Eczema is a skin condition in which red rashes appear on your skin and your skin starts itching a lot. It can occur not only on your face but also on other parts like behind the knees, hands, feet, wrists, and elbows. Eczema can occur due to a lack of moisture, vitamin D, and skin barrier. Today in this article, we will know whose deficiency causes eczema.

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  1. What deficiency causes eczema?
  2. Takeaway
Doctors for What deficiency causes eczema?

Before getting the treatment of eczema, you must know about its causes and symptoms.

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Usually, eczema can be caused due to deficiency of Vitamin B, Vitamin A, and Vitamin D as well as a lack of moisture. Let us know in detail what are the causes of eczema -

Lack of moisture

If your skin is healthy, then it retains moisture and protects you from bacteria and allergies. If you have eczema, then the ability of the skin to retain moisture is lost and symptoms of red rash, dry skin, and very rough skin can be seen. Therefore, during this condition, moisturizer must be used twice a day on the skin.

(Read More - Home Remedies for Eczema)

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Lack of skin barrier

If barriers are present in the upper layer of the skin, then they help in protecting the skin from external elements like pollution, bacteria, etc. But if there is a lack of barrier, then your skin will start to deteriorate a lot. You will not only start seeing the problem of pimples etc. but you can also see all the symptoms of eczema. That's why take special care of your skincare routine.

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Vitamin A deficiency

It has been seen in many studies that people who get to see eczema have vitamin A deficiency in their bodies. Due to the deficiency of Vitamin A, your skin becomes very dry, moisture retention is also not possible and symptoms of conditions like eczema are seen. That's why you must include things rich in Vitamin A in your diet.

(Read More - What to apply for eczema)

Vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D is a very essential vitamin not only for our body but also for the skin. Due to Vitamin D, the barrier function of our skin starts working more which is very important for healthy skin. If there is a deficiency of Vitamin D in your body, then the skin barrier function also works very less, due to which the risk of eczema can also increase.

(Read More - Hand Eczema)

Vitamin B deficiency

Due to the deficiency of Vitamin B, the quality of the skin also starts deteriorating. Due to its deficiency, itchiness in the skin and the appearance of a red rash are quite common. Vitamin B deficiency is one of the causes of dermatitis, so start including things like eggsbananas, and spinach in your diet as they contain vitamin B.

(Read More - Ayurvedic remedies for Eczema)

Prevention is better than treatment, so after knowing which deficiency causes eczema, take full care of your skin. So that one does not have to face conditions like eczema. You should take a diet rich in vitamins A, B, and D as their deficiency is the main cause of eczema. If eczema still occurs, consult a doctor and keep your distance from soaps and perfumed products.

(Read More - Homeopathic remedies for Eczema)

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