditation.

(Read More - What is sex therapy)

Dr. Zeeshan Khan

Dr. Zeeshan Khan

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