You can also call anxiety a problem. Whether you suffer from anxiety moderately or severely, it is harmful to you either way. This can lead to many problems like losing patience, a quick temper, constant fear and loss of confidence, etc.

To know the treatment for anxiety please click on the link given here.

When people suffer from anxiety, they do not take it seriously. However, some people struggle to reduce it as well. There is no need to worry too much about this. It can be easily cured with the help of medicine and yoga.

Yoga has been helping in the treatment of many types of diseases for centuries. In the same way, yoga is also very beneficial to remove anxiety. Let us know about these five yoga asanas, which are very effective in reducing anxiety. For these yoga asanas, you do neither need to go to any class or any special dress. Just have confidence in yourself and try these yoga poses at home.

(Read More - Anxiety disorder remedies)

  1. How yoga helps in anxiety
  2. Balasan removes anxiety
  3. Reduce anxiety with tree pose
  4. Virbhadra 3 is beneficial for anxiety
  5. Sirsasana is good for anxiety
  6. Viparita Karani helps with anxiety
  7. Ustrasana helpful in anxiety
  8. Setu Bandhasana is beneficial for anxiety
  9. Paschimottanasana good for anxiety
  10. Dhanurasana for anxiety
  11. Savasana is very useful for anxiety
  12. Takeaway
Doctors for Yoga for Anxiety

Yoga stretches your body and stimulates a variety of hormones. Along with this, it also cures the nervous system. When you do yoga, the stretch comes in your whole body. This calms your mind and relaxes the body.

When the nervous system is cured, 'endorphin' hormones are released in your body. The release of this hormone makes you happy, which reduces anxiety. Apart from this, if you want to know how yoga reduces anxiety, then do yoga asanas and pranayama daily. You will automatically see its benefits.

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Most people feel tension around the shoulders and neck. Balasana is very useful in reducing this tension. Along with this, Balasana also improves your breathing process, which relaxes your nervous system. This also helps in reducing anxiety.

How to do Balasana -

  • To do Balasana, get into the posture of Vajrasana.
  • Now completely rest your head on the ground.
  • Now while breathing in, come to the position as shown in the photo.
  • Maintain this position for some time and slowly come back to the Vajrasana posture.

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Vrikshasana is extremely effective in reducing anxiety. By doing this asana, your physical balance and concentration increase. When you do this asana, your full attention is on your body, taking your mind off worry.

How to do Vrikshasana -

  • To do this Yogasana, first of all, come in the position of Tadasana.
  • Bend the left leg from the knee and stand by giving full weight to the right leg.
  • Place the left foot on the right foot as shown in the picture.
  • Now bring the hands in the posture of Namaskar and balance the whole body.
  • Now take a deep breath 2 to 3 times in this posture.
  • Now do the same with the other leg.

(Read More - Social Anxiety Disorder)

If you want to get stronger and challenge yourself, try Veerbhadra 3 Easy. It improves your strength, balance, and body posture. It also stimulates the area around your stomach, which is very beneficial for digestion. When your digestive function and gut health are better, it helps to reduce anxiety. According to recent research, the relationship between digestion and anxiety has been confirmed.

How to do Virabhadrasana 3 -

  • To perform this asana, get into the posture as shown in the picture.
  • Now move your left leg backward and both hands forward.
  • Keep in mind that the feet and hands should be 90 degrees from each other.
  • Stay in this posture for a few seconds.
  • Now repeat this process with the other leg.

Sirsasana is one of the most effective yoga poses for anxiety. By doing this yoga, the speed of blood flow in your body becomes the opposite. With this, your entire attention goes toward the breathing process as compared to worry. When your focus is on knowing yourself. This makes you feel happy about yourself.

How to do Sirsasana -

  • Use hands and knees to do this yoga asana.
  • Now rest your hands and knees on the ground.
  • After this, join the fingers of both lips and keep your head in the middle.
  • Now keeping the head on the ground, move the feet upwards and come into the posture as shown in the picture.
  • Now breathe at least 5 to 6 times and come back to normal posture.

(Read More - Homeopathic remedies for anxiety)

'Viprita Karani Asana' is a very easy yoga posture. Doing this helps in reducing back pain and anxiety. Apart from this, it is also beneficial in joint painmenstrual pain, reduced blood pressure levels, and insomnia.

How to do the Viparita Karani -

  • Lie straight on your back and rest your feet on the wall as shown in the picture.
  • Keep in mind that the shoulders and head should remain on the ground.
  • Take your hips and hamstrings as close to the wall as possible.
  • After this close your eyes and let yourself loose.
  • Do this pose for at least 10 minutes and come back to normal.

(Read More - Stress relief Ayurvedic remedies)

Ustrasana stretches your whole body, which reduces the tension of your body. Along with this, the flow of blood in the body also improves. When the blood flow in your body is correct, then the amount of oxygen in the body also remains equal. Both of these keep both your mind and body healthy. That's why this posture is very beneficial to remove anxiety.

How to do Ustrasana -

  • To do Ustrasana, first of all, sit on both knees.
  • After this, with the help of both your lips, try to touch them as shown in the picture.
  • Now bend the upper part of your body backward as much as possible and maintain this position for some time.
  • Now come back to normal posture.

(Read More - Ayurvedic remedies for Anxiety)

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Like Ustrasana, 'Setubandhasana' also improves the blood circulation of your body. This asana is very good for stretching the back part of your body. Setubandhasana calms your mind, which reduces stress. Along with this, this asana is also very beneficial for insomnia. So if you are troubled by the problem of anxiety, then do this easy daily.

How to do Setu Bandhasana -

  • To do this asana, first, lie down.
  • Now, keeping both your toes and shoulders on the ground, raise your hips.
  • Keep in mind that both your shoulders and feet should be in the same line.
  • Stay in this position for a few seconds.
  • Now come back to normal posture.

(Read More - Chronic Stress)

In Paschimottanasana you bend your body forward while sitting normally. This stretches every part of your body. Paschimottanasana keeps your mind, body, and mind healthy and happy. Therefore, if you are suffering from anxiety, then do this Yogasana daily.

How to do Paschimottanasana -

  • To do Paschimottanasana, first sit normally.
  • Now open your legs completely, as shown in the photo.
  • Keep your upper body and head as close to the knees as possible.
  • Stay in this position for a few seconds.
  • Now come to normal posture.

(Read More - How stress affects digestion)

Dhanurasana is extremely useful for stretching your shoulders, chest, and neck. By doing this asana, your stomach and the back of the body are also strengthened. So do this yoga asana and get rid of stress and anxiety.

How to do Dhanurasana -

  • To do Dhanurasana, first of all, lie down with the weight of the chest.
  • Now hold both feet with both your hands, as shown in the photo.
  • Now stay in this position for a few seconds.
  • Now come to normal posture.

(Read More - Home Remedies for Stress)

Savasana is the best asana to relieve anxiety. This easily calms your mind and also relaxes the body. This asana is very important to balance all the exercises. After a hard workout, this asana relaxes the whole body. Apart from this, this yoga asana also improves your nervous system.

How to do Shavasana -

  • First of all, lie down on your back.
  • Now leave your body completely loose.
  • Now close your eyes.
  • Now try to concentrate.

(Read More - How to deal with work stress)

Any person can become a victim of serious diseases due to worry. Therefore, it is necessary to keep a distance from worry as much as possible. Yoga is the best option for this. Yoga not only relieves anxiety but is beneficial for overall health. Practicing yoga regularly can help in keeping the mind and brain calm.

(Read More - Acupuncture therapy for stress)

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