Hormones are necessary for physical development. There are some hormones which are found equally in both men and women. Prolactin is also a similar hormone. This hormone is found in the blood. Prolactin hormone helps in increasing breast milk and breast development in women. At the same time, it helps in improving fertility in men. Apart from this, it also performs many important functions in the body. It is necessary to have a normal level of prolactin hormone in the blood, if it decreases or increases, many types of health problems can occur.In this article you will learn in detail about the symptoms, causes and home remedies for the increase of prolactin hormone -

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  1. What Is Prolactin Hormone
  2. Normal Range Of Prolactin
  3. Symptoms Of Increased Prolactin Level
  4. Causes Of Increased Prolactin Level
  5. Disadvantages Of High Prolactin
  6. Home Remedy To Reduce High Prolactin
  7. Summary
Doctors for Understanding Prolactin: Normal Ranges, Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Prolactin (PRL) is a type of polypeptide hormone, which is produced in the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland is located just below the brain. Dopamine (brain chemical) and estrogen (hormone) control the production and secretion of prolactin hormone from the pituitary gland. Actually, prolactin hormone is found in the blood. This hormone is essential for the fertility of men and women. At the same time, it works to produce breast milk in women after the birth of the baby. It is also called lactotropin. Prolactin test is done to know the amount of prolactin hormone in the blood.

(Read more - Hormone Therapy)

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Prolactin test is done to check the level of prolactin hormone. For this, the person has to give a blood sample in the hospital. The result of the prolactin test comes in a few days. Prolactin levels may be high in women who breastfeed or who are pregnant. In contrast, prolactin levels may be lower than normal in boys at birth. Also, prolactin levels may be low in women who are not breastfeeding and are not pregnant. Let us know the normal range of prolactin -

  • The normal range of prolactin hormone in men should be 2 to 18 nanograms per milliliter (ng/ml).
  • The normal range of prolactin hormone in women should be 2 to 29 ng/ml.
  • On the other hand, the normal level of prolactin hormone in pregnant women can be 10 to 210 ng/ml.
  • In the case of prolactinoma, the level of prolactin hormone can be more than 200 ng/ml. The condition of more than normal production of prolactin hormone in the pituitary gland is called prolactinoma. In this, a non-cancerous tumor is formed.

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Prolactin hormone is found in both men and women. The level of prolactin hormone can decrease or increase in both. There can be different symptoms of increased prolactin hormone in men and women, which are as follows -

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Symptoms Of Increased Prolactin In Women

(Read more -Androgen hormones)

Symptoms Of Increased Prolactin In Men

  • Decreased libido.
  • Difficulty in erection.
  • Feeling tenderness in the chest.
  • Enlargement of chest tissue.
  • Discharge of milky fluid from the nipple in severe cases.
  • Decrease in testosterone hormone.

Apart from these, headache and trouble in seeing are symptoms that can be seen in both men and women.

(Read more - Female hormones and their role in women's health)

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During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the level of prolactin hormone can be high in women, which is normal. Apart from this, there are some other reasons due to which the level of this hormone can be high in both men and women -

In all these conditions, it is common for prolactin to increase. It becomes normal after some time. Apart from these, there are many other reasons which can cause the increase of prolactin hormone -

(Read more - Hormones that affect weight)

Increased prolactin hormone after menopause can cause hypothyroidism, because in this condition the body is not able to produce enough thyroid hormone. If the prolactin hormone increases, men and women who are not breastfeeding or are not pregnant may have galactorrhea.

(Read more - Unlocking the Power of Leptin Hormone)

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Tests are done to check the level of prolactin. If the level of prolactin is found to be high in the test, then the doctor may advise to get an MRI done. MRI can be used to see the pituitary gland closely, this helps to find out the exact cause.

In case of prolactinoma, proper treatment can be done with medication or surgery, but treatment is not required in all cases when prolactin hormone increases. In some cases, prolactin levels can be normalized by trying simple home remedies -

  • It is important to take a healthy diet to normalize prolactin levels.
  • Reducing stress or anxiety can also reduce the level of prolactin hormone.
  • Avoid heavy exercise and activity. This can increase prolactin.
  • Do not wear clothes that are tight around the chest.
  • Do not do activities that stimulate the nipples more.
  • Taking a diet rich in vitamin B6 and vitamin E can help reduce high prolactin levels.
  • Vitamin E helps prevent the increase in prolactin levels.

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Prolactin is an important hormone for pregnancy and breastfeeding. This hormone is also necessary for better fertility in men. It stimulates the mammary glands. If the prolactin hormone increases in the blood when a woman is neither pregnant nor breastfeeding, then this condition can cause infertility. Therefore, if you feel the symptoms of increased prolactin hormone level, do not ignore them at all and contact the doctor immediately. It is important for the prolactin hormone level to be normal in both men and women. 

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